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Not taking the bible literally


Well-Known Member
If you're not one of the christians who take the bible literally, how do you decide which parts are real and which ones aren't? what are some examples of events that you believe did happen as described, and some parts that you believe didn't?

do you believe that it was originally intended to be taken literally?

Bob Dixon

Look, every culture has its mythologies. All mythologies are there to convey a message, to prove a point, not to be taken so literally.

It's not too difficult to distinguish between when it's to be taken literally and when it isn't. For example, in the story of Noah, he takes 2 or 7 of every animal ever on his boat. This is impossible, but we must remember that that's not what the story is about. It's about a fall from grace and a new beginning, a second chance at things.

When the narrative is largely historical, however, then yes, take it literally. For example, when they say something like, "and then Jesus said this and that", take that literally, as in, yes, he did say that (well, according to that Gospel, of course).

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
Forgive me if this is inappropriate, but it occurs to me that these discussions inevitably focus on what Christians call the Old Testament and yet Jews are not invited to the discussion. I'm fine with that if that's the intent. If not, you may wish to have the thread moved.
If you're not one of the Christians who take the bible literally, how do you decide which parts are real and which ones aren't? what are some examples of events that you believe did happen as described, and some parts that you believe didn't?

do you believe that it was originally intended to be taken literally?
For that time frame-yes it was literal as they lived it out-falling short of Judaic Law always-hence the need to them-for sacrifice of animals-was humans before Moses uplifted them from that abhorrent practice-only took him like forty years-but I digress- as atonement for their failure to live up to the Law-also hence the need for a Grace Doctrine-cause no-one gets to heaven by the Law.We all fall short of it.
I stick to what is assigned to Jesus as His words and teachings. No, I don't sacrifice animals-neither did Jesus-so no-one takes the Bible literally-many claim to but if they used that altar in the USA to sacrifice animals=animal abuse advocates would be all over them! To stone people? criminal assault as it should be in both cases.
Ex: I don't agree with the word 'prisoner' as this very word flies in the face of God's second greatest gift-Free Will-God's greatest gift is Life-
The rest- how we have this life is up to the creation. No one is a prisoner as a result of free will=contradiction in terms. So when any translation goes against the basic tenets of God [for Christians] i.e.,gives away their free will is not spiritual truth-for Christians.

Muslims call themselves slaves to Allah(swt) too bad, as they are not, they are devoted to Allah(swt)-not slaves<-[human doctrines taken to extremes makes people slaves]-not God.- many Christians call themselves slaves to sin and prisoners of God. UGH-Who would want to believe that free willingly? I am a child of God and I feel my free will intensely-would not give it up as God gave it to me and God does not abrogate God-God does not go against God-I'm a willing Volunteer for God.
The heart of the message here is-unity-not union, not uniformity of thought-unity-
I allow the Spirit within me to guide me, as a pilot allows for the navigator and questions not the coordinates given-
Ephesians 4
Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ
1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;
5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Forgive me if this is inappropriate, but it occurs to me that these discussions inevitably focus on what Christians call the Old Testament and yet Jews are not invited to the discussion. I'm fine with that if that's the intent. If not, you may wish to have the thread moved.
I often wonder too why Christians focus on the Old Testament-I never did-because to Christians=Jesus is 'the man' and the Son of God to us who says "Follow Me"<-which is not Old Testament-> as to your point of course Jews are an integral part of any discussion about the Abrahamic God. Jesus was Jewish too-even though viewed as a heretic to Judaism-which Jesus was-Jews to me are most welcome-as you study what Christians call-the 'Old Testament' and study it far more closely and historically than Christians do-
I enjoy learning the History and the background that Christians just don't have unless they too go to school for that purpose. unity is my mantra not uniformity of thought-so if up to me-I say-Welcome and please-post away :)


Mother Heathen
If you're not one of the christians who take the bible literally, how do you decide which parts are real and which ones aren't? what are some examples of events that you believe did happen as described, and some parts that you believe didn't?

do you believe that it was originally intended to be taken literally?

It's not so much deciding which parts are real and which aren't. I value it all as being real and having significance - I just believe that I have the ability, as a believer to my own interpretation, considering the fact that the bible was written by men who themselves, interpreted that which they saw, heard and perceived.

I interpet that which I read and apply it to my life with spiritual guidance.

The church intended for the bible to be taken literally.


Oldest Heretic
It's not so much deciding which parts are real and which aren't. I value it all as being real and having significance - I just believe that I have the ability, as a believer to my own interpretation, considering the fact that the bible was written by men who themselves, interpreted that which they saw, heard and perceived.

I interpet that which I read and apply it to my life with spiritual guidance.

The church intended for the bible to be taken literally.

Which church intended it to be taken literally... None of the European mainstream ones for sure.


Well-Known Member
Jesus' lineage is traced all the way back to David, Abraham, Noah and Adam. Jesus spoke of the days of the Flood of Noah, and spoke of Adam and Eve as well. Peter also wrote of the flood and said in the last days scoffers would come and not believe it happenned. I believe these were real people and events written to warn and teach us.


