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Oh God! The knower of all….. testing us!!!!!!!!!


Rogue Theologian
That was good....allow me to point out....
the ability to make a judgment call is essential.

Can't stand before God and heaven with a poor sense of judgment.
(knowing good from evil)


Veteran Member
Our happiness, our behaviors, our moods etc largely depend on our brain structure, its connections and a lot of chemicdals. Have you ever heard of mood altering drugs. Put some mood depressors in your blood and "a million dollar" , " the best music", "the best religious verse" etc wont make you any more happy. Put some mood enhancers- and even the ticking of a clock may give you enough and more reasons to laugh uncontrollably. Reduce or intensify the activity of a specific part of the brain and we may end up more gloomy or increasingly levitated. Your gods test and reward system is a failure.
I think its better not to make assumptions and then comment based on those assumptions.
Your assuming that the moods we experience in our bodies on the physical level, can't be experienced by the soul as well. The body is physical, it uses physical components to interact and react to/with the world. The soul is not physical and does not need those components.
The system is working just fine.
What about false memories? There are things that you forget. Such things are contradicting your post. God could have made us even better - with far better intelligence, far more fun loving, far more understanding - that everyone would have passed the test.
Your test system is valid only if your god is an insane moron.
What about false memories? What about things you forget? How are they contradictory to my post.
If G-d would have made us in such a way that everyone was guaranteed to pass the test, well, that's not really a test is it?


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Almost all religion says that that god is testing us how worthy we are – for some religion, life is single long test and in others there are a few occasional short tests that we have to go through.

If I write down a computer loop program that simply shows a random number between 0 and 1000 for every two seconds and runs it – it will show a random number for two seconds, then goes to show another random number and so on. I don’t know which number the computer is about to display but God knows everything – every random number that my computer is going to display even before I start running the program. That’s God. What’s random to us is just predetermined by god.

Our brain is an intricate network of neurological connections that largely determines the way we think, the way we analyze and the outcome of this etc, much of which are out of our control. When we find a unique solution for a mathematics problem when we do something creative (composing music) etc – it is these brain signals (that we are not in control of) that do the job, which we rightfully take the credit for. (God knows how much current will go through in each of these neurological wires, God know what we think and its outcome even before we do).

[Moreover, it is now well understood now that there is nothing like free will. Our likes, dislikes are largely controlled by our subconscious mind something which we can reprogram - to change our likes, dislikes and creativity].

Now imagine this- I am making some tires. I make some tyres out of rubber. I make some tyres with pulped paper, some with brass, some with plastic and some with wood. I know each of its properties and how they are going to perform. I put each tyre on different roads and if the tyre failed to give me a comfortable ride, I will kick them, puncture with a hot iron rod, paint them and then put to fire, put off the fire and repaints them – something I repeat again and again. And if the tyre gave me a comfortable ride, I will make it my sweet pillow. You might be thinking I am an insane moron to do this. But then this is exactly what god is supposed to do for the believers. So aren’t you believers mocking your God with this?

Blessed are the non-believers.

Thanking you.

It is self contradictory for the knower of all to test anything. You test when you do not know something, usually.


- viole


Active Member
I think its better not to make assumptions and then comment based on those assumptions.
Your assuming that the moods we experience in our bodies on the physical level, can't be experienced by the soul as well. The body is physical, it uses physical components to interact and react to/with the world. The soul is not physical and does not need those components.
The system is working just fine.
Isn't soul an assumption?
If i take some pain killers, My physical body will not feel any pain (there won't be brain activity on the areas associated with pain). What about the soul?. I guess the soul too won't. Even i have heared sentences like these - It is the soul that feels pain. If so,, physical things like chemicals can effect soul. our brain wirings can effect soul.

What about false memories? What about things you forget? How are they contradictory to my post.

simple, If god exists, God can put false memories in us (similar to dream)-
you have done such and such good things in your life with such a good intention but you have forgotten it (at this point god put some memories- only to confirm us that we have done such things) - and now i want to reward you for that.

