Veteran Member
Which is all the more amusing when one considers this from their web site:Ok, I have to say the part on Archy... they picked a couple of bombs for supporting papers.
The one on cardio-pulmonary function in theropods is simply dreadful. (using Osborn's 1916 figure of T.rex, only using one non-avian theropod: Allosaurus for comparison to a single bird, and so on)
According to their findings, Archy doesn't have air sacs either as it lacks many of the features they claim are necessary for them to function.
The other paper by Feduccia has been widely refuted. Not to mention outright disproved by more recent findings.
They could have done a much better job IMHO. I'm also disappointed they bring up Heckel who hasn't been in a science text book (except as a history lesson) for nearly a half a century.
"[The] Virtual Museum [is] a resource for science teachers and students. Known as The World Around Us, its objective is to encourage discussion of evolutionary theory in the light of recent discoveries."