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No Religion - Nearly 10 Million Australians.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
I'm one of the almost 10 million non religionists to complete that census.

I don't know what it means but I hope it means people are getting smarter and realise we would be better off without religion.

Well I put in Baha'i, be interesting to see how many did this Census.

I see the world will choose faith in the future.

Regards Tony


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
It is good news. If you want to claim that faith will be the answer some day I have only one question: Why isn't there any rational evidence for it?

I see there is ample logical and rational evidence.

Depends upon out chosen frames of references.


Regards Tony


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
I hate to say it: You're wrong, Tony.

We humans need to come together in global harmony. Since religion's only undeniable characteristic is its tendency to divide people into thousands of sects, it's not destined to bring us together. It's an obstacle to be overcome.

Well it is not me that said it will happen. It is in the Writings of my chosen Faith.

Luckily the Message of Baha’u’llah has shown us how to come together in a global harmony.

Unity in our Diversity.

So time will tell, that is for sure.

Regards Tony

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The 2021 Census was completed by over 90% of the population and thus returned useful data.

Religion was interesting.

View attachment 64098

I see this is a trend that was foretold, but there will come a time when people realise that Faith is the only way to help humanity.

What are your thoughts?

Regards Tony
I think faith is a coping mechanism, religion a vehicle that either works for you or it dosent.

Many are pragmatic now on the religious front. imo


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I don't see religious faith as the only way to help, I don't even see at as a way to help.

Praying and saying im thinking of you is of no benefit to the starving. What helps is action.

If course faith may/does help the individual with faith, giving them a false sense of having done something to help.
Excellent points. How sick do we all get with the endless functionaries saying "our thoughts and prayers are with the victims...?" Because far, far too often, if your understanding of the problems and dedication to resolving them through action caused you to do something -- perhaps there wouldn't have been victims!

And how much better would that have been?


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Interesting research. Although "No Religion" does not mean "Atheists" by default it could be. Must read more on the study.

If you can, give me a source to read the full study. If not just ignore this post. Maybe this is a paid view so I might not get full access.

Thanks Tony. Good study IMO.

This is the result of the 2021 Australia Census sent to all households.

The data is still being released.

You should be able to get all material currently available at this link.

2021 Census product release guide

It was only released 28th June, so it will take time until it is broken down to more researchable data.

Regards Tony

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I see there is ample logical and rational evidence.

Depends upon out chosen frames of references.


Regards Tony
Yes, you said that there were. But from a frame of reference where one reasons rationally there does not appear to be any evidence. From an irrational frame of reference one may think that one is making sense. And one would be gravely mistaken.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
I think faith is a coping mechanism, religion a vehicle that either works for you or it dosent.

Many are pragmatic now on the religious front. imo

I personally see it becomes a way of life where one can give back to their family, community and become a lover of all humanity.

I see that takes great effort, normally well out of one's comfort zones. I would offer not many take the path of faith, as it will offer situations where many levels of tests will visit a person, that they would not face if they rejected faith.

Thus it could be that that the coping mechanisms is a choice not to embrace those extra challenges.

That is a valid view, is it not?

Regards Tony


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Yes, you said that there were. But from a frame of reference where one reasons rationally there does not appear to be any evidence. From an irrational frame of reference one may think that one is making sense. And one would be gravely mistaken.

This is a discussion, so one could see either stance as the irrational stance, is that a fair statement?

Regards Tony

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The 2021 Census was completed by over 90% of the population and thus returned useful data.

Religion was interesting.

View attachment 64098

I see this is a trend that was foretold, but there will come a time when people realise that Faith is the only way to help humanity.

What are your thoughts?

Regards Tony
I agree that faith can be one of the ways forward, but if it's the only way forward, as you say, then Australians would be visibly trending towards greater self-interest and grasping, compared to nations with more believers, no?

Is there evidence to support such a view? I don't know of any off-hand.

I think each of us is capable of helping humanity, and also that governments are capable of policies that help their own people and help others.

The only question is whether we and they make the attempt.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You would need to add to that statement to initiate a discussion.

That could mean anything.

But maybe you are saying good riddance to nuclear missiles? Then yes indeed. :D

Regards Tony
I mean good riddance to this religion things. That the nones and spirituals and such are more in number, good. Religion--as an organized institution--is something we will be better far off with once it is gone.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
In truth if a human says we'd be better off without religion ...science is involved in that status.

As religion was based on a human families need for prayer meditative balances...brain entrainment. And the preacher. After life was sacrificed hurt.

Preacher was the most important status what he believes and interprets from what he reads. Is no different from a theist scientist. As he's why religions were formed. Theist man.

Before science we were not sacrificed so medical was tribal family tended. It then became community organised attendance. Healing and medical of the past was different. It involved religious instruction.

Medical today a review to our medical past would need to balance fake medical cruelty today. As it's become greedy too.

So humans say what I don't need....when the memory of need says I never needed science.

As you took food away. You scorched the ground with invention.

Why humanity lost faith in anything science has ever touched.

Is the exact reason I now depend on a family support that is fast fading.

Congratulations greedy rich man enslaver brother. Your answer about how important civilisation was to you.

Food is the same as resource in life in civilisation. Some countries can produce a glut and are family responsible to assist families whose ground got scorched and flooded.

We can in some countries be self sufficient and produce a glut. So we can share. As family is meant to act as family from the small to large community.

Wise humans grand parents were the traders once of the family. Knew what was needed. We depended on them. They weren't rich as we'd then all be rich naturally too.

Problem of faith. Rich men claim they will care for us. Biggest fallacy ever. As they don't tend families needs.