I have no idea if this is true or not. But if true, Obama is threatening to put us into the middle of another war and taking the wrong side (again).
Without the approval of Congress.
I have coined a new acronym.
"Civil Service Extremists" or CSE's.
I will be emailing it to two syndicated radio talk shows this evening who have used my stuff before.
The military and any soldier has the right in the United States to refuse to obey the orders of any commander or the President to attack an allied nation in an active conflict without approval of Congress, nor commit a war crime.
This threat is very close to both, now we know why this despot just compared in his threat to the border agents to only obey him and not Congress that they have to follow his orders just as soldiers have to follow his orders or face severe "consequences".
No they don't.
Congress and the US Military needs to tell the Obama-Nixon-CSE and Enemy of Democracy, no, we wiil not follow nor have to follow any such unconstitional order.
Any more evidence of threats like this, threatening or border agents and military with "orders" needs to be responded with his arrest.