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New End Times Countdown


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Anyone up for a 'pre-damnation' party on the 21st? Still gives you time to get over the hangover before facing God's wrath.

I can provide;
goats (with tethers)
feather dusters
slow-moving chickens (more fun than the fast ones)
Costumes from local theatre company
Baby oil (sorry, all out of babies)
Photo booth
Good beer

Still trying to source some crappy beer so any Mexicans interested feel welcome.
That is very generous! I will toss in some pencils and complementary marshmallow coupons, and we can all make smoores. You know what I'm gonna feel pretty bad if this event doesn't happen in the expected time frame. If this particular rapture incident doesn't come through on time I should try and whip something up that isn't so disappointing later -- maybe for March 20th 2018. What do you think of that? That's 2 parties instead of 1.


Thou art That
Revelation was written by one John of Patmos, exiled to the Greek island of Patmos by the Romans, where Revelation was written. As it turns out, hallucinogenic fungi grow rampant on the island. Modern researchers tell us that the imagery found in Revelation are consistent with those of test subjects under the influence of hallucinogens.

Revelation: A Psychedelic Vision? - Entheology.com


Thou art That
It seems that the '3 kings' who visited baby Jesus in Bethlehem were originally called magi, which, in those times, were learned men, especially in astrology, which was held in great respect by the people then. But as science gained more and more of a foothold, astrology became associated with the occult, and was seen as somewhat distasteful. So our respected 'magi', were transformed into 'kings'. It is far more impressive, is it not, to have heads of state bowing down to an innocent, naked infant than unsavory and shady astrologers. Uggh!:eek:
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Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
That is very generous! I will toss in some pencils and complementary marshmallow coupons, and we can all make smoores. You know what I'm gonna feel pretty bad if this event doesn't happen in the expected time frame. If this particular rapture incident doesn't come through on time I should try and whip something up that isn't so disappointing later -- maybe for March 20th 2018. What do you think of that? That's 2 parties instead of 1.

I'm not sure. At work, I regularly bump meetings due to attendance issues. Most likely God's PA is gonna have a night getting a time that suits all 5 billion attendees, not to mention God's schedule appears overcrowded.

I suspect the Rapture gets bumped in favour of a production meeting, and we reschedule for 2023.


Active Member
Make sure to skip forward to minute 21 for the explanation of the astronomically pregnant woman. I would have posted this somewhere else like religious debates, but its just too funny and horrible. Honestly its upsetting to me, but also funny kind of like if I fell down the stairs. If I fell down the stairs you would laugh, and I would understand.

September 23, 2017. Be Afraid!

False prophets are loving the internet, particularly those who disable the comments section. False prophets won't interact with the people who ask them questions in the comments section because they do not have any knowledge of God called Christ that they were used to testify to like us servants of God were forced to do during this millennium reign of Christ.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Revelation was written by one John of Patmos, exiled to the Greek island of Patmos by the Romans, where Revelation was written. As it turns out, hallucinogenic fungi grow rampant on the island. Modern researchers tell us that the imagery found in Revelation are consistent with those of test subjects under the influence of hallucinogens.

Revelation: A Psychedelic Vision? - Entheology.com
We can't really say that for certain. It is without a doubt possible, or, as another idea goes, it was intentionally coded and cryptic in order to more safely communicate with churches and other followers. It's like Moses' burning bush. Could have been psychedelic drugs, it could have been entirely made up. With Paul's ride to Damascus, was his vision a sign of a psychotic disorder, the result of a psychedelic drug, or did he just make the whole thing up? This puts us in a position were we can do nothing more than speculate, and even then we must realize that ultimately we do not actually know.


Thou art That
We can't really say that for certain. It is without a doubt possible, or, as another idea goes, it was intentionally coded and cryptic in order to more safely communicate with churches and other followers. It's like Moses' burning bush. Could have been psychedelic drugs, it could have been entirely made up. With Paul's ride to Damascus, was his vision a sign of a psychotic disorder, the result of a psychedelic drug, or did he just make the whole thing up? This puts us in a position were we can do nothing more than speculate, and even then we must realize that ultimately we do not actually know.

I never went so far as to say that John of Patmos actually wrote Revelation under the influence of hallucinogenic fungi. I said that hallucinogenic fungi grow rampant on the island of Patmos, and that modern research into test subjects under the influence of hallucinogens show that the types and patterns of the imagery thus produced are consistent with the imagery found in Revelation. The only way one can answer this for himself one way or the other, is to first get straight himself, and then armed with a transformed consciousness, can see what the nature of such imagery actually is. For one thing, I do not give credence to the notion that the Spirit communicates with man via codes and nightmarish imagery. I see these as man's mind distorted via fear and ignorance of both himself and of nature. As for drugs, if you are not straight, drugs will only magnify your already distorted view of Reality. Authentic spiritual growth and vision bring one closer to the center of Reality, which is about Absolute Joy and Light.

If you believe that God maintains a system of Reward and Punishment, and that a Devil really does exist, you will be easily swayed by the imagery in Revelation as something that galvanizes your belief, in a way which says
: 'See? I told you so!' But if you understand that the duality of Good vs Evil emanates from man's mind, and that a God which rewards the good and punishes the evil is an egoic projection from the mind of man, then the nature and meaning of such imagery will appear to you differently. It's all about fear and ignorance, and the insight into fear as ill-founded as representing actual Reality, and the seeing through ignorance via Light that can illuminate for you the true nature of things.

But the question remains: How is it that such imagery are consistent with one another, and what is the connection? That they are consistent one with the other there is no question. That we know for certain. I find it difficult to dismiss such consistency as mere coincidence, however.
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Thou art That
. With Paul's ride to Damascus, was his vision a sign of a psychotic disorder, the result of a psychedelic drug, or did he just make the whole thing up? This puts us in a position were we can do nothing more than speculate, and even then we must realize that ultimately we do not actually know.

In Paul's case, there is evidence in his writings which do point to his making up stories in order to gain recognition and prestige, and I especially mean the Resurrection. Paul was a charlatan. More about this later....

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I never went so far as to say that John of Patmos actually wrote Revelation under the influence of hallucinogenic fungi. I said that hallucinogenic fungi grow rampant on the island of Patmos, and that modern research into test subjects under the influence of hallucinogens show that the types and patterns of the imagery thus produced are consistent with the imagery found in Revelation.
You didn't, but as I tried to point out it can never be anything more than speculation. We can say he may have been, but at the same time we must emphasis this is only a speculative maybe with not a shred of actual evidence to support the claim.
If you believe that God maintains a system of Reward and Punishment, and that a Devil really does exist, you will be easily swayed by the imagery in Revelation as something that galvanizes your belief, in a way which says: 'See? I told you so!' But if you understand that the duality of Good vs Evil emanates from man's mind, and that a God which rewards the good and punishes the evil is an egoic projection from the mind of man, then the nature and meaning of such imagery will appear to you differently.
It's more that I have to admit there is no possible way of knowing. There are numerous possible explanations, everything from real to fake, psychedelic to mental illness.
In Paul's case, there is evidence in his writings which do point to his making up stories, and I especially mean the Resurrection. Paul was a charlatan. More about this later....
We have no such evidence. Of course we can safely assume there was likely no actual light or voice, but we can only speculate. Granted Paul's experience sounds more mental illness than drug hallucinations, but it is impossible to say because it may have just been deliberately made up. We have absolutely no way of actually knowing.


Thou art That
We have no such evidence. Of course we can safely assume there was likely no actual light or voice, but we can only speculate. Granted Paul's experience sounds more mental illness than drug hallucinations, but it is impossible to say because it may have just been deliberately made up. We have absolutely no way of actually knowing.

Paul tells us that (1) there were 500 eyewitnesses to the Resurrection, and that (2) some of them were still living as he wrote those words. 500. Not 534, or 476, but exactly 500. Curious, to say the least.

Now imagine you are Paul, and a handful of known eyewitnesses to the Resurrection were currently living in your area. What is the first thing you would do, without hesitation?


Veteran Member
Now I know what I've been missing for quite a while - another end times date.
Here are several, compliments of Wikipedia.



sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I can say I've lived through a few of those as well. Those stupid rocks never do hit the target.
If I were to shoot pool, I'd miss the target more often than not. But who knows about the learning that goes on with asteroids.


Veteran Member
Revelation was written by one John of Patmos, exiled to the Greek island of Patmos by the Romans, where Revelation was written. As it turns out, hallucinogenic fungi grow rampant on the island. Modern researchers tell us that the imagery found in Revelation are consistent with those of test subjects under the influence of hallucinogens.

True, I find Revelation is written in very-vivid word pictures for us, but to me that does Not me hallucinogenic.
Revelation ( like the rest of Scripture ) has corresponding cross-reference verses such as found in Daniel.
Also, Revelation was written before John wrote his three letters of 1st, 2nd,and 3rd John besides his gospel account.
Basically the word Revelation means a revealing, The Bible book of Revelation is simply a revealing of earth's wonderful future as described at Revelation 22:2 when there will be healing for earth's nations (Ezekiel 47:12).
Mankind will see the return of the Genesis ' tree of life ' for the healing of earth's nations when as Isaiah 33:24 wrote that No one will say, " I am sick..........". This is why we are invited to pray the invitation of Revelation 22:20 for Jesus to come. Jesus will come and undo all the damage Satan and Adam brought upon us.


Veteran Member
Here are several, compliments of Wikipedia.


I think we need to keep in mind that human guesses do Not make Scripture as wrong, but makes those guesses as wrong. I think we need to keep in mind that ' No one knows....... ' according to Matthew 24:36
What we do know is the season (or time frame) is ripe, or right, for our day - Matthew 24:32-33
Global or international preaching is at its ' final phase ' of Matthew 24:14 and we are nearing the ' final signal', so to speak, of 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 when ' they ' (powers that be) will be saying, "Peace and Security " as the ' final signal ' before the great tribulation of Revelation 7:14 begins before Jesus, as Prince of Peace, ushers in global Peace on Earth among persons of goodwill.


Veteran Member
I think we need to keep in mind that human guesses do Not make Scripture as wrong, but makes those guesses as wrong. I think we need to keep in mind that ' No one knows....... ' according to Matthew 24:36
What we do know is the season (or time frame) is ripe, or right, for our day - Matthew 24:32-33
Believe it or not I have an olive tree, and its leaves are out as they have been every July 1 ever since I got it. So being that the season is ripe and the summer is neigh, as it has been every year for the last two thousand years, what's he waiting for?


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
To me the ^ above^ can be ruled out because God has purposed Earth to abide forever according to Ecclesiastes 1:4.
God, according to Isaiah 45:18, created Earth to be inhabited, Not destroyed. So, pleasant good nights to all always.
The problem with quoting the Bible is that it's often easy to find a contradiction in this case Revelation 21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea."