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(not a) True Story

Me Myself

Back to my username
Tell a story if something that really happened to you, but inside the story tell a lie (or several lies)

The lie may be something completely irrelevant like "guy with a blue shirt" was actually wearing a red one in real life. Or the story could be so outrageiously ffalse that the only true part about it was that "yesterday I was in the garden" .

That's it :D

Go! lie to us! :D


Wonder Woman
Not a story for this thread, but it did remind me of something.
As an "ice-breaker" exercise during training for a job I started once we did "two truths and a lie". Where everyone went around the table and read off three things about themselves. Two things were true and one was a lie and everyone else was supposed to guess which was the lie. Was pretty fun. I can't remember if anyone actually picked out my lie correctly :p


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
This is a true story and it happened exactly as I am telling it, down to the very least fact. (teehee!)

I discovered while dating her before we married that my first wife had a peculiar sexual kink. She became very excited -- unusally excited for her -- when having sex in places and locations that were public enough we risked being caught in the act.

When I met her, she was all but a virgin -- she'd only had sex once before and that was in England (so it doesn't really count as sex since the English are so very English about sex that not even a one of them can get really passionate) --- so she was still very much finding out what turned her on.

It was by chance, then, that we happened to one day make love in a library cubicle. The cubicle, of course, was as all cubicles, open to one side. I was the instigator, and I did not intend for it to go beyond mere kissing and fondling. But to my surprise, she took over and enthusiastically proceeded right through kissing and fondling to excitedly undressing us and then the rest.

That was my first clue she had some kinks in her.

We only got caught once. It happened when we were making love in some bushes that, as it turned out, were way too close to the sidewalk that passed by a busy theater. It must have been our movement that betrayed us, because both my future wife and I were silent as we made love. But someone did indeed spot us and then there were audible gasps and "oh my gods" from the sidewalk. The funny thing is I could feel my future wife climax just as I heard an "oh my god" that wasn't her own. I had to suppress my laughter at that, because it struck me at the time as hilarious.

Years went by and the two of us got married. As sometimes happens with married couples, our sex life became less and less adventuresome. My wife suffered greatly for it because she could count the months and even the years since we had last had sex in a semi-public place.

At last she could stand it no longer. She thirsted to satisfy her kink. And that's why she eventually left me for one of Chicago's last remaining elevator attendants. You see, it was a natural fit for her to find happiness with a man who ran an elevator. The two would meet for trysts almost daily. Whenever no one but they were on board the elevator, they'd have their way with each other. I simply could not satisfy her to the same degree as he could. There was no competing.

To this day, I wish them happiness as they ascend and descend the skyscraper where he works.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Here's yet another absolutely true story. Back when I employed people, some of my employees (both male and female) seem to have been sexually attracted to me for little or no other reason than the fact I was their employer. Today, I sometimes say that sort of attraction is for "the mystique of the boss". But here's the thing -- when it was happening to me, I never caught onto it.

That is, the idea anyone would be sexually attracted to me was not something on my radar because I somehow had formed the notion that bosses were for most everyone a natural turn-off. So, I always failed to correctly interpret the signals that people were sometimes giving me. Signals they were sexually interested in me.

For instance, I had a habit of conducting most business meetings while everyone was standing up because I believed that was a practical way to help make meetings short. And I at one time employed a drop-dead, knock-out gorgeous young woman who was majoring in design and whose art was already on permanent display at the Museum of Tokyo despite that she was only 19 or 20 years old! Now, in meeting after meeting, that young woman would stand just to my side and behind me, and then press her breast into the back of my arm.

I noticed it the first time she did it, of course, and every time thereafter, but I totally misinterpreted her gesture. Instead of thinking she meant something by it, I thought she did it because she somehow was unaware that her breast was squished against me! I even asked my wife, in total innocence, if it was typical of young women to not be aware of what their breasts were touching. Of course, my wife just looked at me like I was an alien from Jupiter.

Even when that same young woman made a made a more straight forward pass at me, I still didn't pick up her meaning. I was too firmly set in my notion that bosses are turn offs to see things her way.

In hindsight these days, I can recognize that a small number of people made passes at me back when I employed people. Yet, I never once at the time figured out those passes for what they were. It seems to me that my ideas about what should be the case can overwhelm what is the case. At any rate, that's my story and every word of it is true.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
By the way, a frubal (if I haven't run out of them) to anyone who, within three guesses, accurately spots even just one of the lies in my stories.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Your wife never went to England. You never had sex in a bush. You don't have hindsight.


Well-Known Member
"so it doesn't really count as sex since the English are so very English about sex that not even a one of them can get really passionate"

You don't really believe this


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I also think you are a still a bit sore about her leaving you and you do not wish them happiness, that was a lie :D

Nope, I really do wish my first ex happiness (and my second too). It wasn't always that way, though. After my first left me, I was miserable for over six months. Then one Saturday morning I woke up unexpectedly happy, almost joyful, thinking that she had done me a huge turn for the good by leaving me and thus ending a really lousy marriage I myself would not have had the wisdom to end. I still feel grateful to her.