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On our Honor... I am shocked and dismayed by this!


NetDoc said:
Scout literature does not forbid "Gays", it forbids "avowed homosexuals".
So gays can be Scouts, as long as they keep their disgusting, sinful, immoral, unnatural sexual preferences a dirty little secret? :rolleyes:

I tell you the truth, if I had a clue how biased some were, I would never have brought this up. You can be sure I WON'T make the same mistake again. It's absolutely disgusting.
So if we don't approve of everything about the Scouts, we are biased? :rolleyes:

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I've always had issues with the boy scouts and thier decisions.
Not that I think the whole idea is wrong, but I do feel that they have been corruped from thier origional purpose. :bonk:



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I was in the scouts, and I think they do a lot of good. The problems they have with gays and atheists sadden me, but I think they will work it out in the long run.


New Member
pah said:
Yeah, they are more like missionaries in and to the wilderness (In the broadest and kindly sense)
See, that was what was odd to me. While both my brother and my long time B/F were Eagle Scouts, they no longer are. I will explain. I understand that they do teach respect and tolerence supposedly in the broadest sense of the word, and for nature as well. But in 2000 there was a national push for a comparitive religion (including pagan,buddist etc.) studies patch. This idea was over turned by the head of teh BSA council, and the current patchs that they can still recieve for 29 other religious studies specifically( Paganism is not among them, nor is athiesm) or the one for religious study(has to be in an approved_by parents or teh BSA..this isnt stated anywhere legally).. To quote this article : http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=41475
"It is true that Congress awarded a national charter – an honorary statement that Congress supports the patriotic, educational or scientific goals of an organization and that the organization is guaranteed rights to its name in perpetuity – to the Boy Scouts of America in 1916. Congress did this in full recognition of the Scouts' right to discriminate.
But it isn't as though membership in the Boy Scouts of America is restricted to evangelical Protestants only. The Boy Scouts are as ecumenical as organizations come. Among 29 religious groups that award patches to Scouts through the Religious Relationships Committee are Armenians, Baha'i, Baptist, Buddhist, Christian Science, Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Episcopal, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish, Lutheran, Maher Baba, Moravian, Mormon, Presbyterian, Quaker, Roman Catholic, United Methodist and Zoroastrian. "
So my guys along with a few well known names like Steven Spielberg turn their Eagle Scout Honor that they had worked hard for in in favor of a more tolerent religious world.
So in all honesty, this whole thing isnt that suprising to me. Sad- Yes. Suprising- No.


Uber all member
Sunstone said:
I was in the scouts, and I think they do a lot of good. The problems they have with gays and atheists sadden me, but I think they will work it out in the long run.
I was too and my father was a assistant troop leader. They certainly make a worthwhile contribution to society.

But I feel it has been worked out. The Boy Scouts have claimed they are a private organization and the Supreme Court agreed. The only thing I see remaining is the infrequent, odd circimastance of an applicant or member being denied membership and the leadership realization that there are just consequences to being a private organization that disagrees with some of society's norms and goals


Well-Known Member
NetDoc said:
First of all... I have issues with the "God" doctrine by the Scouts. However, we don't call Catholics "intolerant" just because they don't allow athiests to be priests, now do we? Looks like a double standard here to me.
We don`t call the military intolerant because it doesn`t train blind people to drive tanks either.
Whats your point?
Your atheist priest argument is ridiculous considering it`s a problem that could not possibly arise.

No, I don`t call the Catholics intolerant because they don`t allow atheist to be priests.
In fact I don`t call Catholics intolerant at all except on a person to person basis.
I do however call the Catholic church intolerant for roughly a thousand other reasons.
The boy scouts is not a religion, well not to anyone I ever met until now.

[quote[ Scout literature does not forbid "Gays", it forbids "avowed homosexuals". [/quote]
So an outwardly gay man or if you prefer the term "flaming" wanted to be a scout leader he could?

You have bought the same load of crapola... why? Because you have not researched what the Scouts really stand for.
Doc I don`t need to know anything other than the fact that they won`t accept me or my children because of our religious beliefs or lack there of.
I need no other information, thats all I need to know the org is non-inclusive and doesn`t see the same value in all people.

However I don`t personally care and I said nothing to bash the scouts.
I simply politely and with respect tried to expalin to you why some people might have a bad taste for the scouts.

I`m kinda wondering why I`m being attacked like this by you.

My first statement was posted in jest (although true) in an extremely lame attempt to lighten this thread up because I could see where it was going.
My second post was just to try to help you see this issue through someone elses eyes and wasn`t antoagonistic at all

I`m sorry if I upset you Doc, it wasn`t my intent

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...

If this came across as an attack against what you said, I am sorry for that. You were not that bad. Criticism is warranted, hate is not. However, some in this thread are clearly trolls and deserve no more of my time.


NetDoc said:
I refuse to rise to the bait of Retrorich's obvious troll.
NetDoc said:
However, some in this thread are clearly trolls and deserve no more of my time.
NetDoc: I do not appreciate your calling me a troll. Although we do not agree on many subjects, I have never reverted to calling you a name. If you think I deserve no more of your time, feel free to ignore me.

One thing you need to realize: When you run a Scout uniform up a flagpole and except everyone to salute, you are very likely to be disappointed. Many people, including me, have serious issues with the Boy Scouts.

If you can't tolerate criticism of the Scouts, you would be better off not bringing the subject up here.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Retro... I did not call you a troll... I called your post an "obvious troll". Please get your accusations straight. Your post was not meant to discuss anything, but to inflame the discussion. That is a classic troll. You can call it whatever you want, but don't expect me to answer questions that are as sincere as "So when did you stop beating your wife?" or "So why are you such a jerk?" Obviously if I thought they were above reproach I would have not posted the link. However, I am not willing to let people unduly libel them either without defending what they do right. Whether it is PC or not, I do not hesitate pointing out hypocrisy or trolls when I see them.