December 10, 2013, 08:20 am
Poll: Obama's approval on economy unchanged
By Mario Trujillo
"President Obama’s
approval rating on the economy remains at
37 percent — unchanged from last month, according to a new poll. A New York Times/CBS poll released Tuesday found another
58 percent of people
disapprove of the president’s handling of the economy. The jobs report last week, which found the nation’s unemployment rate fell to 7 percent, did little to raise the president’s approval on the issue..."
Poll: Obama's approval on economy unchanged | TheHill
That's about the best news Obama has had for weeks, maybe months -- he's actually starting to find a bottom!
I notice that when these pollsters go about trying to take the nation's "pulse", they focus on either (1) economic matters, as though Americans were all unthinking dogs, caring only about where their next meal will come from, or (2) things people don't think much about, but have heard about in the news.
I get bored as sin with these surveys, and usually just hang up the phone when the pollsters call, because (1) I know where my next meal comes from: it comes from God, and has little or nothing to do with any government, and (2) I don't even watch the TV News, commercial programming, etc. Even if PBS were to call, a network I actually WATCH, I could only comment on about a half dozen shows my wife and I like, and tell them to can their political/social engineering BS programs altogether and just run Oregon Field Guide and British murder mysteries.
Do you know what sort of survey questions I would respond to? If they would ask me truly relevant questions about the Bible. This would have been the case throughout all of the 400 years of North American history, before the "TV Age"; and even today, in the age where people only talk to the person next to them via text messaging, it is the only way one might find a plurality of Americans to give meaningful answers other than something they were instructed to say by some media sound byte.
So much for opinion polls; but so much, also, for people like President Obama, whose depth of conviction on any matter seems to be as shallow as the questions asked on those polls. Obama has picked his milleu, and not risen above it; and he is now mired down in it.
Is he comfy?