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Names, and such


Well-Known Member
I'm sure we've had a topic like this before, but I can't seem to find it anywhere and anyways, I'm lazy and would rather just make a new one :p Humor me a little here.

Usernames, avatars, signitures. Why do you have the ones you have?

Anyhoo, standing_on_one_foot is a referance to a story about Hillel, a Jewish teacher sort of guy, the avy is a picture from the cover of the Lays of Beleriand (a book by Tolkien, me being the fanatic that I am), and the signature is from Terry Pratchett, because it's somewhat pertinent and I like Terry Pratchett :D

:jam: This smiley is here because I like it.


Uber all member
standing_on_one_foot said:
I'm sure we've had a topic like this before, but I can't seem to find it anywhere and anyways, I'm lazy and would rather just make a new one :p Humor me a little here.

Usernames, avatars, signitures. Why do you have the ones you have?

:jam: This smiley is here because I like it.

pah was chosen from a search of a book giving the names of gods and I chose it for its simplicity and meaning - pah is the giver of light, the god of the west and the moon.

I used my real name on another board and was quite upset when it was intentionally belittled. What can you do to "pah" that would personally be hurtful?

My avatars are a theme I used on the other board and became synonomous with my postings

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
I'm glad to see this thread - I've wanted to do it for a while now.

User name - TVOR because I love logic, reason and rational thought - to me, they are the only way mankind will ever find truth.

Avatar - I always loved the movie, and I just love the title that the Wizard bestowed on the Scarecrow - Doctor of Thinkology. Has a nice ring to it, don't you agree?

Signature - great disclaimer, and let's everyone know that I'm never set in my answer - always looking to learn.

The great and powerful Oz has spoken...


Well-Known Member
I use Lightkeeper, because of eternal light. Also, I have always wanted to be a lighthouse keeper.

My lighthouse Avatar is a photo I took. The lighthouse is on Maury Island in Washington

No Signature to signify that I have a clean slate upon which new wisdom can be written, erased and written again.


Adie is the name I go by, which is just the phoenetics of my initials, A.D. (Ashley Dyan).

TVOR- Have you read The Zen of Oz by Joey Green? It's such a great book- it's a quick and easy read, but gives a different insight into the Wizard of Oz and makes you think a bit. (I'm a big Oz lover, too... In fact, to keep with the topic, I think I'm going to go find a wicked witch avatar to express both my love of the Wizard of Oz and for Halloween) ( :


Active Member
My user name is my real-life nickname and I love the name Maggie. I love nature, and particularly sunflowers and purple flowers, so that picture is one I love. My signature again uses my nickname. The line: so much to learn, see and do stems from the fact that I am extremely curious, always wanting to learn new things and love seeing and doing new things also.
Interesting topic.


The cake is a lie
Username: It's my real name. :D I just wasn't original enough to come up with another one.

Avatar: My totem-of-sorts, the New Guinea Singing Dog. I strongly identify with it, and see a lot of myself in them.

Signature: It's from the song She is Perfect by The Pillows... it reminds me of my girlfriend. :eek:
Mr Spinkles (that's "S p i n k l e s" folks ;)) is just a silly name I made up. My avatar is of a man who needs no introduction...Homer Simpson. I drew my avatar on microsoft Paint *applause* *bows*


Well-Known Member
Runt was originally a name I made for a character of mine on the game Nodeka (www.nodeka.com-- mucho fun if you like MUDDing). The name kinda amused me, so when I needed to choose a name here, I chose Runt. My avatar is of a ferrit-dragon... I thought it went well with the name Runt. :p My signature came from the program of a high school play I was once in... in our biographies all the cast members put down their favorite quotes. One guy put down "Does your phenotype match your genotype?" as his quote, and it immediately became my favorite quote (I don't even remember what my own quote was in that bio). I don't know where he got it... he may have made it up himself or he may have gotten it from somewhere else. Whereever he got it, I like it and have therefore claimed it! :p

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Lady_Lazarus is the title of a poem which was written by Sylvia Plath. It's my favourite poem and it's one I identify with fairly strongly. My signature is the last line of said poem and my avatar is a pic my sister threw together on a doll making site one day...it looks rather like me when can actually see it clearly enough to work out what the face looks like.


Well-Known Member
Meogi actually comes from the days when I played Everquest a lot... I kinda stole it from a friend when I made my monk (a class type). It's a play on the spelling of Miyagi - from Karate Kid. Oddly enough, the name is being taken over by my cousin... and so begins the cycle. ;)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
"Sunstone" comes from an afternoon I spent up in the mountains watching the sunlight play across an outcropping of rock. It seemed to me that the way the light caught the folds in the rock made it look as if the rock was laughing.

I got my avatar from... ... Hey wait! I don't got an avatar!

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Personally, I think it's embarrasing that a guy with over 400 frubals doesn't have an avatar.
Perhaps you could surf the net for some pictures of rock outcroppings with sun shining on them....
If I knew how to do it, I'd create an avatar for you. I feel that badly about this...
You must feel naked without an avatar. I tell you, this is a travesty of justice!! Someone ought to do something - they really ought to.
I've said it a thousand times - a man without an avatar is only half a man...
For crying out loud - somebody get this man an avatar!!!
I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no avatar...
Sign on the front door of a restaurant - No shirt, no shoes, no avatar....
A man is defined by his avatar!!
In some cultures in darkest Africa, a man with no avatar is shunned by his tribe...
Many people have modified the custom of a demanding a dowry at a wedding to demanding an avatar...
Famous American patriot - "I only regret that I have but one avatar..."
Perhaps a picture of Amelia Earhardt - an aviatrix for an avatar?

What about the signature line?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
ROFL! Correct me if I'm wrong about this, Voice, but I somehow get the impression that you must think I should have an avatar? Call it a wild guess on my part, if you must.

Ghandi's statement, "There is no god higher than truth", appeals to me in several ways. For one thing, I like how it suggests the primacy of evidence, reason, and logic over mere metaphysical speculation.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Sunstone said:
ROFL! Correct me if I'm wrong about this, Voice, but I somehow get the impression that you must think I should have an avatar? Call it a wild guess on my part, if you must.
What an outrageous assumption! Nothing could be further from the truth! Why, I never even considered the possibility! As the offended party of the first part, I demand a retraction! I demand satisfaction!

But, now that you mention it...

I really like the quote from Ghandi, and I agree with your interpretation of it. I may have to steal it for myself (but not on this site - that would be wrong). :)



I'm back!
great. Gerani is the name of one of the characters from my stories. a really cute old dude. yes im sick. long beard and such. i just made it up. hehe.

1248 are just doubling numbers

my real name means in sanscrit/tamil 'king of light' an odd name. but its ok. my middle name is my father's name, and my last name is the name of my grandfather's village in Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.

i plan on naming my adopted daughter, Amritha Varshini after my favorite ragam, amruthavarshini. but i shouldnt plan ahead that quickly. hehe.


The Gunslinger
Watcher- comes from someone whom I knows theory that people are divided into several different categories. The Herd (need I say more?), the Sheperds (those who lead the herd), the Watchers (the few people that stand away from the herd and mearly watch them), and a few others I think.
My avatar- the symbol for PHI. The most divine number in the universe. 1.61803398874989...
My signature- Led Zeppelin :jam: