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No proof of god.


Just me
Premium Member
everything natural has a beginning... does not conclude with proof of god.
If everything natual had a beginning, and if everything has a cause, then... the cause of the first natural thing must have been non-natural.

It's logically sound. That the non-natural thing is "God" is open to interpretation. That the non-natural thing must be "God" is the distortion.


Well-Known Member
Learn the difference between argument and premise ...

LOL. Intuitive enough to discern my meaning but not not above ignoring the content and poking with an insulting jibe. The equivalent of pointing out a spelling mistake to further discredit the meaning of the material. :areyoucra


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
.....So i am looing for proof of god.

I wnat to know why people believe in god other than their "feelings" they get while praying... somethign a little more tangible would be useful.
Greetings Egyptianboxer. Permit me to offer a different approach to finding 'proof of God' and why some believe that God is. God can be proven to oneself through personal experience. How is this done? - by following the guidance and perennial knowledge from the religion founders to look within. Check these out taken from "Essential Spirituality" and posted in another thread ( http://www.religiousforums.com/foru...y-do-you-believe-god-exists-8.html#post701105 ):
  • The kingdom of heaven is within you. (Jesus, Christianity)
  • Those who know themselves know their Lord. (Mohammad, Islam)
  • He is in all, and all is in Him. (Judaism)
  • Those who know completely their own nature, know heaven. (Mencius, Confucianism)
  • In the depths of the soul, one sees the Divine, the One. (The Chinese Book of Changes)
  • Atman [individual consciousness] and Brahman [universal consciousness] are one. (Hinduism)
  • Look within, you are the Buddha. (Buddhism)


Bodhisattva in Recovery
See this is what I mean... what does your post even mean.
Trust me when I say that Jay speaks volumes with his short barbs. I always try to use his sharp comments to better understand what I am babbling about. Uncomfortably, for the most part, Jay usually hits a bull's eye. Try to appreciate his comments as acts of great kindness. He is actually doing you a favor. Just remember, as Patty insists, it is not about you, regardless how close to the bone he cuts.

In regards to the OP:
There is countless proof there is no god. Even the greatest mind of our time, stephen hawkings (and countless others like eisntien and richard dawkings) know god does not exist. It is a myth just like faries (which some people in the UK believe exist).

So there is plenty of evidence supporting evolution and the big bang. Please provide me with a shread of evidence god DOES exist

- former christian

Edit: There is nothing saying there is no god... but no evidence supporting god either. i'm looking for evidence supporting god.
When I think of a reasonable answer that can be squished into the confines of the question, I'll let ya know.
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Active Member
Right. So then you take that suggestion and you find evidence for it.
Not quite. You take the suggestion and then you look to see if there is evidence. There's a difference. If you go out to find evidence of something, then you have already made up your mind and you run a very high risk of deceiving yourself. Instead, you look to see whether the evidence that might be there actually is.

You look for this evidence until one of three things happens: either you find sufficient evidence and then become a theist; you examine all possibilities thoroughly and prove that there is no evidence become a knowledge-based atheist; or you decide that you're tired of looking for evidence and then become either agnostic or, if you prefer, a faith-based atheist. I have never heard of anybody reaching the second of these outcomes; I have heard of very many people reaching the first and third.

Spanish Inquisition, crusades and the earth is flat are examples where the masses essentially acted on what they thought to be so. (And some say the 2000 and 2004 american presidential elections... :D)
I'm not really sure how any of this follows. These are examples of people believing because many others believe. But I already said that's not what I'm talking about.

Do you see the difference I'm drawing between believing that someone might be right and believing that someone is right? Do you not think it's a meaningful difference?

You are suggesting that since so many believe in god there just might be one... Of course we dont even really need the masses here for the possibility that god is real. It already is possible that there is a god without the appeal to the masses.
That's absolutely right. There's no need to consider what others believe to accept the possibility that there's a god.

But when more people believe something, there's more cause to investigate. If one person in a town of a thousand says he saw a flying saucer, it's pretty easy to ignore him. If four hundred of the people in the town say they saw a flying saucer, it makes you more inclined to investigate the issue and determine what happened. That's the point of mentioning that billions believe there's a god. It's harder to honestly dismiss a lot of witnesses than it is to dismiss one.

Of course, if one is already committed to the conclusion that there is no god, then it doesn't matter if everyone else in the world claims to know there's a god — he won't consider the possibility anyway because his mind is made up as surely and blindly as if he believed in God just because others do.


Just me
Premium Member
LOL. Intuitive enough to discern my meaning but not not above ignoring the content and poking with an insulting jibe. The equivalent of pointing out a spelling mistake to further discredit the meaning of the material. :areyoucra
That "everything does have a natural beginning" is not an argument, but a premise! Why do you make me defend Jay so? (I know, it's a failing of me, not a premise you.)


Well-Known Member
That "everything does have a natural beginning" is not an argument, but a premise! Why do you make me defend Jay so? (I know, it's a failing of me, not a premise you.)

And B follows A and comes before C.

I think its obvious what I meant. Whether it should be "Premise" or "Argument" I will leave to the english majors as I feel either work and get my point across.

I think it would have been more acceptable to ADD to the discussion then to pick on my grammar. Some of us post here as a hobby and for enjoyment and I'm not submitting my thoughts for a grade in english 101 but to a forum for consideration and discussion. Cheers.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I think its obvious what I meant.
I think it's obvious that you haven't a clue what you meant, but let's see ...
The popular argument is everything had a beginning if you assume the universe had a beginning then what came before the universe and caused the universe to come into existance? Ah.... god... You see.... Of course doesnt god then need a beginning as well and thus you havent explained anything.
So, as we see, you argue:
we accept the premise that everything [natural] has a beginning​
God [a presumably preternatural agency] would need a beginning as well​
So, either,
  • you do not understand or intentionally distort the argument's premise, i.e., that the natural order had a beginning and that causation is an attribute of nature, or
  • you've argued a truly stupid non sequitur, i.e., that what applies to the natural must necessarily apply to the preternatural.
I think it would have been more acceptable to ADD to the discussion then to pick on my grammar.
The distinction between premise and argument is not a grammatical one and no one is "picking on your grammar." We are "picking on" the embarrassingly sloppy thinking that characterizes your adolescent rants against theism.


Well-Known Member
I think it's obvious that you haven't a clue what you meant, but let's see ...
So, as we see, you argue:
we accept the premise that everything [natural] has a beginning​
God [a presumably preternatural agency] would need a beginning as well​
So, either,
  • you do not understand or intentionally distort the argument's premise, i.e., that the natural order had a beginning and that causation is an attribute of nature, or
  • you've argued a truly stupid non sequitur, i.e., that what applies to the natural must necessarily apply to the preternatural.
The distinction between premise and argument is not a grammatical one and no one is "picking on your grammar." We are "picking on" the embarrassingly sloppy thinking that characterizes your adolescent rants against theism.

Much clearer. So here you are defining god as something outside of or beyond nature, a common definition. You want to call god preternatural or supernatural. I have no supernatural belief. I do not believe in the supernatural and think arguing about things that are completely beyond us or our ability to understand is a waste of time. (I also do not believe in the paranormal...)

Whether you think god is a superpowered being or an awesome force of immeasurable power that is beyond us doesnt matter. If its preternatural then it doesn't matter at all... Your basically, by defining god as such, saying... Who knows, giving up and walking around screaming but hes beyond us. Its outside of nature and beyond comprehension.

Thats my point.

You call it a sloppy, but you are just being lazy and trying to rib or antagonize me. The point as I said I am parroting from Dawkins and Hitchens and is not my adolescent rant. Nothing so far as I know is supernatural and assigning something as such is just throwing up you hands and giving up.

Now people are going to debate and discuss things with you in a naturally hurried and irrational manner because you constantly berate and insult them as you reply. You toss ad homs consistently and repeat them over and over.

A few people have come to your defense and say that deep down your benevolent and only trying to help but I definitely would not characterize you in that manner. You argue from authority of which you are not one and and belittle others around you. Superiority complex perhaps but regardless it comes across as uncaring and creul. I'm not certain you can post without working some type of snide disrespect into your posts while demanding all to respect you.

There is no argument for or against god when you define god as something completely beyond us. There was a context to this thread and one you have reached outside of in an attempt to berate and belittle me.


Lord of the Badgers
You call it a sloppy, but you are just being lazy and trying to rib or antagonize me. The point as I said I am parroting from Dawkins and Hitchens and is not my adolescent rant. Nothing so far as I know is supernatural and assigning something as such is just throwing up you hands and giving up.
I think what's being said BF is that countering the argument "If the universe had a beginning, then something must have created it, that something is God" that some theists use with the counter-argument "Then what created God?" is flawed because in their (theists) beliefs God wouldn't need a creator or necessarily have a beginning.
It's not logical, it doesn't make any sense why they should believe a universe could not spontaneously pop into existence whilst simultaneously believing in a conscious, thinking super-being that has always existed. But its just something you have to accept - you can't rationally argue against an essentially irrational position. :shrug:


So there is plenty of evidence supporting evolution and the big bang. Please provide me with a shread of evidence god DOES exist

Where is this evidence...it's a theory....Big Bang ...Evolution....are Theories.....Therories time and time again are have been tossed out the window... becuase there is always something changing...my bible has said the same thing for how long..... I got a question for you this whole evolution theory...if we evolved from primapes then why arnt we evolving and why havn't we evolved physically as those theories supports???...historical Documents show that we have looked the same for thousands of years...you go off that ok....they found Jesus' buriel grounds.....they have found documents detailing the life of these biblical characters.. theres your proof and historian say the bible is the most accurate book ever written... I think I'm going to take my chances...I look at it like this If your right ok then after were done and gone oh well...but if im right and this bible thing is true....man...you just missed heaven ya know...so would you take your chances with a Theory which at some point will be changed again....or The Bible and faith in God which has been the same just translated a little different


Guardian of Asgaard
So there is plenty of evidence supporting evolution and the big bang. Please provide me with a shread of evidence god DOES exist

Where is this evidence...it's a theory....Big Bang ...Evolution....are Theories.....Therories time and time again are have been tossed out the window... becuase there is always something changing...my bible has said the same thing for how long..... I got a question for you this whole evolution theory...if we evolved from primapes then why arnt we evolving and why havn't we evolved physically as those theories supports???...historical Documents show that we have looked the same for thousands of years...you go off that ok....they found Jesus' buriel grounds.....they have found documents detailing the life of these biblical characters.. theres your proof and historian say the bible is the most accurate book ever written... I think I'm going to take my chances...I look at it like this If your right ok then after were done and gone oh well...but if im right and this bible thing is true....man...you just missed heaven ya know...so would you take your chances with a Theory which at some point will be changed again....or The Bible and faith in God which has been the same just translated a little different

Your bible has only survived because the sword dictated what people believed, from the start your precious book killed opposition to its dominance.
Big bang theories involve complex mathematics, physics and other sciences, they're not just providing another Godly theory with no evidence what so ever. There is no proof the bible is accurate, history is corrupt, and authors write what they have to just to stay alive. Use your reasoning sir. We studied the bible in my last year of high school and its rediculously unreliable.
I'd rather live my life the way i want to and cop the heat if im wrong than live a half life just in case there is judgement at the end.


I'd rather live my life the way i want to and cop the heat if im wrong than live a half life just in case there is judgement at the end.

That there kind of scares me that you can say that....if I could give it to yuo like this....OK say your right and theres no judgement and we just die oh well were just dead and nothing after that...right...But what if I'm right....you go to hell and burn for eternity it just doesnt seem to fit on your end....A half life I'd say that my life is better now that Im saved then when I was in the world and i've only been saved 5 years so i know both sides....what your saying to me is you'd rather risk going to hell then just submitting to God... Look at it like this really what do you have to loose ya know....nothing.... but you gain eternal life...the last thing I wanna see is someone go to hell because they would rather "risk" it...... wouldn't you rather have the "fire insurence".........

God's Love