I've been pretty much mobile phone free for my whole life, only have a dumbphone (Nokia) in case of an emergency and never used it, so I don't get why people are so obcessed with them. Then again, I'm very introverted and hate "social" media. Yes I put that into quotes because a lot of people are being anti-social looking at their phones when you want to spend time with them. It's a huge peeve of mine. It won't hurt to not look at it for a few hours or *gasp* a few days. You use up hours of your life to spend with this person, because you love and care about them, and all they can think about is to look at their phone? I don't know, it's sort of insulting to me. If you want to be social, how about actually paying attention to the people around you?
Anyway, this sort of craziness is not surprising. I'm sure there's people who do have a phobia of not having their phone.