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Need Advice/Ideas


Keeper of the Grove
Alright, here's the situation:

I believe I am gifted (intellectually). I have taken several online tests to confirm my suspicions (I know they are sometimes unscrupulous, but I tested them by putting random answers in. I got 80 with random answers, which is a disabled intelligence.). I consistantly get between 140-165. This puts me in either the highly gifted or exceptionally gifted groups. The only reason I feel the need to confirm this is because I am so bored with school. The work I get is *just* barely hard enough for me to do without being totally mind entropicating. I sometimes just don't do it. I certainly find it hard to do rote drill memorization, whereas my memeory by just reading is extremely advanced. I want to get my schooling accelerated. I want harder work. I want CHALLENGE! However, I can't get this without proof of my giftedness. Also, the school thinks that because I can't even do my work sometimes, I am certainly not in need of acceleration. In truth, the reason for this is because it is far to easy. I asked the school for testing, and they said they don't do that. So I asked at the hospital and public health to see if they had a psychologist in town. We don't. I don't know what to do now, or who to turn to. I NEED this challenge, but I can't think of a way to prove this. I feel like I'm locked inside of a cage, and the only way out is this challenge. Does anyone have any helpful advice/ideas? Please?


Well-Known Member
I hate to tell you this, D, but those online IQ tests (and all variants and similars) aren't 100% legit.
Trust me on that one.

The best thing I can think of you to do is be creative with your skills. Use them wisely to help others, and benefit society, that way, they will be ccepted, more so.



Veteran Member
druidus more info please.

what grade are you in
what specifically do you want
what avenues have you explored
canada ....you speak french? languages..if you only know one and you have high iq study more....invaulable later in life....


Well-Known Member
I think the best thing to do is do the work you are given to do and do it well, then you can move on. If want a challenge, then challenge yourself to do the work you are given to do. The way the school sees it if you were truly gifted you would be completing your work and getting straight A's. Show them you are right by getting the job done.


Citizen Mod
I would seek out other challenges that interest you or that you do not K(NOW) if you have the ability to do. For example my 8 hour everyday job is not challenging and it is in that fact that I take up challenges in my off hours to compensate. I usually recommend people take up a musical instrument, read or study something that has always interested you but you never had the time to get around to learning, video games I find are also very challenging. I have even found looking for certain movies to challenge my intellect as well as my senses. The possibilities are endless. Consider your school as your job (or something that you have to do out of necessity) and challenge yourself in other avenues.


Keeper of the Grove
I hate to tell you this, D, but those online IQ tests (and all variants and similars) aren't 100% legit.
Trust me on that one.
I know. Most of them aren't very good, and at best, they are certainly not as good as a physical test, one on one with a facilitator. However, I am in the group that could join Mensa. That's 99th percentile, I believe. I don't join because I just don't think I'd like it.

what grade are you in

what specifically do you want
I want challenge. I don't want enrichment, I want acceleration/advancment. I know that I could handle 11th, 12th, or even college level mathematics now. Science, I could go to a university, and I doubt it would be too hard.

canada ....you speak french? languages..if you only know one and you have high iq study more....invaulable later in life....
Je parle français. Ich spreche etwas Deutsches. Hablo cierto español. Parlo certo italiano.


Keeper of the Grove
I think the best thing to do is do the work you are given to do and do it well, then you can move on. If want a challenge, then challenge yourself to do the work you are given to do. The way the school sees it if you were truly gifted you would be completing your work and getting straight A's. Show them you are right by getting the job done.
The psychologists I have talked to told me that suffering through the work is actually bad for me, and can harm my intellectual ability. It truly is painful to be so bored every day. Imagine having a first grader who can fluently read, and loves to read, forced to go through the same reading lessons his peers do. It would be torture. That is what it is like for me.

I would seek out other challenges that interest you or that you do not K(NOW) if you have the ability to do. For example my 8 hour everyday job is not challenging and it is in that fact that I take up challenges in my off hours to compensate. I usually recommend people take up a musical instrument, read or study something that has always interested you but you never had the time to get around to learning, video games I find are also very challenging. I have even found looking for certain movies to challenge my intellect as well as my senses. The possibilities are endless. Consider your school as your job (or something that you have to do out of necessity) and challenge yourself in other avenues.
I know what you are saying, but I don't agree. I think school should be a place of learning, not of monotonous drill. I'm always reading something, so I don't worry about that. I would learn more piano, but I've reached the highest point I can without an instructor. Is it so wrong or selfish for me to want to be challenged at school?

I think I have found a solution. Apparently, anyone with a Phd in Education can apply most IQ tests, so I will ask around and see if anyone does have that level of education. My mother believes she knows someone who does, so, I may get past this yet. I am also signing up for SAT testing in March-June (somewhere in that period).


Veteran Member
rock n roll. Keep up with the languages I promise it will pay off later in life. Try out of mensa..decide if you like after you join......that will fun right? university is as challenging or dull as you make it. But you need to get your ducks in a row right now. I played catchup when I was in 10 cause I never showed up to class and than wanted to go to college...luckly i tested high enough on sat (united states college entrance exam) to get into a major university right off..but it was a close call cause i was blowing off classes when i was in 10th too.

today or by sun sit down and make a plan for this...decide which college(s) you are interested in and make a plan. what you do in hs today will impact your acceptance chances for the higher learning institutions for which you aspire.

find out what you can clep (test out of ) in hs and college. i would say that clepping lang classes is not a wise call cause in hs you write them in college you speak them and that is a harder game to play ..but your call......

if you hs has clep tests (in america most do) than the school will see aptitude and you will have negociation power....

pats ideas are really strong....and here is why. the hobbies you start now are going to determine your ablities for them later in life. I live in austin which is full of muscians and muscians want-to-be's ( me not included). I know a whole lot of them personally and I made an oberservation that is 99 % true from my vantage point. What seperates the are's from the wanna-be's is experience and time frame. Most of the musicians who do well here have a ton of experience and started when they were still in high school. the other ones are newer at the game and started when they were in their 20's-30's. It seems to make a huge difference. Same with writing, critical thought, the only exception is sports where genetics has a larger impact than experience. But cognitive oriented activites take time to develop and if you have a open spot and a hobby that catches your eye take pat's advice.

look just take the mensa test online....for fun....can't hurt right?


Well-Known Member
Druidus said:
The psychologists I have talked to told me that suffering through the work is actually bad for me, and can harm my intellectual ability. It truly is painful to be so bored every day. Imagine having a first grader who can fluently read, and loves to read, forced to go through the same reading lessons his peers do. It would be torture. That is what it is like for me.

You told us there were no psychologists in your town. Pardon moi, but this is a crock.


Keeper of the Grove
Do you realize that I am fluent in the use of e-mail? I can copy several of their articles that they sent me too, if you would like that. I haven't physically talked to any, but I have talked to them via the internet, as well as the phone, in one case. You may think what you like, and, indeed, I encourage it. But this is no "crock". I am sorry if I was unclear on the method of communication. :p

Also, if you feel the need to confirm this, I will gladly give you the numbers to our hospital, public health, and mental health divisions. No problem.


Keeper of the Grove
The first, most obvious problem for our children is created by the age/grade lockstep system. The very term IQ is based no the possibility of a difference between chronological and mental ages. A 10-year-old with an IQ of 150 has a mental age of 15. (The higher the IQ, of course, the greater the disparity between chronological and mental ages.) While a child's social and emotional development may not be as far ahead as his intellectual development, most 150+ children seem to be both socially and emotionally advanced. Putting that 10-year-old in a classroom with other 10-year-olds and providing him fifth grade educational materials is inappropriate in almost every way. We would not force an intellectually normal 15 year old into such a situation, but we do it routinely to the exceptionally gifted.
I took the Mensa workout, just for fun, as I didn't want to pay money yet. I got this score:

[size=-1]Your score was 27 out of 30. That is an excellent score, you would have a very strong chance of passing the Mensa test and joining Mensa.

Please note that the Mensa Workout is NOT the official Mensa test, and your score will not qualify or disqualify you for membership.


Keeper of the Grove
I'm already partly homeschooled through a program called "School of Hope". (www.schoolofhope.org) It's an OK program, but still not very challenging. I just checked with them though, and the School of Hope DOES offer IQ testing! :jam:


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I assume you'll go for the IQ testing, and that's a good thing. Stick to you guns, Druidus! I agree with you that it's crucially important that you find yourself challenged. Also, as a pretty bright guy, you need to have some say in what you learn and when you learn it, don't you think?


Mischevious One
Druidus said:
Alright, here's the situation:

I believe I am gifted (intellectually). I have taken several online tests to confirm my suspicions.... This puts me in either the highly gifted or exceptionally gifted groups. The only reason I feel the need to confirm this is because I am so bored with school. The work I get is *just* barely hard enough for me to do without being totally mind entropicating. I sometimes just don't do it. I certainly find it hard to do rote drill memorization, whereas my memeory by just reading is extremely advanced. I want to get my schooling accelerated. I want harder work. I want CHALLENGE! However, I can't get this without proof of my giftedness. Also, the school thinks that because I can't even do my work sometimes, I am certainly not in need of acceleration. In truth, the reason for this is because it is far to easy....
Druidus, I believe you, but not because of your scores on IQ tests taken online. I teach grades 10-12, Biology and Chemistry. I teach the Honors level Biology classes which are for the gifted students. Many gifted students do badly in school if they are not challenged for just the reasons you are stating...boredom, frustration, lack of challenge, etc. Does your school have a gifted program or an accelerated program? Does it offer any AP courses (Advanced Placement - college level)? If not, then you will have to learn to challenge yourself. What area/subject matter are you interested in? Do you have an idea of what you would like to do for a career once your graduate? You've been given a lot of great advice already. Maybe I can come up with some suggestions if you tell me more about what your academic interests are.


Keeper of the Grove
Since I was nine, I've wanted to be a biologist/zoologist/naturalist, specializing in the area of animal intelligence. However, around twelve I got a few more ideas, such as programming and writing. If I were to do those, it would be them first, because I could earn more money then as a biologist. I also have a marked interest in psychology, and the human brain, which, I feel, deserves more explanation.


Mischevious One
Druidus said:
Since I was nine, I've wanted to be a biologist/zoologist/naturalist, specializing in the area of animal intelligence. However, around twelve I got a few more ideas, such as programming and writing. If I were to do those, it would be them first, because I could earn more money then as a biologist. I also have a marked interest in psychology, and the human brain, which, I feel, deserves more explanation.
That's great! Now, what courses are you taking at school this year? What advanced or accelerated programs are available at your school?