It all depends on what you want to read into this. I see the creature as a possible adaptation. In no way does that mean whales came from this. All it shows is that in the period where the creature is found in the record, some creatures had a need to adapt to both land and water. So what? It is religion to claim whales came from this.The first important discovery was an important link in the evolution of whales. The new discovery was a species of ancient whale that showed the beginnings of the development of a tail fine to propel through water. There are already many species found in the fossil record for the evolution of a land mammal that over recent geologic history to modern whales. Most of these fossils are found in sequence over time in the sediments of the Ancient Indian ocean.
Maybe there were whales at the same time this thing lived. You want to offer the fossil record as some complete record (Complete enough to represent a good sample of what life existed in a given era). That is ridden with assumption and belief, not least of which is the belief that our current nature existed then also.
A more reasoned and balanced way to look at the early fossil record, is as a record of only a tiny percentage of life-creatures that could leave remains in that former nature, while most life could not. Therefore any claim of where this creature came from or what creatures came from it is impossible to make.