Personally, I just accept it. The planet is diverse, and there is no one right truth. Once an individual gets that idea in their head, it's relatively easy. But I confess to not being so tolerant of folks who want to convert me, or do think one size fits all. So in the phrase 'mutual respect' the operative word is 'mutual' and perhaps 'respect' should be changed to tolerance. So often the feeling I have isn't mutual. As Sunstone said, people have the absolute human right to believe in what they want to. I don't have to respect some views, as they're intolerant, but we can still tolerate the people holding these views.
This forum in my view, seems to be fair in determining how far one can go with their 'my way is the only way' view.
Thanks, I like
this "there is no one right truth...."
I use in this context "respect", but maybe "tolerance" is better. Never thought about that. Just try to get it clear for myself [I find it an important issue]
When I use "respect" in this context I mean "see the other as a creation of God, who got life and freedom to explore religion in his own way"
Google gave for "respect" 2 definitions:
1): "a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements."
2): "due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others" [Seems to cover "innermost feelings, soul level...." in our context quite well]
Using definition 1) I fully understand `you are not too happy to use the word "respect"`
Using definition 2) I find it quite good to use this in our context. How you feel with this definition? Better? or still not good?
@joe1776 also pointed out to me the word "respect", I like to have it cleared up. Especially because this is an essential part in this context for me.
For me the word "tolerant" misses this "divine connection" that I can feel when using "respect".