Once again I find myself needing to explore and find a new faith group. Quick background, I grew up in a religious, but non-denominational family. After spiritual experiences I then joined the LDS church which I attended for quite some time. After a few life-events, I am now seeking to find a group that:
- Does not believe in any "caste" system for the afterlife (degrees of glory, eternally outcast→favorite children)
- Embraces spiritual experiences, includes more than intellectual study
- Participates in humanitarian work
- Community oriented, welcomes guests, participates in festivals
- Has amazing and uplifting music
- Respects all religious beliefs, does not hold itself above others.
ok - suggest away, what group fulfills the above?
Also, family advice. Has anyone out there left the church their family currently attends? What is the best way to maintain close family ties while attending different religious groups?
My background has similarities, but then huge differences.
But I will share.
I grew up knowing Mormonism and Catholicity.
My mother is Mormon, my dad is Catholic. All relatives on either side are all the same. No variety.
At an early age I concluded that religion is wrong.
And decided to avoid all religion.
I went to college and became an engineer.
I did not think of religion, although my spouse was a born again Christian. 40 years into our marriage, I finally found Jesus. My wife did not have any religious background and never went to church her 30ish years as a Christian. She found Jesus through a woman’s group and although most were church people, she was never treated differently for not being so. Once I found Jesus, I thought we should immediately find a church and begin attending. That was a nearly 5 year experience, a necessary experience, and a learning experience. After experiencing at least 10 different churches, we have now not only stopped attending, but stopped looking. I don’t believe that magical ‘body’ of believers can be found in a religion or a building.
The churches were more of a social club combined with a list of rules and things you must do, than a place to get to know Jesus.
They sprinkle a bit of Jesus, but mostly its just filler.
I read a book from a well known American pastor who runs a giant church.
He says, that the majority of people attending churches, including his, are parrots. They stay close together in a group on their perches to keep warm and comfy, and get fed a little pablum, and never grow. He says there are very few eagles in the churches.
My experience says his analogy is spot on.
We have discovered a wealth of thoughtful and helpful information online. God is working through talented people to get His message across. The printing press was a revolutionary advance that changed the face of religion. I think the internet is a million times more revolutionary. It will bring Jesus into the hearts of all true seekers. We have finally found people who are like us, who just want a close relationship with Jesus only. No rituals, no to-do lists, no creeds, no traditions of men. I don’t think there is a ‘group’ , but the people are everywhere. For the time being we are satisfied with the few people we have found, and also satisfied in spending our time learning, thinking, and growing.
Thinking and growing is the key. You can’t grow very well stuck on pablum forever. We read and study nearly every day, some days for many hours. (We’re retired). There are two ways you could approach this search. Find various churches and attend. Experience them. If you continually find them all lacking, then give up for a while and study and search online. Or just go straight to the online method. I got so frustrated after years of religion, and searching online for a church body. I was filled with so much useless ‘stuff’ and traditions, and subtle condemnation from these bodies. So, a while back I entered in the search engine “is there a church that teaches Jesus”. Well that has led me on an interesting journey. It was a bit scary at first, because you start to realize that nearly everything you believe and nearly everything you are told is very likely wrong. But the words of Jesus hit me when he said you must come to me like little children. That is the key. Try to erase the baggage you have in your head put there by the world and by man made religion, and start fresh like a lost child in search of her father.
You left the nest, now spread your wings.
Best of luck to you. I rambled too long, sorry.