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non-belief = hell?

There are many religions where if you don't believe in "X" god you will go to hell. So, if that is the case and lets assume that it is, will people who have never heard of these religions go to hell?

Example is amazon tribes who have no religion and have never even been in contact with the concept of religion. Will god send them to hell?


Liebe ist für alle da
Other then Christianity and Islam can you name any more of these "MANY" religions that clam Hell for those that don't believe? Now I'm not putting down your thread, it's just I;m tired of the Generalization of religions based on people only knowing about Christianity and Islam.
Though yes they say that those that don't believe go to Hell.
Ok ok I'm new here and obviously don't know the finer points of all religions. Forgive me as I am not trying to be a smart mouth. This is an honest question comming from a person who doesn't believe in any god. However, I am very very interested and respectful of religious people.

That being said, for the 'few' that do say this, christians and islamists being estimated as over a billion each (that's 2/3 of the planet), do people who don't know about god forfeit their soul to hell? Wouldn't god have some kind of 'save your soul' clause? 'Forgive them as they do not know' type thing?


Guardian of Life
Ok ok I'm new here and obviously don't know the finer points of all religions. Forgive me as I am not trying to be a smart mouth. This is an honest question comming from a person who doesn't believe in any god. However, I am very very interested and respectful of religious people.

That being said, for the 'few' that do say this, christians and islamists being estimated as over a billion each (that's 2/3 of the planet), do people who don't know about god forfeit their soul to hell? Wouldn't god have some kind of 'save your soul' clause? 'Forgive them as they do not know' type thing?

Well, I'm not Christian, but Paul says:

Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
Wow. Myself, my parents brought me up explaining that everything was made by the universe and I didn't even learn about religion until I went to school. So, If I would have died when I was a young child, I would have gone to hell? Simply because I was totally unaware of god?

I mean, I know this is a bit of an abrasive question and I kind of already know my answer, but, I am wanting to know why folks who believe this can think it is correct and right. I think it is totally unfair to damn someone to hell simply because they do not venerate a certain god (or obey a church's will is more to the point). I think this is a scare tactic so that people keep going to church and such.

Civilized feedback is much appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
According to LDS (Mormon) beliefs, you or those others would not go to Hell.


Guardian of Life
Wow. Myself, my parents brought me up explaining that everything was made by the universe and I didn't even learn about religion until I went to school. So, If I would have died when I was a young child, I would have gone to hell? Simply because I was totally unaware of god?

I mean, I know this is a bit of an abrasive question and I kind of already know my answer, but, I am wanting to know why folks who believe this can think it is correct and right. I think it is totally unfair to damn someone to hell simply because they do not venerate a certain god (or obey a church's will is more to the point). I think this is a scare tactic so that people keep going to church and such.

Civilized feedback is much appreciated :)

I believe that God would not send a person to hell based solely on the fact that they did not profess believe in His "son". This is (partly) why I left Christianity.


Are there? Because I can only think of Islam and Christianity (and maybe Zoroastrianism) as the only religions where non-believers go to hell.
I was thinking the same thing. The majority of religions are neither 'repent or burn' types, nor do they proselytize, methinks.
I was thinking the same thing. The majority of religions are neither 'repent or burn' types, nor do they proselytize, methinks.

Yes but 2/3 of the planet are christians or islamists so that's why I said that. Sorry for putting them into one big bowl. Like "TheKnight" said, I don't think god would send people to hell SOLELY for not believing. If there is a god, I think that all you need to do is to be a good human and do good things. The rest are scare tactics from the church so they can have power of the masses.

I might be wrong and please correct if I am, but there is nothing about hell or satan in the original bible. That was added later like a slew of items the church added in order for the bible to have more mass impact.

Again, with all due respect, I would really like to see a response that explains how the bible is still true and 'god's word' after all the modifications it has gone through since the bronze age when it was written. Same probably goes with the Qur'an though I know so little that I don't want to venture a guess as to if it has been edited.


