The insurance companies will be more gov't regulated and therefore if you require anything major done it will have to be approved.
My doctor told me that once this all goes into effect then doctors that choose not to be part of the gov't plan and keep their own practice open will only be reimbursed the 21% for their services. Since 21% wouldn't cover the costs of surgery he will no longer be able to practice unless he is to sign up to be a gov't employee doctor. Since my doc is older he will just retire at that point rather than do that.
This is why I am asking. I would like to know what other information is out there in regards to this.
It sounds like your doctor is misinformed, and not just a little bit. Everything he said to you was not just wrong, but mind-bogglingly, staggeringly and incomprehensibly wrong. In fact, he's so wrong I would consider reporting him to his professional association for spreading false and unnecessarily frightening information about the health reform bill to his patients. The government has nothing to do with your health care decisions now and they won't have anything to do with it when the provisions go into effect.
I think also you misunderstand the meaning of the word "regulation". The new rules for insurers are that they must spend a certain proportion of their profit on actually providing health care, they must not cut people off for "pre-existing conditions", they must include the children of people with insurance up to the age of 26, and a few other rules that are intended to rein in some of their most murderous, profit-chasing policies. However, there's not much enforcement of these provisions written into the regulation, so it's highly unlikely insurers will comply. Instead, they'll use the bill as an excuse to hike rates and increase their profit margin even more. This bill was written by and for the health insurance industry and big pharma. It is NOT a universal health care bill. More's the pity.
Just a bit of light reading!
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