Neon Genesis
Hi, everyone! I'm a new member here! I was introduced to this forum by my good friend Windwalker! Some background on me is I was raised a conservative Christian but I deconverted to atheism in my early college days. I was really big into atheism for a long time. Then I started exploring progressive Christianity and for awhile I kept shifting back and forth between atheism and non-theistic forms of progressive Christianity. Eventually I kind of took a break from it all after there was this period where it seemed like there was a lot of divisive controversy going on in atheist communities. At this point in my life, I don't really have any particular religious label at all and I'm just interested in talking about the subject and religious and philosophical discussion and I like the flexibility of not being attached to any particular label. I just recently finally graduated from college earlier this year but I don't have a job yet. I'm also a big fan of science fiction and fantasy and anime.