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Nature, Nurture or Soul?

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
...It outlines what we would have called fallen ones which are just more humans...

I brought this over from another thread:

Is there any evidence of modern humans in the fossil record from 70 million years ago?

Jesus' Second Coming Message Series From Spirit, 1914 to present, says that the first parents (the first incarnation of souls into a mortal body, the two halves of one soul divided) appeared 70 million years ago and were "beautiful" from birth.

Then, because of original sin (choosing independence instead of seeking One-ness with the Creator through receipt of His Love/Divine Essence and attendant soul transformation to spiritual immortality), they gradually "devolved" (and lost their 1,000 year lifespan) into all the creatures and brutes that modern science considers forerunners of man, but they were still human beings. Then they gradually began the ascent to where we are today through soul development in the "natural love" (not God's Love--"agapē".) And there may have been multiple periods of descent and ascent.

So if this is the case, we must ask, is it nature, nurture or soul/soul development.

Some might say this is just religion trying to remake itself to fit the findings of science. You decide.

Luke discourses on the devolution and evolution of man - scientists only know of evolution after man reached the bottom of his degeneracy or devolution
“...Evolution or the doctrine of evolution has its limitations, and its founder, or those who follow him either wholly or in a modified way, are not able to retrace this doctrine to the fall of man, and hence, when they attempt to pass beyond that stage when man seemed to have been very degenerate and a product of the animal progenitors, they get into the field of speculation, and knowledge ceases to exist…
…Nor were they by that fall deprived of the possibility of living forever in the physical bodies, because those bodies were made only for the purpose of enabling the souls to individualize themselves, and thereafter die and become dissolved into their derivative elements...
…The physical body was never created to live forever, and men were never created to live on earth forever, for a greater and larger world was provided for their eternal habitation, where things are real and only the spiritual exist…
...The earth is a mere image of the realities of the spirit world, and exists only as the nursery for the individualizing of the soul… That you may not misconceive my meaning, remember the soul is the man - the ego - and that when man fell, it was not the physical part of man that fell, except as it was influenced by the soul, but, it was the soul that fell; and the sentence of death was not pronounced upon the physical, but upon the soul potentialities, and, hence, you may see, that when man shall again become the perfect man, it will not be necessary that the physical body be restored…
…There is no necessity for the resurrection of the physical body, and there will be no such resurrection, for God never does a useless thing…
…at one time in the history of his existence devolved to that degree, where, save for the essential qualities of his creation, he appeared to be lower than the brutes.
…but can know nothing of his devolution anterior to that time; and, hence their speculations are without foundation of substance…
…scientists and all mankind must know that all during these centuries of descent and ascent, man was always man, the greatest creation of God, and the most fallen..." Luke, 7/22/1917

Aman, first parent, reveals his temptation and fall.
"...no more could we be satisfied with the spiritual food that had supplied our wants and enabled us to subdue the appetites which formed a part of our physical being. The physical then asserted itself and the spiritual became subjected to it, and we became as mortals now are, and had to find our substance in mother earth. We were compelled to till the soil and earn our living by work. I mean we had to work in order to make the earth supply us with food for our physical wants..." Aman, 8/29/1915

Jesus: Annual Trance Message June 1999
Doug: Michael’s (Jesus') eyebrows are raised here. "Would it be possible to give us a specific number of millions of years that Amon and Aman lived, and then I’ll shut up"

Jesus: "More than 70." (Doug opens his mouth, wanting to speak. Carolyn interjects, “Keep your word.” Jesus, 6/1/1999

John - Portraits of Jesus. Only the Father can fill the soul with the Divine Love
"...And while Jesus was a Jew, he was not what may be called a typical Jew in appearance any more than in other qualities, for he had in him that condition of soul that to a large extent determined and fashioned his appearance..." John, 6/3/1917

"God is Love, and His Love is something we can pray for every day and it will flow into us and transform us and make us One with Him"

"God is Love, and Love is something we can pray for."

"God is Love..."

Tell everyone for as Ezekiel says, "...the time grows short and the work is great..." Ezekiel, 4/21/2024

Many blessings,
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Well-Known Member
What is the effect of "soul" on DNA expression, if any?
The soul is similar to our memories. All our memories are what define us as a unique conscious entity. Many religion believe these memories or our soul continues to exist after death. Arguments can be made using the second law and energy conservation.

In classic symbolism, the memory or soul is static unless acted upon by the spirits. For example, the natural spirit of hunger; hunger instinct, activates the memories of our favorite foods, their gathering and preparation. This dynamics adds new memories, due to a unique day, that makes our life unique. After we eat breakfast other spirits; habits or subroutines, animate other memories, so we can go for our morning walk noting the different seasons and how the spirit of nature, entering our senses, brings up old and new memories.

The DNA is similar to a type of bio-soul in that it is like the hard drive of the cell, containing all the memories to makes mRNA, and therefore all the memories to make the proteins the cell may need or use. Like the neural soul, this too is static, until acted upon by spirits of enzymes, which separate the DNA double helix near needed genetic memories, while others enzyme use the soul to make templates. These are all driven by the spirit of water and water-oil equilibria.

The neural soul is more than the DNA soul due to consciousness. In other words, consciousness allow awareness of memory that is not from the DNA, but which comes into the brain from outside the DNA; environment to senses to brain. There are firmware structures within the brain, that appear to come from the spirits of multicellular differentiation, acting on the DNA soul. This created dynamic spiritual forms; instincts and archetypes, which are the natural drive behind consciousness for gaining our unique memories through sensory input. The soul is more or less empty at birth, with these instinctive spirits making us aware of the world around us, from a baby, building our unique soul, which then helps to tailor the natural spirits to our needs and wants.

Neurons are unique cells in that do not replicate after about year two. Rather they become eternal cells that get more complex through branching processes that define and store the soul. Their lack of replication eliminates mutations caused by replication and allows persistent soul to appear. The neuron DNA can be altered by the static soul, through equilibrium processes in water, leading to post transcription modifications; methylation and acetylation, which impact how the spirits can act upon the soul.


Veteran Member
What is the effect of "soul" on DNA expression, if any?
DNA effects the soul's physical capabilities and circumstances. As do all other aspects of being a living biological entity. What is unique to and effects the soul is how it responds to these factors.

Every decision we make within any given circumstance in life defines the soul a little further.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member

I brought this over from another thread:

Is there any evidence of modern humans in the fossil record from 70 million years ago?

Jesus' Second Coming Message Series From Spirit, 1914 to present, says that the first parents (the first incarnation of souls into a mortal body, the two halves of one soul divided) appeared 70 million years ago and were "beautiful" from birth.

Then, because of original sin (choosing independence instead of seeking One-ness with the Creator through receipt of His Love/Divine Essence and attendant soul transformation to spiritual immortality), they gradually "devolved" (and lost their 1,000 year lifespan) into all the creatures and brutes that modern science considers forerunners of man, but they were still human beings. Then they gradually began the ascent to where we are today through soul development in the "natural love" (not God's Love--"agapē".) And there may have been multiple periods of descent and ascent.

So if this is the case, we must ask, is it nature, nurture or soul/soul development.

Some might say this is just religion trying to remake itself to fit the findings of science. You decide.

Luke discourses on the devolution and evolution of man - scientists only know of evolution after man reached the bottom of his degeneracy or devolution
“...Evolution or the doctrine of evolution has its limitations, and its founder, or those who follow him either wholly or in a modified way, are not able to retrace this doctrine to the fall of man, and hence, when they attempt to pass beyond that stage when man seemed to have been very degenerate and a product of the animal progenitors, they get into the field of speculation, and knowledge ceases to exist…
…Nor were they by that fall deprived of the possibility of living forever in the physical bodies, because those bodies were made only for the purpose of enabling the souls to individualize themselves, and thereafter die and become dissolved into their derivative elements...
…The physical body was never created to live forever, and men were never created to live on earth forever, for a greater and larger world was provided for their eternal habitation, where things are real and only the spiritual exist…
...The earth is a mere image of the realities of the spirit world, and exists only as the nursery for the individualizing of the soul… That you may not misconceive my meaning, remember the soul is the man - the ego - and that when man fell, it was not the physical part of man that fell, except as it was influenced by the soul, but, it was the soul that fell; and the sentence of death was not pronounced upon the physical, but upon the soul potentialities, and, hence, you may see, that when man shall again become the perfect man, it will not be necessary that the physical body be restored…
…There is no necessity for the resurrection of the physical body, and there will be no such resurrection, for God never does a useless thing…
…at one time in the history of his existence devolved to that degree, where, save for the essential qualities of his creation, he appeared to be lower than the brutes.
…but can know nothing of his devolution anterior to that time; and, hence their speculations are without foundation of substance…
…scientists and all mankind must know that all during these centuries of descent and ascent, man was always man, the greatest creation of God, and the most fallen..." Luke, 7/22/1917

