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Occult Checklist

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
At least they didn't mention any books about Cthulhu. *whew*
Of course not. For even they know that to invoke that rage of Cthulhu will end in their very last shard of sanity being forcefully pulled away, and their death's inevitable.

I won't even bother to go over each and every flaw in that list, as there are just too many. The music, martial arts, acupuncture, and Japanese flowers are ludicrous to accuse of being of the Occult. =

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Holy crap!! I had no idea my rock collection was evil?!?

And by rocks I mean stones... egads. That explains all those terrible voices... he he he
*evil chuckles*



Deviled Hen
Do you think these (if any at all) deserve to be on this list? (I think whoever wrote this list was a bit stupid, but that's just my own opinion)

I got as far as acupuncture and concluded the author didn't know his subject matter. sheesh Is this some sort of racist thing? Acupuncture was invented by the yellow horde so it has to be occultic? They have acupuncturists in hospitals now, for heaven's sake. :sarcastic

"When counselling people for deliverance, it is important that all occultic involvement is exposed, including that of ancestors, where possible, as it opens the door for curses. Here is a list of things to check for - which can be handed to the person seeking deliverance.

Does bearing false witness against thy neighbor open the door for curses also? That's what I'd like to ask this guy.

[ ] Apparitions - occultic

As opposed to non-occultic apparitions? I guess seeing images of Elijah or Jesus are okay. One wonders what he thinks of visions of Mary. :shrug:

[ ] Augury (interpreting omens)

OK, well I dunno about curses, but there does seem to be a Biblical prohibition on methods of divination, which might include augury. But I would've thought the problem had nothing to do with "curses" and everything to do with diverting one's attention from the HS, which is the "right" path of inspiration.

[ ] Cartomancy (using playing cards)

This reminds me of a certain thread that shall remain nameless. :cover:

[ ] Chain letters


[ ] Charms and charming for wart removal

Wow, I'm sure that's a big time danger there. Don't more people use duct tape?

[ ] Clairaudience (ability to hear voices and sounds super-normally - spirited voices alleging to be those of dead people giving advice or warnings)

So much for Moses and the burning bush...

[ ] Colour therapy

I'd be shocked if he even knows what colour therapy is.

[ ] Disembodied spirits

I'd think spiritous liquors might produce more curses, but that's just me...

[ ] Dream interpretation (as with Edgar Cayce books)

Oh. Is Freud ok.

[ ] Dungeons and dragons


Yeah, I have yet to hear anyone complain about D&D who knew the first thing about how to play and what's involved.

[ ] Eastern meditation/religious - Gurus, Mantras, Yoga, Temples etc

IOW - any religion I don't like = curses

[ ] Ectoplasm (unknown substance from body of a medium)

I'll keep that in mind the next time I find a slime mold on a shrubbery.

[ ] Floating trumpets

As opposed to...trumpets in the band?

[ ] Gothic rock music

Yeah, right. I heard years ago that listening to "hard rock" make you want to go out and fornicate. I listened to Hendrix all the time and never had the idea...until some "well-meaning" Sunday school rag gave me the idea. Gee, thanks guys!

[ ] Hallucinogenic drugs (cocaine, heroin, marijuana, sniffing glue etc)

I can think of far better reasons for staying away from hallucinogenic drugs. All health-related of course.

[ ] Handwriting analysis (for fortune telling)

I don't know of a single person who does handwriting analysis for fortune-telling, because...handwriting analysis is no good for fortune telling! Since I actually do handwriting analysis and have for years, I should know whereof I speak. harumph

[ ] Hard rock music - Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones

Zeppelin is God.

So there..I just proved his point. haha

[ ] Hypnosis

If you wanna quit smoking, I guess the patch is all you got!

[ ] Iridology (eye diagnosis)

Oh please. Iridology is as dangerous, spiritually speaking, as a barium enema. It's a diagnostic tool and that's all.

[ ] Japanese flower arranging (sun worship)

I guess *Chinese* flower arranging is ok?

[ ] Jonathan Livingstone Seagull (Reincarnation, Hinduism)

Ah, that book was for the birds anyway...

[ ] Lucky charms or signs of the Zodiac or birthstones

Well, guess I'd better toss out all my evil amethyst jewelry.

[ ] Mantras

He's repeated "mantra" in so many places...it reads like a mantra.

[ ] Martial arts (Aikido, Judo, Karate, Kung fu, Tae Kwan Do etc)

He forgot yoga. I'm sure he'll get to that. God forbid anyone get any exercise.

[ ] Mental therapy

Is this one of those anti-shrink dudes?

[ ] Metaphysics (study of spirit world)

Huh? What kind of dumb*** definition of metaphysics is this?

[ ] Mysticism

Yeah, can't have any of that. sheesh...well, it's a common enough trend that the stick-in-the-mud religious leaders don't care for mystics. It's not hard to understand why that would be so.


Deviled Hen
Someone care to explain how D&D is a sign of the occult? It's a frakking game for heaven's sake! And if D&D made the list why didn't Final Fantasy?

