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New Member
I truly appreciate everyone's views on this. I believe also that our body is a temple as well, but I also believe that we should decorate them as we see fit. If it is a tribute, one could say, then I feel there is nothing wrong with them. Thankyou all for the warm welcome, I do believe I will enjoy my stay here.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Hello and welcome!

I wore a Celtic cross for awhile! (And used to draw them quite often.) They're beautiful not only in meaning but aethtetically, as well. (Ugh, I can never spell that correctly, sorry!)


I like this one, but there's a lot of images out there! :)

Namaste, if it pleases you!


Well-Known Member
Princesss said:
I truly appreciate everyone's views on this. I believe also that our body is a temple as well, but I also believe that we should decorate them as we see fit. If it is a tribute, one could say, then I feel there is nothing wrong with them. Thankyou all for the warm welcome, I do believe I will enjoy my stay here.
Hey I don't want to bible bash as I'm not a christian, but seeing that you are and in reference to your 'body is a temple' statement I can't resist...

'And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein, But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not...'
Revelation 11:1-2​


New Member
I can appreciate your response, but where does it say that if you have a tattoo that you do not have a temple??? Therefore left out? Just a question.


Well-Known Member
Princesss said:
I can appreciate your response, but where does it say that if you have a tattoo that you do not have a temple??? Therefore left out? Just a question.
All I meant was that when it comes to religion, its not the outward marks that matter, but whats inside. Everything else is 'decoration'. Hence measure your temple within.



I'd like to get one but they are a little pricey and I don't know anybody who does them. The place I went to wanted 80 bucks just to put my kid's names on my arm. That's almost my son's day care for a week. Someday, though.:)


Rajun Cajun
Princesss said:
Well I was looking on the net for tattoo sites, and surprisingly this one popped up on me. Rather intriqued by the idea of such a site I decided to register. I think the idea of hearing other's points of view rather interesting. I, personally, have 4 tattoos already, and am ready for my 5th. I have four children and a tattoo for each of them. My 5th one is for the child I lost due to a miscarriage in Feb. of 2005. I have thought about it long and hard, and I think I have finally found the right one. Many people get many different tattoos for even more reasons. I even went so far as to talk to my priest before ever getting my first one to get the church's view on tattooing ones body. I was greatly surprised when he had said if it was something that meant something to you and not anything of a rather obscene nature or depicting anything "evil" that I should feel free. So needless to say every tattoo I have has dear meaning to me. I am Catholic, and proud of that, so my religious beliefs are very strong in me. Now I am not saying I am a bible thumper, but I do believe in what I have been taught. With what my family and myself have been through the past few months, God has been there through it all, it has not been easy, but I have found the good and caring love in everyone around me. Well, sorry to have rambled on there. Hope to talk to ya'll soon.:162:
Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I don't have much opinion on tattoos. I don't judge anyone for having one. Many of my family members have tats. I like celtic bands the best and have pondered getting one in the past. Guess I'm too much of a baby:sad4:.

Here's what it says in the old testament about tattoos:

bible said:
Leviticus 19:28 " 'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves."
Although, as you are also probably aware of, it also says in the new testament:

bible said:
1 Corinthians 6:12 "Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything."
Anyway, hope to see you in the forum.


New Member
Which bible was that in? The King James version? I do not recall that being in the Catholic bible. Maybe I just haven't found it yet.

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
Princesss said:
Which bible was that in? The King James version? I do not recall that being in the Catholic bible. Maybe I just haven't found it yet.
It's in every bible. Might I be so bold to suggest you go read your bible...


New Member
You could be so bold as to do so if you wish, but as I have said before I spoke with my Priest before I even got my first one and was told that is was not against my religion.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I like tatts. I have three of the four I definitly know I'm getting drawn out. The one that is not drawn out, is a full moon with a pentagram, and each branch of the star will have a picture of the element is represents, such as having flames for the fire, leaves and vines for the earth, the Druid symbol for soul on the top, etc. I got everything but the water and air drawn.
There are a few tatt sites in the partners box. That is possible how this site came up.
My advice is, dont go with a tatt thats only a "Think I have found." I know a guy who got a tatt not even two weeks ago and already regrets it. But then again, it is a rather dumb design.


New Member
Well everyone, I got my tattoo today, and cried silently as I got it. It brought back memories of my miscarriage. In a way, I guess, I felt I needed to go through the physical pain of this tattoo for what it represented. I was not able to go through childbirth with the one I lost, and I needed to go through some pain, other than mental, to be able to continue to heal. I showed my other four children, and they absolutely love it, they also understand what it stands for, and they miss the little one as much as we do, but they also know that our little angel is in Heaven with Jesus, and watching over us.

Much love, and may God bless you and keep you in his loving care.


Proud to be a Sinner.
"Fashion goes out of style, but style never goes out of fashion" - Rachel Walton
Find one that suits you, something can look good but not suit you.
Make sure it's personal.

The only tattoo i have decided on is any children i have will have their names printed on me.


A Coco-Nut
Nehustan said:
All I meant was that when it comes to religion, its not the outward marks that matter, but whats inside. Everything else is 'decoration'. Hence measure your temple within.
Very nice, Nehustan. :clap Your message is right on!