Aman, first parent, reveals his temptation and fall.
"...no more could we be satisfied with the spiritual food that had supplied our wants and enabled us to subdue the appetites which formed a part of our physical being. The physical then asserted itself and the spiritual became subjected to it, and we became as mortals now are, and had to find our substance in mother earth. We were compelled to till the soil and earn our living by work. I mean we had to work in order to make the earth supply us with food for our physical wants..." Aman, 8/29/1915

Jesus: Annual Trance Message June 1999
Doug: Michael’s (Jesus') eyebrows are raised here. "Would it be possible to give us a specific number of millions of years that Amon and Aman lived, and then I’ll shut up"

Jesus: "More than 70." (Doug opens his mouth, wanting to speak. Carolyn interjects, “Keep your word.” Jesus, 6/1/1999

John - Portraits of Jesus. Only the Father can fill the soul with the Divine Love
"...And while Jesus was a Jew, he was not what may be called a typical Jew in appearance any more than in other qualities, for he had in him that condition of soul that to a large extent determined and fashioned his appearance..." John, 6/3/1917

"God is Love, and His Love is something we can pray for every day and it will flow into us and transform us and make us One with Him"

"God is Love, and Love is something we can pray for."

"God is Love..."

Tell everyone for as Ezekiel says, "...the time grows short and the work is great..." Ezekiel, 4/21/2024

Many blessings,
I never cease to be fascinated by just how much people are willing to swallow.

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
My thought is that we are the complex interaction of heredity, environment and soul development (through reincarnation).
I used to believe in reincarnation, too, but the Messages say it has never happened. They say when a person is regressed under hypnosis, or otherwise "remembers" other lives it is a departed spirit's communication about their own life.

God has a plan for the purification of our souls and it all takes place in the spirit world without the hindrance of the desires of the flesh that we would have in the world.

Our Earth life is for the individualization of the soul, separate from its soulmate, and for obtaining a spirit body. Even when a person dies young, or at birth, that goal is accomplished.

Reincarnation is an oriental doctrine
"...In the spirit world no spirit body has ever been deprived of its soul, and no spirit body thus hypothetically divested of its soul has ever died or been disintegrated, or has disappeared from its habitat, except as it advances from one sphere to another while making progress either to the sixth sphere or spiritual paradise or to the Celestial Heavens and Immortality...

...When a human being dies in the flesh, his soul has already achieved under ordinary circumstances the purpose of his creation, that is, individualization and the creation of receptacles for soul’s, and in his spirit body, in size, shape, appearance and nature, is the complete creation without the envelope of flesh.

This soul appears in the spirit world laden with the inharmonies of its earth life, but since it has the opportunity of eliminating these inharmonies and becoming a purified soul in the spirit world through the exercise of its will and moral force and repentance, or becoming a Divine Angel through prayer to the Father for His Divine Love and Mercy, transforming the soul into the very essence of the Father, it is therefore absolutely unnecessary for the soul to go back to the flesh for another chance to purify itself, for the loving and merciful Heavenly Father had already provided a plan that would enable the soul - the real man - to attain purification, and here God showed Himself to be more merciful than He might have been had He decreed successive trials in the flesh for the process of purification, for man while thus seeking to purify his soul, would at the same time have to contend with the sinful influence of the flesh, and his ultimate purification would thus indefinitely be delayed or perhaps never accomplished until the very end of time. You can thus see that God has shown His Love for His created children by providing a way for them to be purged of their sins, while being free of baleful influences of the flesh, which would only hinder, and make more difficult, their tortuous progress toward purification..." Jesus, 3/10/1955

Buddha no longer teaches reincarnation
"...I have never seen the founder of this sect, but I am informed that he is in the sixth sphere and is a very bright spirit and pure, and still engaged in teaching his doctrines. But of course he has changed in some of his doctrines, notably the doctrine of reincarnation; for all the spirits of his followers on earth remain in the spirit world, and never become reincarnated..." Helen Padgett, 8/1/1916