Guardian of Life
Yes but 2/3 of the planet are christians or islamists so that's why I said that. Sorry for putting them into one big bowl. Like "TheKnight" said, I don't think god would send people to hell SOLELY for not believing. If there is a god, I think that all you need to do is to be a good human and do good things. The rest are scare tactics from the church so they can have power of the masses.
God only requires that we behave in a loving way. Even if one doesn't obey all the commandments, one cannot go wrong with loving his neighbor and treating all those he encounters with kindness.

I might be wrong and please correct if I am, but there is nothing about hell or satan in the original bible.
The Jewish Tanakh (The OT) doesn't mention hell whatsoever and the word Satan is only used 18 times in the entirety of the Tanakh. The times where Satan is mentioned, he isn't seen as some malignant evil counter-God force, but as a loyal angel to God.
TheKnight, thank you very kindly for the info. It lights up my mind a great deal. :)

So, from what you are saying, the original testament did not contain lots of what is in the bible now a days am I correct? Would anyone agree that the bible has been altered and edited over and over and over in order to make the religion stay on top? I mean, since men wrote their accounts of what Jesus said, didn't men also edit these words to suite current times, and continue to do so?

Since men are corrupt by nature, isn't it true that the bible itself could be edited by earthly men to make sure it stays the ultimate word? Are there any examples other than the man made hell and turning satan into a scare figure instead of an angel?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Example is amazon tribes who have no religion and have never even been in contact with the concept of religion. Will god send them to hell?

Of course not. God only sends to hell those who have been blessed to hear of his divine love for them.


Guardian of Life
TheKnight, thank you very kindly for the info. It lights up my mind a great deal. :)

So, from what you are saying, the original testament did not contain lots of what is in the bible now a days am I correct? Would anyone agree that the bible has been altered and edited over and over and over in order to make the religion stay on top? I mean, since men wrote their accounts of what Jesus said, didn't men also edit these words to suite current times, and continue to do so?

Since men are corrupt by nature, isn't it true that the bible itself could be edited by earthly men to make sure it stays the ultimate word? Are there any examples other than the man made hell and turning satan into a scare figure instead of an angel?
All I can say with certainty is that some Christian versions of the Bible contain purposeful mistranslations...

I wouldn't know whether or not the Tanakh has been changed. I believe that it hasn't though.
Of course not. God only sends to hell those who have been blessed to hear of his divine love for them.

Well, now that I am getting educated, the original testament didn't even speak of any hell. So, I now consider hell a fabrication of human minds that wanted to scare others into staying with the church. I guess this is a christian topic instead of an all around religious debate.

I just wonder how much more of the "new" testament is made up to please the masses. Not to be a fire starter of course, but this itches my mind a great deal and I respect all opinions. As always, your feedback is most welcome and appreciated.
All I can say with certainty is that some Christian versions of the Bible contain purposeful mistranslations...

I wouldn't know whether or not the Tanakh has been changed. I believe that it hasn't though.

Well, this is the first time I hear of the Tanakh and I might check it out. All I knew was the new testament though I didn't even read it since I was brought up in a different way. I always thought the bible in general was a guide book for folks who didn't know what was right or wrong on their own. Thank you TheKnight once again.

Anyone who thinks you go to hell if you don't believe in god, post your thoughts! I'm pretty sure hell doesn't even exist at this point. :)


Democratic Socialist
i have a genuine question for those of you who are members of religions that dont have a hell. its something ive been curious about, if your religion has no punishment for non-belief/knowledge, then what is the point? i mean, what do you gain from it? im not trying to criticize you for your belief or anything, i just dont get it. how i see it, if theres nothing lost, then theres nothing gained. will my non-belief be treated equally to your belief?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
i have a genuine question for those of you who are members of religions that dont have a hell. its something ive been curious about, if your religion has no punishment for non-belief/knowledge, then what is the point? i mean, what do you gain from it? im not trying to criticize you for your belief or anything, i just dont get it. how i see it, if theres nothing lost, then theres nothing gained.
Understanding isn't enough?

will my non-belief be treated equally to your belief?