What do you mean by.. who -- what -- why ?
I'm asking for who told you there might not be questions in heaven or what heaven is like, what you read or saw which indicated to you that there might not be questions in heaven or what heaven is like, and why you arrived at the idea or notion that there might not be questions in heaven or that heaven is a certain way?
The reason I am asking is that your ideas are mainly unheard of. I am familiar with the scriptures from around the world, I am familiar with the scriptures from India as well, and nowhere in what I've read of ancient scriptures is the impression given to me that there are no questions in the various heavens I have read about. The only one that might indicate such a belief are the Buddhists in regard to Nirvana and then the people who believe in becoming One with God (ceasing to exist as an independent intelligence), but this isn't really what people think of when they say "heaven", and instead, "heaven" usually means to people or brings to their mind a location, a place, which they experience as we might experience visiting a park or a nation, a location. In all scenes where such places are mentioned, even in Buddhist scenes of such heavenly places, there are scenes of questions and questioning and answers and discussions. The idea of these locations seemed older in general than the idea that there are is an experience of ceasing to exist, which may also be a misunderstanding of what was indicated by the term Nirvana (being extinguished) which the Brahmins used to question but which may have simply referred to having desires being extinguished (which one may argue that one will feel no need at all to ask anything if one either know or is entirely satiated), yet, even the most "desire-free" of the Buddhist characters seemed to still enjoy having questions asked of them and responding to such, like in the Prajnaparamita sutras.
So the Qur'an has a heaven called Jannah meaning something like The Hidden Garden which is Earth 2.0, and also God's realm, and there seem to be questions and questioning in the descriptions of these scenes.
The Vedic religion had Svarga
Svarga - Wikipedia and other places and there are scenes depicting these where questions are asked.
Questions are asked on Olympus and in Elysium.
Questions are asked in the realms where the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas sit and discuss things among themselves which are paradises and beautiful places.
This is why I was asking where you came by the idea or notion that there might be no questions in heaven? What you are describing might be the state known as "Gnosis" and simply "Knowing" and so not having to ask, but the Gnostics, who like the Buddhists, rejected the idea typically that sexual pleasure was to be associated with heavenly or higher pleasures, and instead associated Sex with Suffering and the cycle of Suffering and the Material World, is what confused me about your comments and questions. So I was wondering where in the world you got your ideas or came by them and what religion or scriptures you are even making reference to?
The Buddhists, Gnostics, and Christians tend to reject sexual pleasure as good or pleasurable but consider it deceptive, temporary, and associate it more with suffering and the cycle of suffering.
The Muslims (and the figure in your display picture resembled how some old timey Muslims were depicted, which is why I wondered too), and others before them and after them tended to view the worldly pleasures as good things, so long as they were indefinitely extended, and this was the earlier notion of what a good Paradise would be, one of lasting or everlasting human pleasures and enjoyments, so we have the Egyptian afterlife, the Muslim afterlife, the realms of the Daevas and Olympus and Elysium, and even Valhalla where all the worldly pleasures can be enjoyed without as many consequences.
Based on the Buddhist type materials, there came ideas that suggested people will become "dissolved" into "non-being" and lose their "self" and individuality, becoming One with the All, which the other religions may also admit to but consider just a temporary state before being brought back to our individual existences and forms separated from God as much as we are now basically and having our independent minds and mental limitations.
The Buddhists and Jain though tended to be of the opinion that people who achieve their highest interests and goals will become Omniscient, basically greater than Gods or God, and even the Mormons believe that people can become Gods in some fashion and so, anyone or anything that is omniscient, has no need to ask questions, but then again, even God who seems to be omniscient is depicted in many scenes in many religions asking questions that don't need to be asked (since there is no priority on efficiency for something with infinite power or time and no needs apparently).
These two versions of Heaven don't usually jive with each other, and you've seemingly introduced a third which is closely related to the Buddhist type in some ways and the Bhakti type which came after it.
So the two factions are:
Pleasure Heaven (Muslims and Vikings)
Selfless Heaven (Buddhists and Gnostic types)
Dissolution One With God (the child of Selfless Heaven)
I'm only interested in Pleasure Heaven, I reject Selfless Heaven and even more so reject or do not want Dissolution (maybe I'll get bored with myself and infinite transformations into things, but why don't I just turn off the ability to be "bored"?)
You made the confusing move of mentioning sex as pleasure (are your genitals really so perpetually sensitive? Is that why the population is so massive there? People just having so much fun with their super sensitive parts?) along with not being able to ask questions because everything is known or something, mixing up in some ways two different modes of heaven mentioned throughout history, one in which there is normal human emotion and questioning (Pleasure Heavens that are just like heightened positive Earth experiences) and the type where people have joined with God or become satiated or omniscient, which usually doesn't mesh with the sex thing typically, since those groups usually don't consider sex to be so infinitely pleasurable in their examples of it.
Yet, I do think there is maybe an idea out there that masturbation or self stimulation or even the really brief orgasm is pleasurable and that maybe "bliss" is like endless orgasms (sounds like hell), so that when one is going OOOO OOOO OOOOH!!! for all eternity, they have no space or time to also go OH? OH? OH?