If the decision were up to me. I would fine the crap out of American businesses that employ illegals. Something like $5,000 fine for every illegal head on your payroll. And maybe a $10,000 fine for second offenders. I think this would be much more effective than a silly wall along our boarders that illegals will clime over anyway.
I think if we can stop businesses from hiring illegals, we won't have to deport anyone. Without a means to make a living all the illegals walk right back accross the border to their home countries without us lifting a finger. Indeed we will make a little money off fining the illegal business practices.
I am all for fixing our immigration system. My main concern, however, is that it is as fair as possible. We need to decide how many immigrants we can take in a year. Then develope a way to take in people from all around the world. Allow a relative percentage from each country. Take into account that countries popullace.
My problem with the illegal immigrants who are living here is not a personal one. I understand they're trying to make a life for themselves, but everyone needs to realize poor people exist all over the world. Why shouldn't a Kenyan have the same chance to become an American as a Mexican?
There are people who have risked their lives to become an American, and now everyone's saying, "Hey, if you can break our laws and find a way in, we'll eventually grant you amnesty." To me this line of thinking is a blatant slap in the face for all those people all around the world, who are waiting their turn. Right now. Waiting their 8 or 10 years and sending in form after form as someone mentioned above. Not to mention all the Americans that had to sign up for the Veitnam conflict to recieve citizenship.
Anyway, I think this situation is easily fixed. If you eliminate the source of income for the illegals, they will leave on their own. Again, I agree that changes should be made to our immigration system, but that in no way justifies amnesty for law breakers.