Mr Spinkles
The first link is about Fox News viewers.Those studies were about Fox News, not about Fox News viewers. You can speculate based on that, but it is only speculation.
Additionally, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll of 805 adults released August 19, 2009 found lots of misinformation about the health care legislation among Americans, and a breakdown found heightened misinformation among Fox News viewers.
I concede that two studies and one opinion poll is not proof positive; but taken together with the indirect (and bountiful) evidence that Fox News is not truthful or objective in its reporting, it's reasonable to conclude Fox News misinforms viewers. We have some direct evidence and a lot of indirect evidence to support this conclusion, and I have not seen any evidence which leads us in the opposite direction. (For example, where are the polls and studies showing, even tentatively, that Fox News viewers are least misinformed?)
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