The problem with this assessment, is it stays in the shallows. If go deeper and look at the bigger picture, the Democrat Party of the 19th century, invented the rebel flag. They are the party who wanted to perpetuate slavery. Once this did not pan out, they tried to divide the country with a Civil War. All the monuments to Confederate Generals, are also monuments to die hard Democrats, who drank too much of the Democrat Party cool aid. Their heart was in the right place, but the cool aid was poison, so their action fell short of justice.
Segregation, KKK, Jim Cow laws were all products of the Democrats. My advice is, instead of wading in the shallows, we need to look at the common link. The term "Democrat Party" needs to be torn down like a evil monument to the past. Treating the surface of a cancer, does not kill the cancer. You need to dig out the source of the cancer at the roots.
In the time of Lincoln, who was a Republican, the Democrats loss a major self defining issue; slavery. Today they lost another self defining issue called globalism. In both cases, instead of accept the results and move on, both times they tried to divide the country. The modern Democrats also perpetuate monuments to their resistance; sanctuary cities. The cancer was never treated. Only the surface was bandaged.
The Democrats need to break from the past, by renaming themselves, so they can kill the cancer. We would have the same people, with the same principles, but a new name with no history. Why perpetuate a root cancer monument, to a shady past, that turned good people, into people, the young people now hate. In the future, this will be you.
Once a new tradition begins, the past is gone, You have a second chance.