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Near death experience


Rogue Theologian
If yes , I experience it many times , someone hit me in chest by ball , I could not beath for 1 minute.
I've had that happen....
I was pitching when the biggest kid in the class was up to bat
that soft ball (which was a firm specimen).....came back at me like a cannon ball
right below the sternum.....on the mark!

I didn't fall down....but it took ALL of my focus to override the problem

and as we all know.....passing out while not regaining breath could be the last breath

but I don't chalk this up as an nde

I know a level of pain .....where the pain stops
and did so for an hour
I could not feel my injuries

and I've heard it said....dying men feel no pain

been there....

and how I am still here....?
I know how.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hi David 1967, here is a link of my near death experience, I hope you enjoy and are inspired by the story. I tried to be as neutral as possible regarding my religious experience during the ordeal, because I wanted to concentrate on the message of having a Home, a Family, and a wonderful Divine waiting for you when it is your time to cross over to the other side.

Also if you have the time check out the site:
http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/NDE_Archives/Exceptional Accounts.htm

It has thousands of accounts of people who experienced near death experiences from all types of religious backgrounds. I am amazed at how similar the stories are and how most were very pleasant experiences during the traumatic event a person suffered through. My story by the way is on entry #4065. I hope this helps my friend and thanks for asking this important question I am so passionate about! :)

Thank you. I will definitely check it out. :)


Living From the Heart.
Has anyone had what they believe to be a near death experience that they would like to share? Christian, Hindu, Muslim, whatever. Would love to hear it.

Yes I have had what is commonly referred to as a Near Death Experience(NDE).

Here is my experience:

I left my body and as I neared the ceiling I stopped to look at my body which lay on the hospital bed with doctors and nurses tending frantically to it. I then found myself in a dark realm with browish swirling clouds, at no point did I feel frightened. Upon leaving this dark realm I entered what I will describe as Paradise. The sky was a beautiful deep blue, and the sun was so bright, yet when I searched the sky I could not see any sign of the sun ! My movement was effortless, I was being gently directed by an unseen source. I passed sandstone flat roofed single story buildings, I noticed the flowers were vibrant and beautiful, they were almost dancing. The ground was a delicious golden sand.

I did not meet or see any other beings. My final destination was a magnificent cathederal type building. As I entered I was amazed at the black and white marble floor, but did not see my reflection which surprised me ! I counted twelve beautiful stained glass windows. I was then spoken to(internally - maybe telepathically)and asked three questions.

Is your name Lenny ? Yes I replied.
Do you believe in God ? Yes I replied.
Do you love God ? Again I answered yes.

I then found myself lying awake in my hospital bed ! It took me six months to accept I was once again a prisoner in a flesh overcoat, I went through a deep depression in those six months.

What intrigued me was at the time I was a staunch atheist, so my answers really baffled me ! I do not believe in God as portrayed by the stale religion of man, but am more aligned to an Intelligence way beyond anything we could ever imagine ! I know there is a purpose to everything, but its an inner knowing and not one I can tell you about further.

Blessings to you all.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes I have had what is commonly referred to as a Near Death Experience(NDE).

Here is my experience:

I left my body and as I neared the ceiling I stopped to look at my body which lay on the hospital bed with doctors and nurses tending frantically to it. I then found myself in a dark realm with browish swirling clouds, at no point did I feel frightened. Upon leaving this dark realm I entered what I will describe as Paradise. The sky was a beautiful deep blue, and the sun was so bright, yet when I searched the sky I could not see any sign of the sun ! My movement was effortless, I was being gently directed by an unseen source. I passed sandstone flat roofed single story buildings, I noticed the flowers were vibrant and beautiful, they were almost dancing. The ground was a delicious golden sand.

I did not meet or see any other beings. My final destination was a magnificent cathederal type building. As I entered I was amazed at the black and white marble floor, but did not see my reflection which surprised me ! I counted twelve beautiful stained glass windows. I was then spoken to(internally - maybe telepathically)and asked three questions.

Is your name Lenny ? Yes I replied.
Do you believe in God ? Yes I replied.
Do you love God ? Again I answered yes.

I then found myself lying awake in my hospital bed ! It took me six months to accept I was once again a prisoner in a flesh overcoat, I went through a deep depression in those six months.

What intrigued me was at the time I was a staunch atheist, so my answers really baffled me ! I do not believe in God as portrayed by the stale religion of man, but am more aligned to an Intelligence way beyond anything we could ever imagine ! I know there is a purpose to everything, but its an inner knowing and not one I can tell you about further.