It isn't, but there are those in the pulpit who mislead their flock into thinking that playing D&D involves actually trying to conjure up anything and that we actually read incantations.

Right. I don't know about anyone else here, but no one I know would waste time on that stuff. It would take away from going into the kitchen to get another bowl of chips or ordering the pizza.


Well-Known Member
[ ] Black arts

So I guess the blues are out, too. Thats a black art.

I guess it helps to sell your soul at the crossroads since what you're doing is bad anyway. :D

[ ] Cartomancy (using playing cards)

[ ] Chain letters
This may be the one thing I actually agree with. :p

[ ] Charming or enchanting (attempts to use spirit power)
I'd guess 95% of women are guilty of this. Shame on y'all.

[ ] Coven (a community of witches)
Book clubs? Bridge games?

[ ] Disembodied spirits
What about spirits that have bodies?

Is liquor included with this?

[ ] Dungeons and dragons
*hides his tattoo*

[ ] Eastern meditation/religious - Gurus, Mantras, Yoga, Temples etc
That rules out Confucianism, Taoism, Shamanic practices, Cao Dai, Falun Gong, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Zarathustrianism, Sabeanism, Mazdanism, Yezidism, Islam, Judaism, Baha'ism...

...and Christianity. Since it's an Eastern religion as well.
[ ] Floating trumpets
What? o_O

[ ] Gothic rock music

[ ] Gurus
Hear that, all ye Sikhs? :p

[ ] Gypsy curses
That isn't very nice. What about non-Gypsy curses?

[ ] Hard rock music - Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones

[ ] Heavy metal music - AC/DC, Guns and Roses (all heavy rock)

[ ] Iridology (eye diagnosis)
Mmhmm. You optometrists had best be paying attention.

[ ] Occult literature, eg The Greater World, The 6th & 7th Book of Moses, The Other side, The book of Venus, Pseudo-Christian works of Jacob Lorber, works by Edgar Cayce, Aleister Crowley, Jean Dixon, Levi Dowling, Arthur Ford (The Overt Worship of Spirit Beings), Johann Greber, Andrew Jackson Davis, Anton Le Vay, Ruth Montgomery, John Newborough, Eric Von Daniken, Dennis Wheatley.

* Such books should be burned, regardless of cost."

Found here
Book burning is ALWAYS bad.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
It's interesting men create professions of casting out demons and spirits,
but when Jesus casted out an unclean spirit in Mar 5 ,he asked him his name and he said I am legion, we are many.
Well according to culture ,legion was representitive of 6879 soldiers ,so in s split moment, Jesus cast out these demons ,yet we make it a life long project.


Well-Known Member
Someone care to explain how D&D is a sign of the occult? It's a frakking game for heaven's sake! And if D&D made the list why didn't Final Fantasy?

Or sticking to pen and paper RPG's:

Tunnels and Trolls
Chivalry and Sorcery
Twilight: 2000
Call of Cthulhu
Boot Hill
Rabbit Rampage
Space Opera
Flashing Blades
Pirates and Plunder

etc., etc.?



Almighty Tallest
It's interesting men create professions of casting out demons and spirits,
but when Jesus casted out an unclean spirit in Mar 5 ,he asked him his name and he said I am legion, we are many.
Well according to culture ,legion was representitive of 6879 soldiers ,so in s split moment, Jesus cast out these demons ,yet we make it a life long project.
I thought that was an episode of Red Dwarf?


Jesus loves you
I don't agree with the ministry that this site has neither do I believe that Christians can be subject to occult curses, however the list in itself represents a whole load of things I would have no part of ( and every Christian that I know personally) the same goes for this list of cults off the same site:

* 1 Timothy 4:1 says: "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons..."
Ananda Marga Yoga Society, Anthroposophical Society (Eurythmy, Rudolf Steiner, Waldorf Schools); Astara, Bubba Free John; Bahai; Buddhism; Children of God (Family of Love); Christadelphians; Christian Science; Church of the Living Word (John Robert Stevens "The Walk"); Church Universal and Triumphant (Elizabeth Clare Prophet); Confucianism; Divine Light Mission (Guru Maharaj Ji); Druids Lodge; ECKANKAR (Paul Twitchell); Enlightment (heightened awareness, nirvana, satori, transcendental bliss, god-realisation, expanded consciousness, altered perception of reality, cosmic consciousness etc); Esalen Institute (Michael Murphy); e.s.t. (Erhard Seminar Training); Foundation faith of the Millenium (Robert de Grimston); Foundation of Human Understanding (Roy Masters); Freemasonry; Gurdjieff/Subud/Renaiisance (Esoteric Christianity); Hare Krishna; Hinduism (Karma, reincarnation, avatars, Bhagavad-Gita, Yoga, T.M.); Holy Order of MANS; Inner Peace Movement; International Community of the Christ/The Jamilans; Jehovah's Witnesses (Dawn Bible Students); Krisnamurti Foundation of America; Meher Baba (Sufism Reorientated Inc); Mind Sciences; Mormons (Church of the Latter Day Saints); Mukatananda Paramahansa (Siddha Yoga Dham Centres); Neo-Gnosticism; New Age Movement; Nichiren Shoshu/Soka Gakkai (NSA Lotus Sutra); Rastafarianism; Ratanaism; Religious Science; Rev Ike (Frederick Eikeren Koetter); Rev Sun Myung Moon (Moonies, Unification Church); Rosecruicianism (AMORC); Sathya Sai Baba; Scientology (L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics); Self Realisation Fellowship; Sharmanism; Shintoism; Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship; Spiritualism/Spiritism; Sri Chimnoy; Swami Kriyananda; Swami Rami; Swami Vivekananda (Vedanta Society); Swedenborgianism; Taoism; Theosophy; Urantia; Unity School of Christianity (Charles Myrtle and Lowell Fillmore); Yogi Bhajan (Sikh Foundation/3HO Foundation); Zen.​