If G-d would have made us in such a way that everyone was guaranteed to pass the test, well, that's not really a test is it?

ofcourse there are good people and bad people here - i agree. Give bad people a better brain connections and they would be better. Why torture bad people in hell just because they have grown up in bad circumstances (and because of bad brain wireings) . rewire them and sent them to heaven. why test - I just can't agree with the concept of testing.
Were you going for a non sequitur here?

I was giving my response to your argument that testing was necessary not for god but so that those that pass can feel even better about themselves that they passed when others didn't. If god set up this "test" this way on purpose I find it difficult to believe he cares much for humanity (whether they pass the test or not). If god is not all powerful/knowing and limited in his ability to guide/interact that would make more sense for a loving/caring god. If god is not a loving and caring creator then the state of this world makes perfect sense.


Well-Known Member
Because the universe is a chaotic place. Things don't come easy. You have to work for it. There are disappointments, tragedies etc. If God kept the world free of every ill then this would be a useless place as a testing ground. It would be like training an army and giving them a training enemy who always does what they (the army being trained) expects them to do. How ready will they be when actual warfare happens?

As for children who die, don't worry too much about them. God knows exactly how he will train and test them. It is his job and he knows how to do his job. Ours is to concentrate on our job on Earth.

I'm not saying God should eradicate pain and disappointment, but that life should at least be manageable and and not prematurely kill you off before you've even had a chance to start the "test".
Where's the logic in that? Why not just eradicate infant mortality and disease in the first place (whilst still letting pain and challenge exist) and then God wouldn't have to bother putting dead babies into a whole separate test chamber?

The whole concept makes absolutely no sense and you know it.


Well-Known Member
and what better way to sort the good stuff from the bad.......let them bang their heads till the blood rolls.

Might does not make right.
but the spirit within us need not fail......just because someone else wants to be 'pushy'.

Even dogmatic faith has comfort knowing heaven is a place of peace.
I believe that peace will be guarded.

Anyone fool enough to bruise my cheek will be met at the Door......in like manner.

Hence the fair warning....
Do unto others as you have it done unto you.

How is letting children die at birth a way of "sorting the good from the bad"?


Well-Known Member
It makes lots of sense. Your problem is trying to dictate to God how he should do his job. He knows what he is doing and he will accomplish all his goals. Apparently allowing premature death is part of his plan. Imagine if people couldn't die before the age of 70. How would God be able to prove that some people are murderous if no one could kill? Why would we worry about taking care of our children if we knew they couldn't die. Human weakness and frailty is essential to progress and you know it!


Well-Known Member
I prefer to report.....Spirit first.
God is believed to be the Creator.

Chemistry is secondary.

Your previous post seemed to suggest otherwise, a sort of "that just pre-determined nature so deal with it".

I would still like a proper answer as to why the Starting Point for The Test was mutated in to something which kills off newly-born Test Subjects before they're even born, or very early in their lives?


Rogue Theologian
Your previous post seemed to suggest otherwise, a sort of "that just pre-determined nature so deal with it".

I would still like a proper answer as to why the Starting Point for The Test was mutated in to something which kills off newly-born Test Subjects before they're even born, or very early in their lives?

The starting point was God's handiwork.
The continuation in random events is part of the scheme of the things.


Well-Known Member
The starting point was God's handiwork.
The continuation in random events is part of the scheme of the things.
It's not a very good testing model then, if a significant percentage of the test subjects die prematurely during fetal development, birth or childhood.

Some design. . . . .


Active Member
Saw it written somewhere....God does not test Man.

but you have a point.....so....have you read the parable ?
the Sower of Seed
I went through it from this link.
Then i went through the parable of weeds.
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them.30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
De-weeding is usually done now- without harming the crops.


Well-Known Member
The design contains death.....
Yeah, at the end of their lives once they've lived long enough to be judged. It's not very smart when God kills off test subject before they've even had a chance to be "tested".

I mean seriously, what is the point in that, describe to me the logic behind that one?


Rogue Theologian
Yeah, at the end of their lives once they've lived long enough to be judged. It's not very smart when God kills off test subject before they've even had a chance to be "tested".

I mean seriously, what is the point in that, describe to me the logic behind that one?

the kingdom of heaven is made of........children....
part of a famous quote.

With favor to their side.....you are complaining?