Veteran Member
I do not take any of it as the literal word of God. At best it if filtered through the minds of men.

I do not take any of it as the literal word of man. At best it is filtered through the mind of God.

The Bible states all Scripture is inspired by God. [2nd Tim 3vs16,17]
As having God for a Boss, the writers served as God's secretary.

1st Corinthians [2v16] says: Who has come to know the mind of God that we may instruct Him? But we do have the mind of Christ.
What can you find wrong with Jesus teaching [his mind] about the Golden Rule, the Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus new commandment at John 13 vs34,35 ?


Forgive me if this is inappropriate, but it occurs to me that these discussions inevitably focus on what Christians call the Old Testament and yet Jews are not invited to the discussion. I'm fine with that if that's the intent. If not, you may wish to have the thread moved.

Not at all inappropriate, I wonder this as well. It would nice to get a Jewish point of view as well. I guess sometimes people just don't realize what the Bible is.


Question Everything
Jesus' lineage is traced all the way back to David, Abraham, Noah and Adam. Jesus spoke of the days of the Flood of Noah, and spoke of Adam and Eve as well. Peter also wrote of the flood and said in the last days scoffers would come and not believe it happenned. I believe these were real people and events written to warn and teach us.

I agree - however I will add that:

1.) we do not have all the details
2.) some things in the Bible have been lost/changed over the years.
3.) some things have been misunderstood.
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Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I don't think there was an original intent at all. The Bible is a composit so at best you would have several original intents one for each source at least. I think some of the geneology was intended to be literal but I'm not sure its all factual.


Oldest Heretic
I do not take any of it as the literal word of man. At best it is filtered through the mind of God.

The Bible states all Scripture is inspired by God. [2nd Tim 3vs16,17]
As having God for a Boss, the writers served as God's secretary.

1st Corinthians [2v16] says: Who has come to know the mind of God that we may instruct Him? But we do have the mind of Christ.
What can you find wrong with Jesus teaching [his mind] about the Golden Rule, the Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus new commandment at John 13 vs34,35 ?

There is nothing wrong withe the Teachings of Jesus, That is as far as we still have them. Even those we still have, are unlikely to all be his undiluted word.

The sermon on the mount is sufficient in itself to build Christianity.

"Building" is to a large extent what we have done, we have taken the fragments of the recollections of Jesus Teachings and added them to both previous and later writings, and used them to construct our religion. Jesus did not even leave us the matrix of a protoreligion.

The Early Christians were no better at this than we are to day. Though some of them did have access to now lost work.


Oldest Heretic
I do not take any of it as the literal word of man. At best it is filtered through the mind of God.

The Bible states all Scripture is inspired by God. [2nd Tim 3vs16,17]
As having God for a Boss, the writers served as God's secretary.

1st Corinthians [2v16] says: Who has come to know the mind of God that we may instruct Him? But we do have the mind of Christ.
What can you find wrong with Jesus teaching [his mind] about the Golden Rule, the Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus new commandment at John 13 vs34,35 ?

The Bible make no statements of fact... at best it contains beliefs and accounts of recollections about Jesus and others, collected by the various Authors.

It is the best we have.... But not the best we could have. Research has uncovered context and meanings quite unconsidered by the the early compilers of the Bible. And rediscovered documents have given new light to the interpretations. Many documents mentioned by the various authors no longer exist in any form.

Each newly found fragment gives us new light, and adds to our understanding.
If you read through this linked post you will see that some at least now think the writer of Mark was a Gnostic Christian.
It does not bare thinking about, how many other Gnostic writings were Destroyed to establish conformity in the church.


well yes literal except as jesus said he spoke in parables for a reason......few there be that find it....not 2 billion....seek ye first the kingdom of heaven....start working out where you are and what the hell is going on literally as soon as you can think....i mean is heaven a place or a level of authority....some cryptic like a lot of revelations,daniels prophecies...dealing with the illuminati's plan to do what theve been programmed to do...i mean dick cheyney said ,"we didnt choose where god decided to place the worlds minerals and oil...".i say jesus was the greatest swordsman to have ever lived but everyone will say bs....who taught peter to use a sword or the rest of them for that matter. then he said to treat everyone like you like to be treated...best bit of social advice ive ever heard......have fun with this guys...


Well-Known Member
I guess the interpretation, whether it should be taken literally or metaphorically depends on the context of a particular biblical verse. For example: Mark 16:18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." If I am to take that literally, that verse states that I am immune of poison (because I believe in Christ), but of course there are no Christians that are immune to poison just because they are Christians. In the Catholic denomination, we seek the teachings of the Church so that we'll know when a particular verse states something symbolical or literal so personally, I'm not having much problems with this.
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Well-Known Member
Forgive me if this is inappropriate, but it occurs to me that these discussions inevitably focus on what Christians call the Old Testament and yet Jews are not invited to the discussion. I'm fine with that if that's the intent. If not, you may wish to have the thread moved.
I would be encouraged to here a Jewish point of view.