Veteran Member
I don't agree with the ministry that this site has neither do I believe that Christians can be subject to occult curses, however the list in itself represents a whole load of things I would have no part of ( and every Christian that I know personally) the same goes for this list of cults off the same site:

* 1 Timothy 4:1 says: "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons..."
Ananda Marga Yoga Society, Anthroposophical Society (Eurythmy, Rudolf Steiner, Waldorf Schools); Astara, Bubba Free John; Bahai; Buddhism; Children of God (Family of Love); Christadelphians; Christian Science; Church of the Living Word (John Robert Stevens "The Walk"); Church Universal and Triumphant (Elizabeth Clare Prophet); Confucianism; Divine Light Mission (Guru Maharaj Ji); Druids Lodge; ECKANKAR (Paul Twitchell); Enlightment (heightened awareness, nirvana, satori, transcendental bliss, god-realisation, expanded consciousness, altered perception of reality, cosmic consciousness etc); Esalen Institute (Michael Murphy); e.s.t. (Erhard Seminar Training); Foundation faith of the Millenium (Robert de Grimston); Foundation of Human Understanding (Roy Masters); Freemasonry; Gurdjieff/Subud/Renaiisance (Esoteric Christianity); Hare Krishna; Hinduism (Karma, reincarnation, avatars, Bhagavad-Gita, Yoga, T.M.); Holy Order of MANS; Inner Peace Movement; International Community of the Christ/The Jamilans; Jehovah's Witnesses (Dawn Bible Students); Krisnamurti Foundation of America; Meher Baba (Sufism Reorientated Inc); Mind Sciences; Mormons (Church of the Latter Day Saints); Mukatananda Paramahansa (Siddha Yoga Dham Centres); Neo-Gnosticism; New Age Movement; Nichiren Shoshu/Soka Gakkai (NSA Lotus Sutra); Rastafarianism; Ratanaism; Religious Science; Rev Ike (Frederick Eikeren Koetter); Rev Sun Myung Moon (Moonies, Unification Church); Rosecruicianism (AMORC); Sathya Sai Baba; Scientology (L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics); Self Realisation Fellowship; Sharmanism; Shintoism; Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship; Spiritualism/Spiritism; Sri Chimnoy; Swami Kriyananda; Swami Rami; Swami Vivekananda (Vedanta Society); Swedenborgianism; Taoism; Theosophy; Urantia; Unity School of Christianity (Charles Myrtle and Lowell Fillmore); Yogi Bhajan (Sikh Foundation/3HO Foundation); Zen.​

Funny enough, they cannot even get our name right. It's the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. :rolleyes:


... the list in itself represents a whole load of things I would have no part of ... the same goes for this list of cults off the same site

"No part", you would have "no part" of any of those groups of people? Wow! Ya see, I find that almost pathetic that you would have "no part" of any of those people. We are talking about people ya know. You can call their group/belief a cult but they are made up of people and many of these people couldn't harm you even if you begged them too. Seriously, is it something that frightens you when you think of a practitioner of Zen, what do you think she will do to you? Do you have any idea what the Zen believer wants from you?

Here's my point Paul, it strikes me as though you have closed your mind to a great many people that could in fact enrich your life, but because somebody has labeled them "cult" you would have “no part”. Take Beckysoup for example, you say she belongs to a cult and you would have "no part" of her cult, but really, why is Becky’s religion so threatening to you? What is she gonna do, take possession of your soul and sell it to the devil? What about all the other folks on this site that belong to a group found on your list? Are these people going to take control of you because they are part of a cult as you claim? If you aren’t afraid of losing control or being deceived, what then drives your exclusionary reaction? It strikes me as though you live in a demon haunted world.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I'm assuming that *Paul* sincerely does not look to other religions as a higher authority than Christ and the Holy Bible. I can't speak for him, though. *waves to him if he's reading this* :)



Melissa said:
Although I have already been accused of doing Satan's work by being critical of the BOM. Wicked ;)

I thought I was the one who got to do Satan's work. I thought that was my job. I thought he wanted me. I thought he loved me. :(

You forgot the various World of Darkness games.

MY WORLD :yes: