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Of course evolution is a religion because . . .


Veteran Member
. . . it suits my purpose.

Ken Ham:

“The Nation’s T. Rex” will be a centerpiece for the Smithsonian—a museum funded by our tax dollars. In reality, then, the government is imposing the religion of evolution and millions of years on children visiting the Smithsonian, while also claiming a supposed separation of church and state! Our tax dollars are funding the religion of naturalism (atheism) and its evolutionary story to be exhibited in the Smithsonian in the nation’s capital!"

Anyone else feel the utter disingenuousness in this remark? Of course Ham has his reason for characterization of evolution as a religion
"Religion is “a cause, a principle, or an activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.”6
(Note that Ham took his definition from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 1996,)

Of course there's nothing wrong with using such a definition, but it allows such activities as baseball, piano practicing, and gay-rights promotion to be regarded as religions.

So much for the integrity of Ken Ham---as if anyone ever thought he had any in the first place. ;)

So as to the debate: Ken Ham has integrity V. No he doesn't.


Coincidentia oppositorum
Of course there's nothing wrong with using such a definition, but it allows such activities as baseball, piano practicing, and gay-rights promotion to be regarded as religions.
Very true.

Even political affiliation and ideology would be religions under that definition, which means politics and the works of the government is promoting itself as a religion... that's a conflict if any!

So much for the integrity of Ken Ham---as if anyone ever thought he had any in the first place. ;)

So as to the debate: Ken Ham has integrity V. No he doesn't.
Nah. He doesn't in my opinion. I heard enough of him to know that he mischaracterize and misrepresent things for the purpose of propaganda.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
If I'm reading this right, he shot himself in the foot by equating a creature supposedly created by God fully formed, with evolution.

From a display in the Creationist Museum, operated by Answers in Genesis, which Ken Ham is founder of:


The Creationist Museum claims T rex was vegetarian, and had huge teeth for cracking coconuts. :facepalm: Really, you can't make this stuff up.


If one perceives evolution to be a religion, and evolution to be bad, then what does that say about religion?


Hammer of Reason
I love these kinds (idiot) of arguments. They deliniate those who can think for themselves from those who will believe as they are told or as they deem necessary, despite reason.

Benjamin Franklin said any religion that cannot stand on it's own without the support of government, does not deserve to stand.

Lay out the reason and let each man choose. Ham needs to make this a war to win. He needs to make this about us v them, evil v good, science v morality, in order to gain 'popular' support and avoid the rationality v irrationality debat.


Its only a Label
Friend Skwim,

Of course evolution is a religion because . . .
It is but with a difference, one is not conscious of it.

Paths/ways/religions are those that makes the individual awake and so is 'REVOLUTIONARY' whereas 'EVOLUTION" happens of which individuals are not aware but still it is taking everyone to that same point.

Love & rgds


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I have some sympathy for Ham. He's trying to employ a tool (reason) which is at
odds with a worldview based upon faith & emotion. He's like a one-legged man
in a butt kicking contest (frenzied & feckless).


Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
If evolution isn't a religion why do we debate it on a religious forum


Premium Member
Religion is a set of variously organized beliefs about the relationship between natural and supernatural aspects of reality, and the role of humans in this relationship

Evolution is a set of variously organized theories about the relationship between natural and supernatural aspects of reality, and the role of humans in this relationship

Look just 2 changes and it works. The changes are underlined.


Hostis humani generis
I wonder how Ken feels about Raelians: atheist creationists.

In addition, I'd love to sit down and find out what he believes evolution is. It seems like so many people who reject evolution reject things that we "evolutionists" don't actually believe (things like how they believe we believe a dinosaur gives birth to a chicken), or believe and propagate things that only a few idiots on both camps hold (that evolution requires atheism. I didn't get the memo for this one, as a theist :p)...

If I'm reading this right, he shot himself in the foot by equating a creature supposedly created by God fully formed, with evolution.

From a display in the Creationist Museum, operated by Answers in Genesis, which Ken Ham is founder of:


The Creationist Museum claims T rex was vegetarian, and had huge teeth for cracking coconuts. :facepalm: Really, you can't make this stuff up.
I would absolutely love to go to something like this... but yeah... I couldn't in good conscience give my money to them.


Its only a Label
Friend Bob,

You did not underline the two differences namely 'Wikipedia' & 'Me'!

rest its understood and fine.

Love & rgds


Premium Member
Evolution is not a religion, the way I see it. You can't and I wouldn't even try to deny some certain aspects of it: It is perfectly obvious that natural selection does indeed happen among other things: We adapt, we wouldn't survive if we didn't


Coincidentia oppositorum
Of course Evolution isn't a religion..

Of course it is! We pray to Darwin every day for guidance.

We pray:

Darwin, our Father of Evolution, hallowed be your name.
Your Evolutionary Theory come
Your natural selection be done, on Earth, as it is in space.
Give us today our daily mutations,
and forgive our genetic modifications of our food,
as we also have forgiven nature creating new viral strains
And lead us not into temptation to let creationism be taught in schools,
but deliver us from Ken Ham.
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