For the most dense:
A little explanation, after this post the moderators can discontinue my nick and password, I will have written everything I wanted to write to you.
For starters..
New thoughts are scary, they are dangerous. Especially for established religions..
If you don't think this is so.. Just imagine that the earth is flat, since everyone believes it. Afterall authority has been telling it to be that way for so long.. It has to be true.
You try to explain to peers that it ain't. (And get away with it alive!!!!)
I posted a thread, In this thread I posted all the evidence I could find that give an alternative ending to the 911 story, especially the purpetrator part.
Afterall, If everything linked to an certain meme is on an "I believe" basis... We are talking about a religion.
And who says that a religion or a "I/We believe" system of thoughts all have to center around the afterlife.
In no time I was an "disturbed anti-semite"... A label I can easely bare, I have been called stranger or more unfitting names...
People were encouraged NOT to read the threads, and there was no discusion at all about what the postings contained in information, its or their proof for the claims set forth.. Only personal attacks in the traditional "anti semite" form that seemingly were allowed by the mods...
And remember not for saying that jewish people are bad people or should be hated for what they believe.. No.. Not at all, just pointing out that NOT investigated links to 911 with especially the "cheering, highfiving"Jewish players that were arrested in NJ with pictures of the buildings have NOT been investigated.
And what has been investigated has been declared "National Security"...
Well sir, you tell me, what part about the truth, about 911, is by its nature endangering the National Security of the United States of America... What part of the truth could endanger the national security that intense, that the existance of the USA comes into danger if it gets out.... And we are talking about the truth here, not fairy tales, not myths, that easely can be discarded by the truth..
Now everyone and his brother can claim that God or a deity has choosen him or her to do his or her work.. No problem... As long as you stay out of others lives.. Freedom is given.. Never taken.
However, this proclaimed chooseness is only applyable on yourself.. Never on others.. It doesn't mean you are above criticism. It doesn't mean you can't be a murderer, It doesn't mean you can't be a victim... It only means that YOU and everyone that BELIEVES your claim, think that GOD him/her or itself has choosen you.
For everyone else, that this meme (Thought pattern.) doesn't apply to, you are a "normal" human, with normal human rights... And most important the same rights by law.
This comes with presumed innocense... However, 2 months of investigation by the FBI, followed by a deportation to Israel, and all the proof/information gathered during this investigation was declared secret and a matter of national security... Strange way to hold up a presumed innocense.
Anyway, this was about the button issue.
Bastet, you know or should know that you could have engaged in ANY discussion with me, the descision was yours not to do so, for one reason in or with you...
The claim "tearing to shreds", lets just say: "I don't believe you!" and leave it at that.
And conspiracies.. They don't excist.. Noone has a second agenda. Everyone is doing its best to maintian this world for the next generations.
Michel.. The first post deleted, told something about your Tarot card avatar.
The Major 9, The Wise man on the mountain top, shining his light, to look for other lights on other mountain tops.. Not to many know the card also stands for treason.
About right wing or left wing jerks.. I don't care for what side of the coin you preferr to be. Or for what Ideal you love to martyr yourself, if you have such an ideal.. Afterall the human race come with an OR in the "Fight or Flee".
But what you put out in writing, you should stand for.
That brings me to the agreement... One has to agree to...
I guess my signature says it all.. Unless you are a hypocrite American that thinks that being a patriot is having bought a bumpersticker and a little flagg on top of the car as has been proclaimed by authority. But then again.. Seems normal these days to say something else then you feel or claim you stand for....
I will leave you behind with a little piece I wrote...
A free spirit.
Roaming in its own mind,
Without fear of what it may find.
Peeking thru every window.
Opening every door with the key of childish enthusiasm..
Looking for a new place of amazement.
An new viepoint to enjoy.
Another train of words to follow to its end station,
and ponder about the logical conclusion that will follow.
Oh man.. What en enjoyment..
No fear.. Imagine... Nothing to fear... (Can you?)
Not even the things you can imagine or others imaginations as told to you by stories, even the ones that have autoritie since they are written... And so long ago!!!
No politician waving the fear finger..
No cop waving the fear baton.
No priest the threatning sinner.
No racist with his moral stance.
No crime... Hidden in surounded by faked inocence or with a system flag lie. (Anything but read myself.)
Imagine a computer having certain parts of his mind "isolated" because he fears what is hidden in those adresses... And humans are so much more then computers.. Yes indeed, they can walk and if trained right, they even manage to pee in the toilet instead of over themselves... Disclaimer, For the time being and neglecting evolution.
Lie after lie.. Piles of them.. Nicely stacked on date... ?Recognize your mind?
Lies stacked upto where you imagine the ceiling of your imagination.. (Throu wich transparancy I look at you!)
You, who are me... Afterall, I am so, I who am looking at myself... Then... Long ago... Or even now...
Noone of these examples trigger a fear... Nothing I have to watch for out...
Not even the one thing that is so horrifying.. Death..
There is no eternal life. Unless proven.
If existance will continue without physical appearance, is going to stay the question
that will be the last question.
And there are 2 possible answers.. One is in the form of the dissapearing of the question. But not by an answer <Period!> ..
So LOGICAL conclusion, there is NOTHING to fear.
So what is keeping us from partying ourselves tru life...
We have to work.. While nature was supplying us in plentyfull. Well, of course until the church thought that rabbits gave a good example of how to create more rabbits... Ever wondered why we need war after war caused by cousins to get rid of all those people?
We have to obey.. While we have just as many rights as anyone else.
We have to look down.. While we have pride.. Just as much pride as anyone else.
We have to worship.. But are we really worshipping the most important thing... Life, or that imaginairy thing... Death?
We have to fear.. But what is there to fear, that is real?
I Trance, what Am I?
And point is not.. That what or why I have written this is to "wake you up"... I couldn't care less.
Afterall while you are wearing your proverbial knees out from getting by on your knees during your travels thru the valley of shaddows, I dance like there is no tommorow.
I think that is called.. You are free to do whatever you want with your freedom.. But it ends, near anyone elses nose...
And let me emphatise.. the "END" s...
Major Arcana IX
When you are alone you are not alone, you are simply lonely - and there is a tremendous difference between loneliness and aloneness. When you are lonely you are thinking of the other, you are missing the other.
Loneliness is a negative state. You are feeling that it would have been better if the other
were there - your friend, your wife, your mother, your beloved, your husband. It would have been good if the other were there, but the other is not. Loneliness is absence of the other.
Aloneness is the presence of oneself. Aloneness is very positive. It is a presence,
overflowing presence. You are so full of presence that you can fill the whole universe with your presence and there is no need for anybody.
Osho The Discipline of Transcendence, Volume 1 Chapter 2
When there is no "significant other" in our lives we can either be lonely, or enjoy the freedom that solitude brings. When we find no support among others for our deeply felt truths, we can either feel isolated and bitter, or celebrate the fact that our vision is strong enough even to survive the powerful human need for the approval of family, friends or colleagues.
If you are facing such a situation now, be aware of how you are choosing to view your "aloneness" and take responsibility for the choice you have made.
The humble figure in this card glows with a light that emanates from within. One of Gautam Buddha's most significant contributions to the spiritual life of humankind was to insist to his disciples, "Be a light unto yourself."
Ultimately, each of us must develop within ourselves the capacity to make our way through the darkness without
any companions, maps or guide.
Have a nice journey. :162: