Flood myths are found in roughly 2/3 of all societies worldwide but they really don't mesh with each other in the vast majority of cases. Why do these myths exist? Because flooding is quite common in most of those areas.
The evidence suggest that the Noah's Ark myth is a reworking of the Babylonian Gilgamesh myth, altered to reflect traditional Jewish values and morals, especially since flooding was not problem in the land of Israel.
Again, the importance of these myths is not whether they may be historically accurate but what is/are their message(s)? Whether an actual flood did or did not occur means nothing today, but what these myths teach about morals and values can mean a lot in today's world.
The Tale of Two Zodiacs
Secrets of the Sphinx - precession of the equinoxes - Platonic year - Great Sphinx
1. Fall Equinox = Pleiades Alignment with Taurus around August 11, 3113 Mayan Creation Date
2. Fall Equinox = Constellation Leo when Jesus as Born around 7 B.C.
3. Fall Equinox Today = September 21-23, 2017 about 33 Days of Movement
When Jesus was born the Constellation Leo Equaled the Fall Equinox, it has moved 33 Days, and because of that God does not acknowledge the position because Jesus was not Born with the Fall Equinox in Virgo, it was in Leo
(Jesus was Born with Constellation Leo in View by the Equinox not Virgo, that is a new law to give Virgo or 9/23 precedence, God invalidates). This Matches the Book of Acts Claim about the dismissal of the Jupiter and Virgo alignment of 9/23, God does not acknowledge 33 Days from 8/21 to 9/23 only 8/21 for Star Wormwoods 150 Days, Acts 19:35.
1. Constellation Leo was Aligned with Vernal Equinox (spring) at the time of the Flood in 10,000 B.C.
2. Constellation Leo was Aligned with the Fall Equinox at the time of Jesus Birth around 7 B.C.
(God is introducing a new Law if God does not identify with Constellation Leo for the 153 Days of Star Wormwood, that is why God said, 2000 Years Ago that God would not give a 33 Day Warning that was the Intelligent Design God identified with in the Old Testament, God rebuked that position, it is no longer valid) (Furthermore, 42 Months from Flight 370 = Constellation Leo or 8/21, same as the Mayan Calendar which illustrates apart of this intelligent design, which goes from 12/21/2012 to 8/21/2017 in reverse of its creation date of 8/11/3113 to 12/20/2012)
(3600 B.C. to 2600 B.C. you have Pleiades (In Taurus) Aligned with the Fall Equinox, now from the Exodus of Moses (Astrological Age of Taurus) to the present you have about 3600 Years, when God identifies with the Movement of Star Wormwood/Nibiru from the Pleiades to our Earth's Sun...............this is the behavior the Mayan Calendar is Reporting, one law with the Babylonian's 3600 Year Prophecy about the "Flood of Fire")
(More Correct)
LUKE 16:21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
(Constellation Leo the Dog)
LUKE 16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
Ancient World Blog: Herschel Petroglyphs Monolith #2 Marks Stars at the Head of Scorpio Marking the Autumn Equinox ca. 3000 B.C.
1. (Spring) Vernal Equinox of August 11-21, 3113 B.C. in the Pleiades (Mayan Creation Date) = 33 Degree Alignment with Pleiades/Orion/Sirius and the Celestial Equator.
2. (Spring) Vernal Equinox rested in Constellation Leo in 10,000 B.C.
Fall Equinox Actually rested in Constellation Leo on August 21 when Jesus was Born, today the Fall Equinox rests 33 Days later in 9/23,
God specifically has identified with Constellation Leo or August 21: for the Great Flood of Noah, For the Creation of the Homosapien, and For the Events of Revelation's 5 Months. (Why is God going to change his pattern now when he has already said not to Virgo and Jupiter in Acts 19:35? Good Question, he won't).
Ancient World Blog: Herschel Petroglyphs Monolith #2 Marks Stars at the Head of Scorpio Marking the Autumn Equinox ca. 3000 B.C.
JOB 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
1. 33 Degrees for Pleiades/Orion/Sirius
2. 33 Degrees for Arcturus (Bootes Nose of Sphinx) and Constellation Leo (or Leo and Pole Star Polaris)
God has described "33 Degrees for 33 Days" in the Old Testament, God immediately rebukes this position in the New Testament, because God does not give a warning, and specifically with Star Wormwood. That is the unifier between the Flood of Noah and Today, NO WARNING, so it is 153 Days in August and not 8/21 to 9/23 for 33 Days (no more time, no seven years, no nothing) Love and Blessings:
Spirit = Son of Man (Jesus) or Son of Man (Angels)
Water = Gospel Law (multiple accounts) or Bible (single account)
Blood = Earth or Science
That is your failure to not identify with the Antichrist, the lifespan is limited, furthermore, Unarius and their 9/11/2001 + 16 Years to "Three Days of Darkness" they claimed came from an angel, really hit the mark...................secondarily you have 70 Years (Daniel 9:2) from Roswell UFO Incident, and 42 Months from Flight 370 (that is the buff for the Bible)....................Finally, you have resonances in the earth's sun and magnetic field, along with astrology and other branches of science like global warming, so you don't have an excuse to be dumb and blind but that is your pleasure)
(You have less than 5 weeks to entertain your pleasure with the antichrist in violating his body, or, to challenge God's Word about opening up the portal to Noah's Ark, that your choice, as your time to kill genetic dan for the sign of divorce comes to a close along with your lives, you may change your decision in your final moments)