Blessings to you all.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I must say that I would have been a bit depressed as well if I had made it to Paradise and then brought back here. I had a brush with death 26 years ago and I definitely gained a new perspective of life.


Living From the Heart.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I must say that I would have been a bit depressed as well if I had made it to Paradise and then brought back here. I had a brush with death 26 years ago and I definitely gained a new perspective of life.

Hi David, I was 12 years of age when it happened. My NDE was magical and life changing, but there was a 6 month period were I struggled with deep depression because of the intensity of my NDE. Back in my physical vehicle everything appeared so black and white, so mundane. I struggled with the fact that I'd answered yes to believing and loving God, but quite a number of years later I knew that the part of me which answered yes was not the limited mind of a 12 year old but my true essence knew what was really happening. It became clear that it was showing me something deeper than I could then understand. The God created by Man is a poor shallow character, there is no heaven or hell(they are emotional states - and we've all experienced both in our lives !), there are no lakes of fire for souls to spend eternity in ! After all fire is physical and what survives bodily death is not physical !!!

If you have not seen any of PMH Atwater's videos or not read any of her books I can strongly recommend them. She had three NDE's of her own ! She's a lovely soul and has a good sense of humor !!!

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
I believe in NDEs as far as people experiencing something, but those same people need to understand that it is called a "near death" experience, and not a "death" experience. No one has died, started to decomp, gone through rigor mortis and then came back to tell a tale. If anything, a NDE still allows for the brain to be firing neurons and such and what is experienced is an altered mental state.

Once someone has a legal death (and not clinical, which is what all NDEs are) and comes back, then we have a story!


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
I believe in NDEs as far as people experiencing something, but those same people need to understand that it is called a "near death" experience, and not a "death" experience. No one has died, started to decomp, gone through rigor mortis and then came back to tell a tale.
Yes, they have come back to tell. It is called spirit communication something as well proven and documented as the Near Death Experience. It all adds up as part of the continuum. There is another field that goes along with Near Death Experiences (NDE) called After Death Communication (ADC). The dead do tell tales:eek:.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
Yes, they have come back to tell. It is called spirit communication something as well proven and documented as the Near Death Experience. It all adds up as part of the continuum. There is another field that goes along with Near Death Experiences (NDE) called After Death Communication (ADC). The dead do tell tales:eek:.

No, they really don't.

There are charlatans that use the whole medium thing to con people out of money.
There are people that WANT to believe in ADC, so they swallow the bait hook, line and sinker.

But I have yet to see any scientifically, verifiable proof of someone being legally dead and then coming back to tell a tale. Until then, I will rightfully remain skeptical.

Not to mention that every "professional" advocate for a NDE or ADC usually has a book or something for sale on the bottom of their website. They are trying to cash in on people's curiosity of life after death. It is a scam.
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Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
No, they really don't.

There are charlatans that use the whole medium thing to con people out of money.
There are people that WANT to believe in ADC, so they swallow the bait hook, line and sinker.

But I have yet to see any scientifically, verifiable proof of someone being legally dead and then coming back to tell a tale. Until then, I will rightfully remain skeptical.

Not to mention that every "professional" advocate for a NDE or ADC usually has a book or something for sale on the bottom of their website. They are trying to cash in on people's curiosity of life after death. It is a scam.
I see a history of qualified investigators and innumerable strong cases. I even know of triple-blind experiments with gifted mediums yielding astronomical odds against chance. We each judge for ourselves in the end. This is a subject I have spent much more time studying than most.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
I see a history of qualified investigators and innumerable strong cases. I even know of triple-blind experiments with gifted mediums yielding astronomical odds against chance. We each judge for ourselves in the end. This is a subject I have spent much more time studying than most.

None of that means anything. You can't see ghosts or hear the dead. It is all speculation.

What you are experiencing is called confirmation bias in the world of psychology.

Read this: 7 Tricks Psychics Bull**** People With That Everyone Should Know
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Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
None of that means anything. You can't see ghosts or hear the dead. It is all speculation and suggestive manipulation.
No, because we can look objectively at things like knowing things not knowable through normal means, and triple blind experiments where the medium does not know or even see the person being read. The strongest psychics can do this to astronomical odds against chance. The objective evidence is there.

But the stiff objections seem to come from people who hear things that do not fit their worldview. I think we should not get rigidly attached to a worldview, admit our ignorance of this mindboggling universe, and go with where the best evidence and argumentation takes us.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
No, because we can look objectively at things like knowing things not knowable through normal means, and triple blind experiments where the medium does not know or even see the person being read. The strongest psychics can do this to astronomical odds against chance. The objective evidence is there.

