I live in a country with a free, if flawed, press and know what's going on in China including it's aggressive hegemonic tendencies. I also know what happens to religious believers such as Muslims being put in concentration camps euphemistically called hospitals as well as the "great firewall" etc. I don't need to experience a dictatorship to know one.
And one of the very few things I credit Trump for is going after China's use of economic warfare to try to enshrine economic colonialism throughout the less developed world and make the other nations bow down to them.
I dont feel like a lib v con discussion. Looked
to this awful asian atheist alien that you had two
really really poor candidates.
China does not do weak stupid leaders.
USA, people are so about all this "freedom"
that they may not understand or exercise,
and other countries like China, "no freedom".
It is not so simple, as one who has lived in
both countries would know.
If you want to get something from my
thoughts, fine if you want to argue, count
me out.