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Do you find nudity offensive?

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I think thay used to be eyes so we could stare dead on without being caught.

Fat Old Sun

Active Member
I've always liked nudity, but was not comfortable being nude myself for quite some time. I noticed that it changed as I drifted further and further away from religion.

Shame is a very important part of control. If you can erode a person's pride and self respect, making them feel miniscule, they will take your word over their own feelings.
truthseekingsoul said:
Lastly, although I'm unsure what you are attempting to insinuate with your final statement I have an idea. Well, buddy, for all I knew you may well have been a European muslim, African American, or Aussie, the little slogan you used "ppl like you" reveals more about yourself than me.
Maybe we started off on the wrong foot maybe I mistook your humor for sarcasm ... and that’s why I said "ppl like you"... I am sorry if that hurt you in any way but you have to understand.....in most non Arab non Islamic chartrooms or forums most ppl will just pick on you and call you names the moment they read a nick like that, but it doesn’t really matter anyway ....I think we should focus on the main issue here, lets see now;

You said:

truthseekingsoul said:
* Nudity is our natural state, sexual arousal is a programmed and completely natural response.
-If Nudity is our natural state why do you wear cloths to go out?
-I never said sexual arousal is wrong, I meant being aroused by nudity or porn is not the right way for arousal.The right way is at home with your wife, and of course arousal is a completely natural response and that’s why by exposing ourselves to arousing material such as nudity we get aroused " some of the time" and thus need to do something about it "some of the time " too , and I think the only right way to do that is through marriage.

truthseekingsoul said:
* Most (non-religious) doctors will not tell you masturbation is damaging but the opposite.
Well I think religion is an essential part of our lives and omitting its influence on our opinions is unwise.

truthseekingsoul said:
* AIDS is believed to be caused by a virus called HIV,
So you get Aids from the HIV virus that is in the water you drink or does it just float around in the air and you just breathe it in?
Get real - Aids is a sex related disease that usually comes from irresponsible sexual intercourse between random ppl, it spreads in societies that do not regulate sex in any way but is rare in societies that do.

truthseekingsoul said:
, illegitimate children are children born without married parents, and single mothers can be divorced, widowed or separated.
I know what illegitimate children are and what a single mother is , I don’t think you are reading me at all , my point is nudity and porn puts the society in a sort of "HOT" state more than it already is ,and helps increase all the sex you see around you which in turn helps increase sexual diseases and the number of children born without married parents, which in turn helps destroy society because of all the money being spent on the ill and because an illegitimate child being raised by one parent is never as stable as a normal child who had both his parents around to raise him let alone those of them who are raised on the streets or in orphanages because their mothers simply can't care for them cause she never wanted to be a mother in the first place it was just a ” mistake “.

I am not saying nudity is the cause of all that ,I’m saying it is one of the things that contribute to the whole situation.



Veteran Member
TamerAhmad said:
-If Nudity is our natural state why do you wear cloths to go out?

To keep warm. To look trendy. To preserve modesty. Could be a whole range of reasons, and the reasons will differ between societies. Doesn't make nudity unnatural and it is useless to assert otherwise.

I wear clothes, but am able to see that the clothing we are born with is the clothing meant for us. You might want to look at some of the science vs religion debates where the evolutionary role of clothing has been discussed.

TamerAhmad said:
-I never said sexual arousal is wrong, I meant being aroused by nudity or porn is not the right way for arousal.The right way is at home with your wife, and of course arousal is a completely natural response and that’s why by exposing ourselves to arousing material such as nudity we get aroused " some of the time" and thus need to do something about it "some of the time " too , and I think the only right way to do that is through marriage.

Exactly, 'you think'. Which is fair enough for you, but I can think for myself.

TamerAhmad said:
I think religion is an essential part of our lives and omitting its influence on our opinions is unwise.

Which religion? There are thousands of them.

TamerAhmad said:
So you get Aids from the HIV virus that is in the water you drink or does it just float around in the air and you just breathe it in?
Get real - Aids is a sex related disease that usually comes from irresponsible sexual intercourse between random ppl, it spreads in societies that do not regulate sex in any way but is rare in societies that do.

