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non-belief = hell?


Democratic Socialist
Well, I value knowledge for its own sake.

as do i. but i consider this sort of thing unknowable. which is why i dont see the point. if you consider it knowable, and really believe there is some way to find out, then i could see the reason for trying, but i dont.


Liebe ist für alle da
What is this hell you speak of? :cool:
Well you see most people misspell it, it's just Hel will one L.....^_^
And it's one of the places in Norse mythology where people go when they die. Oh and the name of the being you rules there :angel2:
i have a genuine question for those of you who are members of religions that dont have a hell. its something ive been curious about, if your religion has no punishment for non-belief/knowledge, then what is the point? i mean, what do you gain from it? im not trying to criticize you for your belief or anything, i just dont get it. how i see it, if theres nothing lost, then theres nothing gained. will my non-belief be treated equally to your belief?

I see religion as a way for folks to believe in something. Anything. Think about it.. Just about every civilization has had some kind of religion. It is a way of keeping people in line with some guidelines. Back when there was no electricity and so forth, you would get a tooth ache, and the priests would come in and bless your mouth. Now a days, we know better.

However, that which we can't explain like death and the beyond, is still not explained. That is why religion still thrives. Again, that is why I say that religion gives an answer to something that can't be answered.. (yet) It is the ultimate way of keeping people docile and in line. The only problem is that religion is man made and man is corrupt by nature. Therefore, religion is not about good, it is about power over the masses. Which is a shame.

There is a silver lighting though. Take from religion what you think is true and right, and leave the rest. I would say most of what we call religion now a days is just about money and power. It should be about love for all people. As explained in this topic, hell doesn't exist, it is man made fiction, and I think pretty much everything else is made by people who wanted control of populations. There is some good in all religions, there is plenty of idiocy,I rather see my fellow human brother believe and be happy than see him/her be a non-believer and be miserable. Sometimes, all you have is faith. Only the fortunate have more.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
as do i. but i consider this sort of thing unknowable. which is why i dont see the point. if you consider it knowable, and really believe there is some way to find out, then i could see the reason for trying, but i dont.
Actually, I don't think it's knowable, myself. But just because it's impossible doesn't mean there's no point in trying.


Democratic Socialist
Actually, I don't think it's knowable, myself. But just because it's impossible doesn't mean there's no point in trying.

attempting to know that which is inherently unknowable would seem to be futile and a waste of time. it would seem a better use of one's time to try and learn things which can be known.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
attempting to know that which is inherently unknowable would seem to be futile and a waste of time. it would seem a better use of one's time to try and learn things which can be known.
Maybe to you.


Democratic Socialist
Maybe to you.


but, when all is said and done, who is going to have more knowledge of god or the after life? a person who spends their life trying to know what cannot be known, or someone like me who simply shrugs it off? the fact that it is unknowable would mean that neither have a better understanding.

if spending your time trying to know this stuff makes you happy and all that, then fine. but as the value of the knowledge gained, there is none, because no knowledge will have been gained.


ThrUU the Looking Glass

but, when all is said and done, who is going to have more knowledge of god or the after life? a person who spends their life trying to know what cannot be known, or someone like me who simply shrugs it off? the fact that it is unknowable would mean that neither have a better understanding.

if spending your time trying to know this stuff makes you happy and all that, then fine. but as the value of the knowledge gained, there is none, because no knowledge will have been gained.
What's important is to try. Even the smallest chance of success is lost if you don't.


Democratic Socialist
What's important is to try. Even the smallest chance of success is lost if you don't.

what are the chances of knowing something that cannot be known? there is no chance of success. but there has certainly been a result in trying, savage cruelty brought about by just 1 more needless thing that divides people.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
what are the chances of knowing something that cannot be known? there is no chance of success. but there has certainly been a result in trying, savage cruelty brought about by just 1 more needless thing that divides people.
Cruelty has nothing to do with theology, only human nature.


Democratic Socialist
Cruelty has nothing to do with theology, only human nature.

i agree. if there wasnt religion, people would still find reasons to brutalize each other. im saying its simply another needless division. and most certainly the most needless of all.
i agree. if there wasnt religion, people would still find reasons to brutalize each other.

It's already going on. Some countries are better than others on that end.. Personally, if anybody touches my daughter, they better run dang fast. Some countries they SELL their children..

Is god looking at our minute to minute, there is a purpose for everything? Debate Religious Debate about religion. SHOW ME THE MONEY and be nice with all that I meet!


Well-Known Member
Religions can be about more than avoiding punishment. There can be a sense of community, a sense of peace or fulfillment from traditions and ritual. But religion can also be full of nonsense, intolerance, prejudice, hate.

That's why I like Unitarian Universalism -- not that there is no prejudice or intolerance there, even nonsense. But because it is creedless and non-dogmatic, everything is open for questioning, and tolerance is held up as a virtue. It has a history of participation in social causes, as does Unitarianism before the merger of the Unitarian and Universalist churches (which were still considered Christian at the time, but also creedless and therefore theoretically open to all religions, like modern Unitarian Universalism.)

I suppose people join for different reasons, but I like the community, meeting people of different ideas, beliefs, and religions, the social causes, diversity, learning about different faiths, and sometimes even learning about science in church. I can enjoy those things without having to be punished for not being Unitarian.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
Well, now that I am getting educated, the original testament didn't even speak of any hell. So, I now consider hell a fabrication of human minds that wanted to scare others into staying with the church. I guess this is a christian topic instead of an all around religious debate.

I just wonder how much more of the "new" testament is made up to please the masses. Not to be a fire starter of course, but this itches my mind a great deal and I respect all opinions. As always, your feedback is most welcome and appreciated.

Well, when you're subject matter is an invisible being that controls every aspect of the universe.... How do you determine which books are "made up", and which aren't? Why is anything in the Old Testament any more "true" than the stuff in the New Testament? Why is hell any more "real" if it is (or is not) mentioned in the Tanakh as opposed to the New Testament?


Democratic Socialist
Well, when you're subject matter is an invisible being that controls every aspect of the universe.... How do you determine which books are "made up", and which aren't? Why is anything in the Old Testament any more "true" than the stuff in the New Testament? Why is hell any more "real" if it is (or is not) mentioned in the Tanakh as opposed to the New Testament?

its not, because no one knows. the chances of any religion being correct are slim. if any are, its by sheer luck. their all guesses and theories on a subject no one has any solid information on.