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No appetite, weird sleeping habits


Obstructor of justice
See! There's part of the proof that you'd be a fun mom.

I would adore to babysit for you....I've watched my friend's kids so they could go away for weekends and entire weeks. I LOVE kids. :D

My cats think I'm nuts. I'm going to embarrass my children so horribly, it's hysterical.
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Well-Known Member
Hmm, reminds me of what happens to me sometimes during the summer. I'm never hungry and don't sleep well because I'm too warm (it's 82 in my house right now).

Still though, I know appetites fluctuate seasonally. During winter we're generally hungrier, and during summer we eat much lighter. So the appetite loss may be natural... although if it isn't natural for you during the summer, something might be up.

As for sleep... I have to wonder somewhat if increased sunlight = decreased sleep due to the stupid pinal gland going "Ooh, light! Time to get up! I don't care if you've only had 4 hours!" ;)


Deviled Hen
My cats think I'm nuts. I'm going to embarrass my children so horribly, it's hysterical.

So they will grow up with a sense of humour, like my kids did. :D

On the sleep thingy, the Chimp is right -- you need to eat protein and cut back on your sugar and junk carbs. Eibhlin is doing the same thing and having the same sleep problems just like you're describing them.

Your car doesn't run if you don't put gas in it, and your body won't run without fuel. Eat more!

Make "breakfast" easy. Just shovel in some low fat cottage cheese or hummus and don't think about it too much, but do it no later than an hour after you've gotten up. Eat 1 slice of whole grain bread (if it says "unbleached flour" on the label, that isn't whole grain bread) or a bit of fruit. Then eat some veggies to fill up. I know that sounds weird for breakfast, but a bit of celery or carrot sticks you get used to very easily, and in time you miss the meat&carb breakfast.

Eat some protein every 3-4 hours. It doesn't have to be a lot 3 oz is all you need for a meal and 1.5 oz for "snack". Really, a handful of nuts will get you 1.5 oz. Make it really easy to get your protein and don't eat carbs alone. Do NOT skip meals!

Cool it on the sugar too. You can satisfy some of those sugar cravings with fruit, which is at the height of in season at the moment, so why not?

I "cheat" in the evening with my diet. I'm about to have some cookies my kids just made. But I'll be having a slice of sheep's milk cheese first so my body chemistry doing go bonkers.

Seriously, if it's your diet that's off, you will notice a difference the very first day, and it will become more obvious after a week.

Good luck!


Sweet n Spicy
I wonder if your resistance is low. Try getting enough Vitamin C...eat lots of fresh, sweet fruit. Sometimes I don't have an appetite for food and I feel that the only thing I can stomach is fruit.

I have the opposite problem, my appetite has opened up the last couple of days and I can't stop eating...I feel hungry soon after I eat...and I feel fat. To make matters worse, my husband ordered pizza last night. :cover: No, I am NOT pregnant guys, I'm 100% sure...focus on MaddLlama guys, she's the one who might be pregnant! :p


Veteran Member
Lately, I don't know what's wrong with me. I try to cook a decent meal, and then by the time I sit down, I don't want to eat it. My cooking isn't horrible, since most dishes are simple (really, how hard is it to make a stir fry). I eat a tiny portion of it, and I can't eat anymore. But, I can eat jell-o, fruit, and crackers all day and never feel full. Which is probably why I never loose any weight.

And, I always seem to wake up tired. If I sleep more than 6 hours, I feel like I haven't slept at all, but if I sleep for 6 or less hours, I wake up feeling energetic, but then by around 3 or 4 I crash really bad.

Can anybody offer any insight?

One thing that helps me the most is I eat whole wheat bread, make sure it actually says 100 percent whole wheat not just whole wheat, they like to fool people into believing it's whole wheat when it's not..

Jell-o (collagen crystals, sugar and food coloring) and crackers (white flour and hydgrogenated oil) will only slow you down... it would be better to eat a mounds or almond joy for that matter...

Eat 100 percent whole wheat bread and peanuts they are loaded with long lasting energy and you will efforlessly lose weight I guarantee it...

100 percent grape juice, not the white kind, but purple, also gives long lasting sustainable energy and will cause fat to fall off your body...

I don't preach what I don't do.

I weight 155 and am 5' 10" and have weighed up to 180 but seem to hover around 155 now, which seems to work best for me.

I also eat a lot of pizza, just try to not eat the white bread, which is what makes the body fat and tired. It robs energy from the body in order to digest it, it not being a WHOLE FOOD as is sugar, not a whole food, but sugar is not as bad as WHITE FLOUR...

It will mess you up, crackers included, which is nothing but white bleached processed flour...yuck...and Crisco (hydgrogenated oil)

Fruit generally will also not give you enough energy, but I eat strawberries and they seem to be the best as far as long lasting energy goes and bananas of course...

Oranges are cleansers and not rellly that good for long lasting energy, which needs to be from whole wheat flour, whole grain rice and legumes (beans and nuts).

LDS doctrine states that whole grains are the "staff of life"...

So basically whole grains should be a basic part of our diet in order to "support life".

D&C 89: 14
All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth;


Disciple of Chaos
As for the sleep, everyone has there own ideal amounts of hours to sleep, but generally, oversleeping to the mind is the same as being awake. I forget the exact scientific definitions, but your mind goes from the sleep/dream state to a near awake state, thus causing you to not receive the benefits from an actual sleep. The lack of energy can also be caused by a lack of essential nutrients, which the description of your diet certainly points to this an another factor. A generic daily vitamin can help you get back on track quickly, and as long as the basics are met, you really don't need to spend extra on vitamins with pages worth of stuff in them. Even dollar/thrift stores will sometimes carry bottles of vitamin supplements.
For the appetite, that too might possibly reflect on the sleep and tiredness. It could also point to many other things.


Madllama, I agree with those who are suggesting changing your eating habits.

I've had a slew of health problems recently, and found out some of them were being caused by hypoglycemia. I used to eat a diet high in carbs and sweets, and instead of eating normal meals, would kind of "graze" throughout the day. I would always get sleepy in the afternoons, and be wide awake at night. These are often classic symptoms associated with sugar problems. So I would definitely cut back on the carbs and sugar, fill up on protein, veggies, and some fruit, and see if that doesn't help some.

Best of luck to you! I hope things improve. :)


Obstructor of justice
I'm going to be cleaning out my fridge and cabinets this weekend, so I think next time I go grocery shopping I will plan on getting mostly meat and produce, and stuff to make some tasty whole grain veggie bread, and some nuts to snack on. I've got a whole lot of popcorn kernels, so if I really start craving snacky carbs, I'll have that and combine it with some nuts. Is yogurt an OK substitute for cottage cheese? I like yogurt (the kind with fruit) much better.
Then, we'll see how I feel.

A few weeks ago I bought a multi-vitamin. But, taking it made me nauseous. :(


I'm going to be cleaning out my fridge and cabinets this weekend, so I think next time I go grocery shopping I will plan on getting mostly meat and produce, and stuff to make some tasty whole grain veggie bread, and some nuts to snack on. I've got a whole lot of popcorn kernels, so if I really start craving snacky carbs, I'll have that and combine it with some nuts. Is yogurt an OK substitute for cottage cheese? I like yogurt (the kind with fruit) much better.
Then, we'll see how I feel.

A few weeks ago I bought a multi-vitamin. But, taking it made me nauseous. :(

I also get the feeling you need more protein. Meat obviously has the most, but if you aren't finding it appetizing you should try beans, peanuts, eggs (specifically the whites), and soy.

Toast with beans spread on it is a really good breakfast...I know it doesn't sound terribly appetizing though. Maybe eat it on the side of some egg whites.

Be sure to take your vitamin on a full stomach if it's making you nauseous. B-vitamins help with metabolism and energy. If you are not eating a lot of meat you might be slightly B-12 deprived (vegetarians have this problem). They make B specific supplements but a combination vitamin will still contain the B's.

Yogurt is good, and if calcium is a concern you can drink more milk or you can take a supplement for that as well.


Obstructor of justice
I also get the feeling you need more protein. Meat obviously has the most, but if you aren't finding it appetizing you should try beans, peanuts, eggs (specifically the whites), and soy.

Toast with beans spread on it is a really good breakfast...I know it doesn't sound terribly appetizing though. Maybe eat it on the side of some egg whites.

Be sure to take your vitamin on a full stomach if it's making you nauseous. B-vitamins help with metabolism and energy. If you are not eating a lot of meat you might be slightly B-12 deprived (vegetarians have this problem). They make B specific supplements but a combination vitamin will still contain the B's.

Yogurt is good, and if calcium is a concern you can drink more milk or you can take a supplement for that as well.

Ohh, I forgot about Soy. Does anything with Soy have protein? I tend to use a lot of soy milk (and use skim milk for cooking), so maybe that will help also.


Obstructor of justice
soy has lots of protein. Have you been eating better since the first post?

I had (raw) carrots, broccoli and some string cheese for dinner last night, does that count? :eek:

To be fair, though, it's coming upon that time of the month, and I usually either eat everything in sight, or nothing at all.


Disciple of Chaos
Is yogurt an OK substitute for cottage cheese? I like yogurt (the kind with fruit) much better.
Yes, Yogurt is actually good, and is made of a bacteria that is great for the digestive system. Or, at least I think it is the digestive system. I know it does benefit some system though.