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Naked Woman drove Golf cart through Florida Police Standoff

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Aye, I've seen videos of how cops & even EMTs treat
them poorly, eg, mistaking them for being drunk, &
then abusing &/or abandoning them.
Makes me remember this news item....
They can arselings to those with autism given how we talk and bullish ways to interpret it as being drunk. I know this from first hand experience. Fortunately they aren't as bad about that here as they are in Indiana. But I'm also getting used to getting pulled over because the cops really suck here and are so "pull over trigger happy" for petty things and easy targets they'll pull you over for something legal. I know that from first hand experience as well. But my Aspergers had nothing to do with that. They just saw something legal and pulled me over (it was two of them, meaning two of them decided it was ok to interrupt me and pull me over for having something that is legal).
Maybe I should have made a scene and sued? Aspie tranny in the middle of work getting pulled over for something legal? In California? But no, alas I was "professional mode" and trying really hard to speed things along.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
They can arselings to those with autism given how we talk and bullish ways to interpret it as being drunk. I know this from first hand experience. Fortunately they aren't as bad about that here as they are in Indiana. But I'm also getting used to getting pulled over because the cops really suck here and are so "pull over trigger happy" for petty things and easy targets they'll pull you over for something legal. I know that from first hand experience as well. But my Aspergers had nothing to do with that. They just saw something legal and pulled me over (it was two of them, meaning two of them decided it was ok to interrupt me and pull me over for having something that is legal).
Maybe I should have made a scene and sued? Aspie tranny in the middle of work getting pulled over for something legal? In California? But no, alas I was "professional mode" and trying really hard to speed things along.
If you're to start auditing cops, be sure to do your
research first. Know your local laws, state laws,
& Constitution. And practice your responses.
May you profit from preserving civil rights for us all.