Ok, so first off lemme say this.
I do believe that some form of higher power exist in the world. I am pretty much against all of the bigger religions like Muslim and Christianity. I've looked at the evidence and all throughout history and there has been nothing to prove me that the christian god exists.
The thing is I'm not even really looking for proof. It's just the bible itself contradicts itself so many times and we don't even have a lot of records for most of the people in the bible outside of the bible itself, but anyway.
I've been looking into a lot of eastern religions and religions that are paganistic in general. Basically looking at a religion that doesn't act like it knows it all.
The thing is, while I see no harm in looking up this stuff, my family and community in which I live is seriously hardcore southern baptist. I live in north east texas aka the bible belt. I'm worried if I start looking at information about not just different gods but more than 1 god that my family will try to have me excerised or something.
Finally, is there a religion that has a higher power but doesn't pretend to know everything? Like i'm fine with you know if they say that when you die you go on into the afterlife, im fine with that. I just hate it when religions can't explain anything so they do the whole "God did it" thing. Also, when religion blatantly ignores facts like the age of the earth and evolution, etc. Again im looking into eastern religions and pagan beliefs, there are just so many.
Heres basically a brief summary of what I believe
1) Support gay rights
2) Tend to be liberal on most things
3) Would rather have questions without answers then answers that shall not be questioned
4) Have no problem believing in more than one god.
5) Don't care for mainstream religions (Christian and Muslim, Mormonism, etc.)