Two poles of human existence: positive and negative/heaven and hell correlates.
Both available while alive or not at all. The goal or purpose of living, if mind grabs attention to think it NEEDS purpose, is to experience existence independent of the body and be able to call the body back to attention and remember/testify to the experience. All revealed literature have their reference from experience possibilities had while being able to call the body from memory. Without a brain, there is no existence because memory is that by which we detect change. No change, no existence.
I am IGNOSTIC, not agnostic. I was in a boiler explosion two weeks afore my sophomore year in high school. Was eating, at noon, at a hamburger joint at the counter, looked up to see a hospital room at night, 10:30, and I could not sit up or touch the top of my head with a tremendous pain.
No memory circuits being "tickled" to a stable memory so there was NO existence, not Heaven, not Hell. But I do, from other explorations stand with my feet below Hell and my head above Heaven. All such references based on experiences of the living including my own view of the East Gate of Eden, not the other entrances, and the blockade there, the burning bush, the flaming sword. Nope, no getting back to Paradise by that entrance for sure.
The living purpose AFTER experiencing Heaven and Hell comes from doing battle in the physical against the enemy: PSED (Pain, Suffering, and Early Death.)