Let me ask you a very simple question. If the White House was occupied by a President that was not a Democrat and the Senate majority was not of the Democrat Party yet the House had a Democrat majority and the Democrats in the House were constantly opposed to the philosophy of the President and Senate would you say that the Democrats in the House were opposing the Senate and the President because they viewed "compromising" as a dirty word.
I would need to know whether they were, I suppose. The factors that you describe are not really related to that judgement.
That said, I
have come to see Dems as more reasonable than GOPers. Perhaps a bit too feeble even.
Or would you say they were disagreeing because they felt what the President and Senate were doing was bad for America and they had the responsibility to represent the people who elected them?
Again, it depends on how sane their objections turned out to be, both in form and purpose.
Maybe you and others should take a long hard look at why the Republicans are opposing Obama. I think if you really put your philosophy aside you would see that when there is opposition to a economic and or foreign policy it is because the opposition really thinks that it is harmful to the country.
That is probably true, which leads to the question of how legitimate, sane and healthy that stance is. There is legitimate opposition and then there is something else.
I guess it comes down to how representative of the GOP the perceived movers and shakers truly are.
So, what Obama is saying is neither true or false. He is not being disagreed with because he is a Democrat but because his policies both foreign and domestic are what they consider bad for the country and it is their responsibility to try and oppose it.
If and after they consider whether their own impression and its expression are both reasonable and sane, that is.
Can you not also say that the Senate and the President will not compromise with the Republican majority in the House because it goes completely against their philosophy.
Apparently not, going by what I can gather of the news.
There is compromise but only when it does not totally go against the others economic and foreign philosophy.
Or, most telling of all, the short-term political advantage. I have a hard time believing even, say, Newt Gingrich truly believes what he defends. But Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin are something else entirely. Those are quite simply nuts.