Hey everyone. I'm new to RF. Joining because I enjoy engaging in respectful open minded religious discussions. Look forward to getting to know you all.
Hey Jeremiah, welcome! This is the best place I have come across for interesting conversations and debates. Expect some members to less than open minded on occassion, but overall there are really awesome people here.
Hey, got a quick question. When I first come back to the site, is there a way to see what new posts were made since last visit? Or just a way to see what the latests posts are? Trying to do and haven't figured out if possible.
Make sure you are "subscribed" to whatever posts you make.
You can go here [Edit Options] and then to "Default Threat Subscription Mode". I would recommend "Daily (or Weekly) Email Notification" or "No Email Notification".
You can subscribe to any threads you are not previously subscribed to that you find by either:
a. posting in them
b. near the top of the page, going to Thread Tools, clicking it brings down a menu, and selecting "Subscribe to this Thread".