All this attention North Korea has been getting recently is really irritating to me.
North Korea doesn't matter; they're a pathetic joke.
They're the nation state equivalent of the short bus.
The only threat they pose to anyone is the threat they pose to themselves.
They pander to international media (which is going to buy their garbage because it makes for an interesting media narrative) because their leadership is terrified by how weak they are and how ineffective they would be if they were ever to act aggressively towards another country and how ineffective they would be in defending themselves if any other nation decided to stop laughing at them, set aside their pity towards them and went after them.
The threat I see isn't a direct one to the Americastan.
Its the possibility of war with S Korea, which could
very well happen due to provocation & even by accident.
Recall that USA & USSR almost went to war because
of automated system faults. However it begins, we'd
draw in.
A short bus can be driven by a murderous psychopath,
or the brakes could fail.