AIDS is not a disease but a collection of infectious microbes, rare cancers and deteriorative conditions, linked ambiguously by the correlation of anti-HIV antibodies.

You may notice that in the developed world AIDS is considerably lower than in the developing nations of Africa and Asia. Are we to imagine the poor are having 'sexual intercourse' with 'random ppl' day and night and this is the cause of their problems?

Or are you suggesting irresponsibility is the problem (i.e. unsafe sex) and not nudity or even sex?

TamerAhmad said:
I know what illegitimate children are and what a single mother is , I don’t think you are reading me at all , my point is nudity and porn puts the society in a sort of "HOT" state more than it already is ,and helps increase all the sex you see around you which in turn helps increase sexual diseases and the number of children born without married parents, which in turn helps destroy society because of all the money being spent on the ill and because an illegitimate child being raised by one parent is never as stable as a normal child who had both his parents around to raise him let alone those of them who are raised on the streets or in orphanages because their mothers simply can't care for them cause she never wanted to be a mother in the first place it was just a ” mistake “.

I am not saying nudity is the cause of all that ,I’m saying it is one of the things that contribute to the whole situation.

Nudity contributes to none of these problems. Pornography has, in some quarters, been blamed for all sorts but never anything that could be proven.

½ Sane

"I'm a mess"
Lightkeeper said:
I prefer the mystery of hidden treasures. :lol:
Yep, layer by layer. Slowly layer by layer.

I don’t see anything wrong with nudity but I do have a fetish about certain types of clothing.

The Stevie Nicks look, Mmm layer by layer. :D
To the person who asked, men have nipples because at the beginning of development in a womans womb, females and males are the same.


Well-Known Member
huajiro said:
I remember living in Germany when I was a child and seeing nudity everywhere....you get so used to it that it becomes more natural and acceptable, and you really don't think about it. I believe that there are two things that keep us from being able to walk around nude, the Christian Church, and the porn industry. Both profit from our laws against it.
Interesting....why just "the Christian Church"? Last I heard, Muslims don't go for public nudity either.


Well-Known Member
SoulTYPE01 said:
Age old question - Why can men go topless and not women? I think it's more of a sacred belief than an actual LAW.
No...in many places it's the law. Look under "decency" laws. Since they look at women's breasts as sexual parts (yeah right....my infant looked at them as food and tub toys) they can enforce it under the decency laws.

Fat Old Sun

Active Member
SoulTYPE01 said:
Age old question - Why can men go topless and not women? I think it's more of a sacred belief than an actual LAW.
It really is a shame. I support a woman's right to go topless.:D
I think clothes are to keep us warm. Ad why not look good at the same time? Some trads of wicca practice skyclad. I'm a bit shy myself, but as long as i can wear an undershirt and a pair of pants or some jammies, I'm ok.


The Celt
I find it offensive when i drive down the street and someone walking down the sidewalk moons you (which happens often in my town). otherwise, the human body is fine. I still would personally rather see clothes on a person, if not moral reasons, then at least to see some color.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I just don't want to see people's "sexual organs". I do not object to people being nude around other people who consent to them being nude, like a nude beach, nude bar, whatever. Just, not walking down the street, or at Wal-Mart.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I find nudity (when practiced by me) very offensive. Other people can do what they want, but I have no right whatsoever to offend others with the sight of me, without clothes. UGHH!!!:eek:


Maize said:
Why is being nude such a taboo in our society? If God made us and our bodies, how can anyone object to seeing a naked human body? I'm not talking about anything sexual or pornographic, just simply the human body. What are your thoughts?
It depends on how good you look. The last thing I want to see when I am at the market is an unhealthy naked person. Perhaps it is to help capitalism - disgusted people are not likely to spend a large amount of money. However, Europe has no problem with nakedness. You have to be careful over there :eek:


NetDoc said:
haha! nudibranchs. :D

i'm betting if folks just casually went around naked all the time, we'd get used to it and the shock / grossness would lessen.

bodies are bodies.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
There's been 1655 views of this thread...I'm personally responsible for 1344 of those views, and yet there still isn't any nudity to be found here! A case of false advertising, or what???