You want the government to take money from everyone...
Not everyone.
Just taxpayers.
Taxes are already used to assist low poor folk.
The UBI would do a better job of helping more
of them, with less infringement on their liberty,
eg, curbing the intrusive qualification procedures.
The UBI would likely cost more than the various
programs it would replace, but the marginal cost
would have a high benefit/cost ratio. that corporations can maximize their profits.
Profits will be maximized under your proposal too
(unless you've plans to illegalize that). Profit is
what enables paying taxes, eg, property, income,
payroll. And under your proposal, paying someone
more than they're worth would incentivize not
hiring them, replacing them with automation,
out-sourcing, etc, & even contracting or closing
the business. Everyone stands to lose.
And you think that is less government intrusion?
The UBI would be for all. Qualification is basically
to be alive. But current social programs have
requirements that are byzantine & onerous.
Taking benefits away if the person earns a wage.
Section 8 housing requires landlords to surveil
tenants for unauthorized occupants.
I recommend thinking not of punishing business,
but rather of what would best help the poor &
society in general, ie, pragmatism.