Weren't we talking about pain and suffering?
How did fun factor and stress come into play so suddenly? :sarcastic
Let me try plain English: Starving is a painful, suffering-filled process.
Stress is a mental form of suffering, which is often caused by or will create, physical forms of suffering.
Other than that, regarding the starvation, how would you feel about being killed ( and perhaps eaten alive ) by a predator, or dying cause of an incapacitating disease? None of the alternatives look really attractive if you think about it.
The same reason why killing animals for food is generally considered morally acceptable, but torturing them to death is against the law as a form of animal cruelty.
Our actions cause needless suffering: in other words, we do not need to be the rapacious, thoughtless, resource-gobbling species that we are in order to live well on this Earth.
And, why would being hunted down to extinction be particularly more relevant on regards to pain and suffering than simply being killed by the average predator?
Again, because it is needless killing. I'm thinking of the buffalo slaughters in N. America. Parents are killed and the young are left to slowly die on their own.
And most everything is interconnected. You remove one species, and another species which depended upon them will start to die out, for example, through the slow process of starvation, which I hope has sufficiently been established as something which causes pain and suffering.
And even more than that, why is the destruction of habitats relevant in itself to this conversation?
If someone came and knocked down your home, and you had to flee to fine somewhere else to live, only to find one less suitable and to have it knocked down a couple weeks later anyway, just to repeat the process, don't you think that would cause you pain and suffering?
A habitat is an organism's home. And tearing up homes causes pain and suffering. Humans are needlessly destroying habitats due to resource mismanagement, greed, ignorance, and yes, overpopulation. Hey Presto! We are back at the OP.