Science limits itself, with its own definition, by excluding from consideration what it can’t detect and measure.It is evidence for phylogeny. There is no arguing that. That you will not let yourself understand the concept of evidence causes you to make rather basic errors.
By definition there is no scientific evidence for your beliefs. Are you not at least curious as to why that is the case? The fact that there is no reliable evidence for creationism is why your side continually loses court cases.
And with regard to court cases...there’s a reason why government institutions support restrictions on (what has) religious connotations being taught in public schools, another government entity. It’s not that hard to figure out, that separation of religion from state, plays a factor.
But then, as Judge Jones indirectly implied, science is not interested in finding truth. Only whatever supports naturalism, I.e., what can be detected and measured.
Then answer the question.
Honestly, I don’t know other than similarities of genes.