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Naked Woman drove Golf cart through Florida Police Standoff


Veteran Member
She's young. Hopefully it will be a lesson learned and not repeated. It's very, very dangerous for a young woman to forfeit control with alcohol or drugs, like that.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
This is news? On a golf course you might occasionally see a birdie. Maybe even a hole in one. Did she take a Mulligan?


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
they didn't shoot the teen pointing the gun at the cops because he was white


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Our local cops seem to be trigger happy no matter the race...

They like to pull Black people over more, however, and people with junky cars regardless of race. I imagine if you're Black and driving a junky car, its hard to get anywhere as you'd get pulled over so often..


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
One example doth not erase the statistics which reflect the odds.
You really believe he's an isolated case?
He is the tip of a big iceberg.
Don't be brainwashed by the news.
Don't let massive abuse by cops be
erased by focus solely upon blacks.
Everyone's lives & civil rights matter.

Note also that a bigger factor in cop
shootings is gender. Men are 20 times
more likely to be shot than women.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You really believe he's an isolated case?
He is the tip of a big iceberg.
Don't be brainwashed by the news.
Don't let massive abuse by cops be
erased by focus solely upon blacks.
Everyone's lives & civil rights matter.

Note also that a bigger factor in cop
shootings is gender. Men are 20 times
more likely to be shot than women.
The mentally ill (regardless of race) are the highest-risk group out of everyone. But outside of health network newsletters and advocacy groups you don't hear of this.
America is far greater than a Black and White issue.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The mentally ill (regardless of race) are the highest-risk group out of everyone. But outside of health network newsletters and advocacy groups you don't hear of this.
America is far greater than a Black and White issue.
Aye, I've seen videos of how cops & even EMTs treat
them poorly, eg, mistaking them for being drunk, &
then abusing &/or abandoning them.
Makes me remember this news item....
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