Hello, I am 42 years old, I used to be a Christian, believed the church at one time, over the past ten + years, I since have learned that all religions are a control system to keep the masses in a state of fear, and preoccupied from what is truth. What is truth you ask? The truth is, we are spirit beings experiencing a physical existence, reincarnation is a fact, and the God you seek is not the God of any Bible, those are all false Gods, the God you seek is inside of each one of us, it is the creator energy. We are the creator, and the created, we are also one conciousness, only we are separated right now. I have had experiences with Out Of Body happenings, they are not possessions, or, the work of the Devil, lol, they are something we all have every night we fall asleep, though we dont know it cause it is our subconcious mind that experiences it, but if you practice it you can induce them, and have them regularly, and see what reality really is. I would like to share some links soon, that show more of what im talking about, and I will give my comments as I see fit, the one thing I do want to make clear, is I'm not here to push anything on anybody, you believe what you want to believe, I'm just merely showing that we have all been deceived by higher beings, into believing that if we follow a certain religion, we will go to heaven, and if we don't we go to hell. What a bunch of BS! Go and learn the truth for yourselves, don't accept what the church tells you, or any so called authority figure for that matter, be your own person, not a part of the herd.