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Now ISIS boasts about invading the Vatican: Propaganda magazine says terrorists will 'conquer' Rome


Dominus Deus tuus ignis consumens est
Staff member
Premium Member
Now ISIS boasts about invading the Vatican: Propaganda magazine says terrorists will 'conquer' Rome and 'break your crosses'

Islamic State jihadis today issued a clear threat to the heart of Christianity, as they published an image of their black flag flying above the Vatican.

In a picture on the cover of their official magazine showing a mock-up of Caliphate-controlled Rome, the militants’ flag is superimposed on the obelisk in St Peter’s Square.

It is the front cover of the fourth edition of the ISIS online propaganda magazine Dabiq, which calls in its latest issue for a war against the Catholic Church

The article in Dabiq - named after a town in northern Syria where in 1516 the Ottomans defeated the Mamluks, establishing the last Islamic caliphate - also urged faithful Muslims to attack and kill ‘every Crusader possible’.

It added that ‘it is lawful to kidnap the women of the infidels and use them as sex slaves’.

Read more: ISIS propaganda magazine says terrorists will 'conquer' Rome | Daily Mail Online
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Dominus Deus tuus ignis consumens est
Staff member
Premium Member
The vatican isn't on the list of things that I'm worried about.

Perhaps not, but there are Catholics in Syria and Iraq who should be on the list - because along with the Kurds, Shias, Yazidis and others - ISIS could actually fulfil its insane, sick fantasies on them. The destruction of ancient Christian communities in Iraq and Syria is one of the most serious humanitarian crises happening over there.

This verbal attack on Rome, the centre of the Catholic religion, is an indication of their plans for Catholics in the region - Syriac Catholic and Orthodox communities over there pre-date Islam and ISIS is intent on eliminating every shred of their history and heritage, as with Yazidis and Shia Muslims.
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Premium Member
The Islamic state may wish to conquer me and my kind, but I have a fully armed/loaded SA-47 ready to shove up their ***. :bat: I say to them, bring it on!

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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The Islamic state may wish to conquer me and my kind, but I have a fully armed/loaded SA-47 ready to shove up their ***. :bat: I say to them, bring it on!


A keyboard?


:shrug: Lol.


Premium Member
So, if ISIS gets control of the Vatican what would change?

Not much accept, for ISIS "death to the infidel" is taken literally, whereas, in Christianity "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" now days is more of a passage in a book.

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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
well...True Christians have nothing to worry about.
Isis can destroy bodies and buildings. But they can't destroy souls.
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Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Why does the rhetoric of Muslim extremists always make them come off like 9-year olds with severe learning disabilities and overactive imaginations?


Lol there are hundreds of millions of Catholics who would defend Rome, even some atheists who have some cultural affinity to Catholicism would defend.

ISIS is delusional...but they are winning even with the airstrikes.