But the stiff objections seem to come from people who hear things that do not fit their worldview. I think we should not get rigidly attached to a worldview, admit our ignorance of this mindboggling universe, and go with where the best evidence and argumentation takes us.

Some people are more easily fooled than others and buy into the paranormal crap. :shrug:


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Some people are more easily fooled than others and buy into the paranormal crap. :shrug:
How did you determine it is 'crap'? And why do you think so many people are trying to fool us (very little of the paranormal subjects actually involves money if that is your position)?

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
How did you determine it is 'crap'? And why do you think so many people are trying to fool us (very little of the paranormal subjects actually involves money if that is your position)?

Common sense.

I am a CSI officer. I have stood over hundreds of dead people, photographed them, processed their clothing, stared at their pictures, worked with their blood and serology cards, and helped solve their murders.

Not once did I ever see, hear or feel a ghost or any other type of entity. Not once did a spirit try to communicate. Not once did a medium come forward and say "I can help you solve this murder! The deceased is saying that Little Johnny killed him!" Not once have I had a paranormal event happen even though I have worked some of the most brutal killings imaginable.

Mediums do not give specifics. They fish around with vague statements and then when they get a nibble, they try and work it with more vague statements. They pay attention to body language and emotions.They interpret data and spin it as if it were a paranormal reading. Not to mention in the age of the internet, they have crew members do background checks and info on audience members who register to be there.

In order for me to believe in any of that crap, I need a ghost to materialize before me and speak directly to me...albeit without vocal chords since they have no body. That or for a medium to actually say something useful like "Little Johnny was the murderer. He used a stolen Glock 17 pistol and shot from a moving, red, Chevy Trailblazer with 24" chrome wheels with the tag K1LL3R on the back. He lives at this address..."


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
I am a CSI officer. I have stood over hundreds of dead people, photographed them, processed their clothing, stared at their pictures, worked with their blood and serology cards, and helped solve their murders.

Not once did I ever see, hear or feel a ghost or any other type of entity. Not once did a spirit try to communicate.
Because you (and I also) are not sensitive does not mean there are not others who are sensitive. Because I can not do something would not make me conclude no one can.
Not once did a medium come forward and say "I can help you solve this murder! The deceased is saying that Little Johnny killed him!" Not once have I had a paranormal event happen even though I have worked some of the most brutal killings imaginable.

Mediums do not give specifics. They fish around with vague statements and then when they get a nibble, they try and work it with more vague statements. They pay attention to body language and emotions.They interpret data and spin it as if it were a paranormal reading. Not to mention in the age of the internet, they have crew members do background checks and info on audience members who register to be there.

In order for me to believe in any of that crap, I need a ghost to materialize before me and speak directly to me...albeit without vocal chords since they have no body. That or for a medium to actually say something useful like "Little Johnny was the murderer. He used a stolen Glock 17 pistol and shot from a moving, red, Chevy Trailblazer with 24" chrome wheels with the tag K1LL3R on the back. He lives at this address..."
That is why I talked about knowing information they could not reasonably have learned through other channels and also triple-blind studies (meaning they do not even see the random person they are reading) have produced astronomical odds against chance by only the most gifted mediums. Lesser and non-psychic people just get close to chance results. A blind controlled test eliminates the things you are claiming is going on. Only a tiny, tiny percentage of the population is truly gifted.

And even the most gifted do not claim to know everything or claim they never can be mistaken. They just do their best to help people.

Edit: and I didn't even add the evidence from untold numbers of very similar ghost and haunting experiences
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Living From the Heart.
I believe in NDEs as far as people experiencing something, but those same people need to understand that it is called a "near death" experience, and not a "death" experience. No one has died, started to decomp, gone through rigor mortis and then came back to tell a tale. If anything, a NDE still allows for the brain to be firing neurons and such and what is experienced is an altered mental state.

Once someone has a legal death (and not clinical, which is what all NDEs are) and comes back, then we have a story!

There have been cases of patients whose brain and heart had stopped, so in my opinion, and experience there is evidence that we survive the death of the body. I've been a patient researcher of this subject. I am even reminded of there being an afterlife because of the paranormal activity where I live. All I can say is.......................energy cannot die, and we are energy. Somewhere down the line we have forgotten such things as the afterlife. But I'm rambling(my wife says I'm a world champion rambler - verbally that is !).

I will try to locate he applicable videos which prove beyond doubt that we are all eternal beings.


Living From the Heart.
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