Well-Known Member
This is not for a deep question and debate..
Seriously though why the hell are we here?Not here on RF but anywhere..Or does it not even matter..
I mean what the hell are we doing?Eating and going to the bathroom and having sex and having more babies?Trying to figure out how not to die sooner?
I'm to the conclusion its idiotic.It absolutely makes not one ounce of sense whatsoever..
I personally love it how you made a thread about the "meaning" of life that was titled "Not for deepness" - hahaha! xD
But seriously, you're correct - there is no universal valid point or reason for existence, we're just here and I guess we sort of try to define a purpose for ourselves. It appears to me that this, almost instinctive, drive to construct a meaning or purpose in our lives is the primary motivator for so many Human accomplishments, like religion, culture, politics, war etc.
Personally, I somewhat take comfort in the fact that we know so little about life, and how it's such a mystery. Surely it would be depressing and boring if we already "figured it out" with regards to existence and everything - just acting as drones to comply to the "correct" protocol of how to think, act and live (amongst other things) and with no room to purely wonder.