Not often, but sometimes. I was very much obsessed with vanilla World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade, but Blizzard butchered the magic and wonder in a most horrible and gruesome way when they released Wraith of the Lich King. I tend to obsess over Elder Scrolls games, though I've not gotten any guides or anything else for them. I just love the games and can easily get lost in conversation about them as if I am discussing ancient Greek or Egyptian beliefs and culture. Some of the Legend of Zelda games I obsess over, primarily the first two, Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess. And Castlevania games I definitely obsess over. I've played and beaten them all, know the dialogue of some of the games line-for-line, have pre-ordered many of them, have some collectors items, I have nearly gotten the platinum trophy for the Lords of Shadow games, have played various ones under certain challenge stipulations, I have the soundtracks the games and I listen to them regularly, and I even know how to play several of the songs on guitar and bass. Sometimes I even wish I could erase my knowledge of the games just to relive the first time thrill and face the challenge of the games again - except for the first one and Dracula's Curse, which on their own even on normal mode are widely considered two of the hardest games ever, and because apparently they thought normal wasn't already hard enough they added hard mode, which is way beyond wickedly difficult.