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New member who is concerend about anti-theism


Just me
Premium Member
Anyone else concerned by the spread of anti-religion / anti-theism, especially on the internet?

Anyway, I guess I'm just looking for a community of people who believe that faith itself is a valid, rational choice for anyone to make.

I don't see much anti-theism where I live (Western Canada), and my circle of Internet forums is limited to... well this one. So, no, it hasn't been a concern.

Welcome to the forums.
You refuse it. I wonder why.

Because it's wrong.

Sigh..... I actually don't like to waste time going over what was said already, if you didn't read my words as I meant them, I find it better to clarify my point than to go back and forth arguing over who is or is not "back peddling". But since you want to force the hand, I'll play along.

What I originally said (and you quoted) doesn't say anything about a concern for anti-theists, or the tactics they use. My concern was then, as it is now, with the philosophy of anti-theism. As I said.... "anti-religious arguments and opinions are being spread as dogmatic fact."

It has nothing to with any tactic that theists may or may not also use. It's about the anti religious arguments themselves. They are not factual, they are anti-religious opinions. I don't know why it's so hard to distinguish the difference.

In fact on page one, the poster "Me Myself" seemed to grasp my point perfectly as he stated....

I would be more concerned about anti-theists than anti-theism.

He knew that I wasn't talking about individuals, or tactics, but the philosophy itself.

You also seemed to understand at first, at least partially, since you asked in question form....

Do you mean you are concerned of anti-theists using the very same tactics ( many ) theists have used?

I answered the question for you. "Not really. I'm not so concerned with the "tactics" of individuals, as I am the spread of what is an inherently dishonest form of argumentation."

Even if my initial wording wasn't clear to you, I made it perfectly clear from then on. Why then do you continue to badger me on such a pointless matter? Rather than taking the time to really understand my point, you stoop to accusing me of back peddling and misrepresenting what happened as though I've been dishonest in this thread.

Was there an actual point you wanted to make? Or you just wanted to point fingers at me and throw theists under the bus as a way of justifying anti-theist behavior?

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
It's not so much engaging in pseudo science as it is misrepresenting science. I have actually heard atheists state: "science has disproven the existence of God". :facepalm:

I recently read Sam Harris' book Free Will and from what I've read he misrepresented scientific research in the field.

Atheists often embrace scientism which could be described as pseudo science.

Both sides have crappy arguments.

Honestly this thread just seems like another "help we're being oppressed" thread.

Anti-theism is a reaction to the repugnant (happy now revoltingest?) actions by theists.

Boohoo for them. They could just stop being ********.
Both sides have crappy arguments.

Honestly this thread just seems like another "help we're being oppressed" thread.

Anti-theism is a reaction to the repugnant (happy now revoltingest?) actions by theists.

Boohoo for them. They could just stop being ********.

I don't know what word was censored there, but I'm pretty sure I'm not one of them. :p

I'm also a bit disappointed by the concept that intolerance is the correct response to religion. Or that concern over repression is something to be shrugged off.

Who exactly are these repugnant theists you're talking about, and what have they done to turn you against ALL theists in such a way?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
***Mod Post***

This thread is in the "Are you new to ReligiousForums.com?" introductions forum.

If you guys want to debate, take it somewhere else, preferably one of the debates forums.
Thanks Quagmire. I didn't mean to start an argument, I just wanted to know who else was concerned. Didn't think I'd have to defend the question itself in such a way.



Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Thanks Quagmire. I didn't mean to start an argument, I just wanted to know who else was concerned. Didn't think I'd have to defend the question itself in such a way.


No problem, SpiritualFreedom1.

I actually kind of enjoy debates about this topic. It's just, you know, in the wrong place. :p


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Here's a theory: Anti-religionists appear, because the faithful begin to impose tests on one another to determine who is real and who is fake among themselves. The hypocritical dancing this causes among the faithful eventually creates anti-religionists.