Elias (Elijah) was not John the Baptist, neither was John a reincarnation of Elias.
"...I was Elijah of the Old Testament, and I actually lived and was a prophet among the Jews, and was not John the Baptist, nor was he a reincarnation of me as some of earth teachers claim. John was himself alone. He was in the flesh only once and was not a reincarnation of me or any one else. I will not write more now, so good night..." Elijah, 2/7/1917

Augustine Dispels Reincarnation
"May God bless you my friends, I am your teacher, Augustine. I have lived in the spirit world for several hundred years. I have grown within my soul and progressed into the Celestial Kingdom and have resided there for many hundreds of years. Am I to return to the Earth plane? What is the purpose of my progression, or shall I say digression, back to the material plane? I have no need for this, for my soul is expanded and transformed by the great blessing of Divine Love from God. God Has smiled upon me in Love and I have responded accordingly, by receiving His Gift of Love. Each of you have this opportunity..." Augustine, 4/10/22

We Are Not So Different
"...I was and am God’s disciple as you are. We are on the same path and yet I had to enter the spirit world to understand that reincarnation is not a fact as I taught and my guru taught and which is accepted not only in Hinduism but by many people around the world. When I saw all my loved ones both those who were spiritually advanced on earth and those who were more materially focused on earth in the spirit world as well as some very ancient spiritual teachers and they told me that NONE of them had ever had any experience of reincarnation on earth, I knew. I could see that quite clearly and so it was easy for me to drop that belief. Praying for God’s love became my principal practice and my reunion and realignment with my beloved teacher Sri Yukteswar, already well established in the truths of Divine Love, our Creator’s great gift for the asking, helped me progress quickly through the various spheres..." Paramahansa Yogananda,

Many blessings...

1 John 3:9 "...Anyone having been born of God does not practice sin, because His seed abides in him, and he is not able to continue sinning, because he has been born of God..."
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Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
Thank you.

Is this not in the forum of Science and Religion. My second question was has Science discovered any evidence of modern humans living 70 million years ago.

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Veteran Member
Thank you.

Is this not in the forum of Science and Religion. My first question is has Science discovered any evidence of modern humans living 70 million years ago.

I have no absolute answer to that question because I am not schooled on it and it's a scientific question which means science can change assumptions based on new findings any day. Yet, taking a methodological approach, as far as I know, even the earliest hominins, which are the ancestors of modern humans, are supposed to have appeared around 6-7 million years ago. So if science is the criteria, I cannot believe humans go back 70 million years. Home Sapiens are said to go back something like 300 thousand years. That's it.

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
What 'Messages' are you talking about?
Thank you for your question.

Jesus' Second Coming Messages From Spirit, 1914 to present.

They are some twenty thousand messages received from Jesus and hundreds of his close followers in the spirit world and other vetted spirits.

They have been delivered by various means through dozens of inspired/developed mediums sufficiently advanced in their possession of God's Love (Divine Essence, Divine Nature, Living Water, the Rebirth to Divinity and Immortality of which Jesus taught and teaches) to have the necessary rapport to take messages from Divine Spirits of the Celestial Kingdom (Kingdom of God)

John 16:25 "...Thus far I have spoken to you only in parables...but a time is coming when I will tell you plainly about the Father..."

Namaste ...


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Thank you for your question.

Jesus' Second Coming Messages From Spirit, 1914 to present.

They are some twenty thousand messages received from Jesus and hundreds of his close followers in the spirit world and other vetted spirits.

They have been delivered by various means through dozens of inspired/developed mediums sufficiently advanced in their possession of God's Love (Divine Essence, Divine Nature, Living Water, the Rebirth to Divinity and Immortality of which Jesus taught and teaches) to have the necessary rapport to take messages from Divine Spirits of the Celestial Kingdom (Kingdom of God)

John 16:25 "...Thus far I have spoken to you only in parables...but a time is coming when I will tell you plainly about the Father..."

Namaste ...
I'll look it up.


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
I used to believe in reincarnation, too, but the Messages say it has never happened. They say when a person is regressed under hypnosis, or otherwise "remembers" other lives it is a departed spirit's communication about their own life.

God has a plan for the purification of our souls and it all takes place in the spirit world without the hindrance of the desires of the flesh that we would have in the world.

Our Earth life is for the individualization of the soul, separate from its soulmate, and for obtaining a spirit body. Even when a person dies young, or at birth, that goal is accomplished.

Reincarnation is an oriental doctrine
"...In the spirit world no spirit body has ever been deprived of its soul, and no spirit body thus hypothetically divested of its soul has ever died or been disintegrated, or has disappeared from its habitat, except as it advances from one sphere to another while making progress either to the sixth sphere or spiritual paradise or to the Celestial Heavens and Immortality...

...When a human being dies in the flesh, his soul has already achieved under ordinary circumstances the purpose of his creation, that is, individualization and the creation of receptacles for soul’s, and in his spirit body, in size, shape, appearance and nature, is the complete creation without the envelope of flesh.

This soul appears in the spirit world laden with the inharmonies of its earth life, but since it has the opportunity of eliminating these inharmonies and becoming a purified soul in the spirit world through the exercise of its will and moral force and repentance, or becoming a Divine Angel through prayer to the Father for His Divine Love and Mercy, transforming the soul into the very essence of the Father, it is therefore absolutely unnecessary for the soul to go back to the flesh for another chance to purify itself, for the loving and merciful Heavenly Father had already provided a plan that would enable the soul - the real man - to attain purification, and here God showed Himself to be more merciful than He might have been had He decreed successive trials in the flesh for the process of purification, for man while thus seeking to purify his soul, would at the same time have to contend with the sinful influence of the flesh, and his ultimate purification would thus indefinitely be delayed or perhaps never accomplished until the very end of time. You can thus see that God has shown His Love for His created children by providing a way for them to be purged of their sins, while being free of baleful influences of the flesh, which would only hinder, and make more difficult, their tortuous progress toward purification..." Jesus, 3/10/1955

Buddha no longer teaches reincarnation
"...I have never seen the founder of this sect, but I am informed that he is in the sixth sphere and is a very bright spirit and pure, and still engaged in teaching his doctrines. But of course he has changed in some of his doctrines, notably the doctrine of reincarnation; for all the spirits of his followers on earth remain in the spirit world, and never become reincarnated..." Helen Padgett, 8/1/1916

Elias (Elijah) was not John the Baptist, neither was John a reincarnation of Elias.
"...I was Elijah of the Old Testament, and I actually lived and was a prophet among the Jews, and was not John the Baptist, nor was he a reincarnation of me as some of earth teachers claim. John was himself alone. He was in the flesh only once and was not a reincarnation of me or any one else. I will not write more now, so good night..." Elijah, 2/7/1917

Augustine Dispels Reincarnation
"May God bless you my friends, I am your teacher, Augustine. I have lived in the spirit world for several hundred years. I have grown within my soul and progressed into the Celestial Kingdom and have resided there for many hundreds of years. Am I to return to the Earth plane? What is the purpose of my progression, or shall I say digression, back to the material plane? I have no need for this, for my soul is expanded and transformed by the great blessing of Divine Love from God. God Has smiled upon me in Love and I have responded accordingly, by receiving His Gift of Love. Each of you have this opportunity..." Augustine, 4/10/22

We Are Not So Different
"...I was and am God’s disciple as you are. We are on the same path and yet I had to enter the spirit world to understand that reincarnation is not a fact as I taught and my guru taught and which is accepted not only in Hinduism but by many people around the world. When I saw all my loved ones both those who were spiritually advanced on earth and those who were more materially focused on earth in the spirit world as well as some very ancient spiritual teachers and they told me that NONE of them had ever had any experience of reincarnation on earth, I knew. I could see that quite clearly and so it was easy for me to drop that belief. Praying for God’s love became my principal practice and my reunion and realignment with my beloved teacher Sri Yukteswar, already well established in the truths of Divine Love, our Creator’s great gift for the asking, helped me progress quickly through the various spheres..." Paramahansa Yogananda,

Many blessings...

1 John 3:9 "...Anyone having been born of God does not practice sin, because His seed abides in him, and he is not able to continue sinning, because he has been born of God..."
Have you looked at the UVA studies

There’s quite good evidence for reincarnation although very very difficult to fully understand



Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
Thank you.

Is this not in the forum of Science and Religion. My second question was has Science discovered any evidence of modern humans living 70 million years ago.

Science has not discovered MODERN humans (homo sapiens) living 70 million years ago