Hello all! I was just referred to this site by a friend and I truly look forward to browsing around. I must admit, I will probably be mostly lurking for a bit, to get a feel for the place, hope you all don't mind.
I was raised in a Christian home, but for several years now I have not proclaimed myself to be a part of any organized religion. I have my beliefs and that's well and good enough for me.
I hope to get some answers to some questions I have always had, and I especially look forward to learning about other religions. Out in the boonies where I am from, there isn't a whole lot of exposure to anything other than Christianity, so I'm excited about exploring other religions.
I was raised in a Christian home, but for several years now I have not proclaimed myself to be a part of any organized religion. I have my beliefs and that's well and good enough for me.
I hope to get some answers to some questions I have always had, and I especially look forward to learning about other religions. Out in the boonies where I am from, there isn't a whole lot of exposure to anything other than Christianity, so I'm excited about exploring other religions.